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Güncel Gönderiler

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  • Öğe
    Üst ekstremitede arteriyel ve muskuler varyasyonlar
    (2014) Uysal, İsmihan İlknur; Çiçekcibaşı, Aynur Emine; Yılmaz, Mehmet Tuğrul; Doğan, Nadire Ünver; Ziylan, Taner
    Rutin öğrenci diseksiyonlarımızda, bir erkek kadavranın sol üst ekstremitesinde arteriyel ve müsküler varyasyonlar gözlendi. Arteria radialis'in yüzeyelde olduğu, arcus palmaris superficialis'in sadece a. ulnaris tarafından oluşturulduğu, m. palmaris longus'un yoklu- ğu ve m. extensor digiti miniminin üç adet tendona sahip olduğu tespit edildi. Varyasyonlar embriyolojik kökenli olduğundan aynı bölgede farklı yapılarda normalin dışında görünümler birliktelik gösterebilir. Bu yüzden anatomik ve klinik çalışmalarda bir varyasyon tespit edildiğinde aynı bölgede diğer yapılarda da farklılık gözlenebileceği akılda tutulmalıdır.
  • Öğe
    Ossification of Superior Transvers Scapular Ligament: A Case Report
    (2018) Özen, Kemal Emre; Şahin, Gökalp; Aydın Kabakçı, Anıl Didem; Çiçekcibaşı, Aynur Emine; Aydoğdu, Demet; Akın Saygın, Duygu
    Entrapment neuropathies, also known as nerve compressionsyndrome or compression neuropathy, may be defined as the lesionsof the peripheral nerves under exposure of any kind of physicalstress, including any kind of traumas and inflammatory or edematousprocesses, on the route of the nerve to the target tissue. Whileperforming a radiologic examination of multi-detector computerizedtomography images of vascular structures in the right shoulder regionof a 43 years old female Turkish patient who admitted to ourhospital, we observed a complete ossification of the superiortransverse scapular ligament. This case report, which is discussed inthe clinical perspectives of anatomic variations, puts forth that radioanatomicimages about variations, like the one used in this report, areof importance while illuminating the etiopathologic background ofentrapment neuropathies of the shoulder region.
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    Torokal ve lumbal vertebraların morfometrik olarak incelenmesi
    (2017) Tuncer, Işık
    Amaç: Çalışmamız, lumbal ve torokal vertebraların morfometrik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla düzenlenmiştir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada, Anatomi Anabilim Dalı'nda bulunan 103 torokal ve 53 lumbal vertebra kullanıldı. Bulgular: Yapılan çalışmada, korpusun arka yüksekliği; ortalama (torokallerde 18,96 2,68 mm, lumballerde 25,33 2,69 mm), korpusun ön yüksekliği ortalama (torokallerde 19,29 2,75 mm lumballerde 25,24 2,51 mm), pedikül genişliği; ortalama (torokallerde 27,17 5,50 mm, lumballerde 31,84 4,19 mm) pedikül yüksekliği; ortalama (torokallerde12,672,43mm, lumballerde 13,54 2,08mm), korpusun sagittal çapı ortalama (torokallerde 15,30 2,54 mm, lumballerde 15,08 2,12 mm), korpusun transvers çapı ortalama (torokallerde 33,31 5,62 mm, lumballerde 48,53 6,86 mm ) foramen vertebrale transvers çapı ortalama (torokallerde 20,38 3,10 mm, lumballerde 23,13 2,50 mm) foramen vertebralenin sagittal çapı ortalama ( torokallerde 7,83 4,40mm, lumballerde 11,86 5,00 mm) olarak tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç: Omurgaya yönelik cerrahi girişimlerde anomalilerin, morfometrik ölçümlerdeki değişkenliklerin ve ortalama değerlerinin bilinmesi mortalite ve morbiditeyi azaltacaktır.
  • Öğe
    İç anadolu bölgesi 17-24 yaş grubu tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinde dış kulak morfometrisi
    (2017) Tuncer, Işık
    Amaç: Bu çalışmada, insan yüzünün belirleyici yapılarından bir tanesi olan kulağın morfometrik özelliklerinin ortaya konması amaçlanmıştır.Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışma, yaşları 18-24 arasında değişen 90, erkek 31'i kız ana-babaları ve kendileri doğma-büyüme Orta Anadolu'lu olan ve fiziksel kusuru olmayan toplam 121 Tıp fakültesi öğrencisinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada, kulak yüksekliği, kulak genişliği kulak memesi yüksekliği, genişliği, tragus - helix uzaklığı, tragus - antiheliks uzaklığı, kulak en üst noktasının komissura palpepralis lateralise uzaklığı, kulak memesinin en alt noktasının komissura palpebralis lateralise uzaklığı, kulak en üst noktasının kolumellanın tabanına uzaklığı, kulak memesinin en alt noktasının kolumellanın tabanına uzaklığı dijital bir kumpas kullanılarak ölçülmüştür.Bulgular: Elde edilen veriler cinse göre karşılaştırıldığında sağ kulağın yüksekliği hariç bütün değerler erkeklerde yüksek bulunmuştur (P0.00). Sağ ve sol taraf için elde edilen değerler karşılaştırıldığında sağ kulağın yüksekliği, tragus-helix uzaklığı, tragus-antihelix uzaklığı, kulağın en üst noktasının komissura palpebralis lateralise uzaklığı ve kulağın en üst noktasının kolumellanın tabanına uzaklığı hariç bütün değerler sağ kulakta yüksek bulunmuştur (P0.00).Sonuç: Daha önce yayınlanmış raporlarda farklı popülasyonlarda farklı kulak büyüme ve matürasyon örnekleri elde edilmiştir. Kulağın boyutları ile ilgili yaygın bilgileri yorumlamak için farklı sosyal ve etnik alt yapısı olan toplumları karşılaştıran, ileride yapılacak olan çalışmalara hala daha ihtiyaç vardır. Bu çalışma, aurikülanın boyutları ile ilgili bilgi vermektedir, bundan dolayı aurikülanın deformitelerinin cerrahi olarak düzeltileceği ameliyatların uygun zamanlaması için önemli uygulama alanları ortaya koyabilir.
  • Öğe
    Incidence and anatomical variability of accessory and sesamoid bones of the foot
    (2018) Bakdık, Süleyman; Çiçekcibaşı, Aynur Emine; Arslan, Serdar; Öncü, Fatih; Karahan, Ali Yavuz; Durmaz, Mehmet Sedat; Özen, Kemal Emre
    Aim: We aimed to assess the incidence, mean size, patterns, and types of accessory and sesamoid bones of the foot using computed tomography.Material and Methods: A total of 814 non-contrast-enhanced computed tomography images of the foot obtained from 717 patients between October 2015 and January 2018 were investigated retrospectively. Images acquired in the original axial plane were used to perform multiplanar reconstruction in the coronal or sagittal planes. Incidence, mean size, patterns, and types of accessory and sesamoid bones were evaluated in all images.Results: Accessory bones were detected in 387 (47.5%) non-contrast-enhanced computed tomography scans from 326 patients (45.4%). Sixty-seven patients (9.3%) showed accessory bones on both sides; 133 patients (18.5%), only on the right side; and 126 patients (17.5%), only on the left side. The most common accessory bones of the foot were the os naviculare accessorium (24.8%), os trigonum, (20.3%), os peroneum (14.6%), os intermetatarseum (10.6%), os supranaviculare (3.1%), os supratalare (1.9%), and osvesalianum (1.5%). The hallucal sesamoid bone was observed in all patients, while the interphalangeal sesamoid bone was observed in 34.6% of the patients.Conclusions: The computed tomography scans provided a detailed overview of the characteristics of accessory and sesamoid bones, and the incidence of these bones in our patients was higher than those reported in previous radiographic studies. Our findings can facilitate the diagnosis and management of disorders involving these bones.
  • Öğe
    A comparison of sleep, fatigue and quality of life of asymptomatic and schizophrenic individuals
    (2019) Yıldırım Şahan, Tezel; Bezgin, Sabiha; Sertel, Meral; Kurtoğlu, Fatih; Kılıçaslan Şahin, Hande
    Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the important parameters for life, such as sleep, fatigue and quality of life, between the asymptomatic and schizophrenic individuals.Material and Methods: The study included 38 individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia by the psychiatrist and 39 asymptomatic individuals.All participants of our study applied to the outpatient clinic of Kirikkale High Specialization Hospital, Community Mental Health Center. Sociodemographic information of the individuals was questioned by the evaluation form. Sleep qualities of the individuals were evaluated with Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), fatigue scores were evaluated with Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS), and quality of life scores were evaluated with World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale Brief Turkish Version (WHOQOL-BREF-TR).Results: A total of 77 individuals aged between 20 and 71 were included in the study. The mean age of the individuals with schizophrenia was 40.07 12.14 years, whereas the mean age of the asymptomatic individuals was 43.61 12.19 years.When the quality of sleep and the sleeping medication use were examined between the two groups, it was found that there was a statistically significant difference (p0.05). When the total scores of the sleep quality questionnaires were evaluated between the two groups, it was detected that there was no statistical difference (p0.05).When the quality of life was evaluated between the two groups, it was seen that the physical and social sub-parameters of the patients with schizophrenia were worse (p0.05).It was detected that there was no statistically significant difference in evaluations of fatigue severity between the two groups (p0.05).Conclusion: It was found that individuals with schizophrenia had a lower quality of life than asymptomatic individuals.We think that the physiotherapy and rehabilitation approaches in addition to medical and psychotherapy should be applied to improve sleep quality and quality of life in individuals with schizophrenia.
  • Öğe
    (2017) Şeker, Muzaffer
  • Öğe
    A Different Approach to Anatomy Education: "Sami ZAN, Professor of Anatomy, MD"
    (2016) Şeker, Muzaffer; Yüzbaşıoğlu, Neslihan
    Sami ZAN was born in 1921 in İstanbul. After graduating from İstanbul Haydarpaşa High School in 1940, he enrolled, upon the recommendation of the Ministry of Health and Social Aid, in the İstanbul Faculty of Medicine, İstanbul University. When he had completed his fifth year of education in this Faculty, again by instruction of the Ministry, he was transferred to the then newly-founded Faculty of Medicine at Ankara University. In 1946, he graduated from this Faculty, and after two years, in 1948, he started his first academic career as a research assistant in the Institute of Anatomy, affiliated with the İstanbul Faculty of Medicine, where he became an associate professor in 1955 and a full professor in 1966. He was appointed Chair of the Department of Anatomy of the same Faculty in 1978, and in 1982, he became the Head of the Departments of Morphology and Anatomy. He continued his successful services in this position until his death on the 24th February, 1984 (1). Sami ZAN was one of the prominent professors of İstanbul Faculty of Medicine, who gained legendary fame among physicians and scientists, not only because of his life-long services for and dedication to the Faculty, but also due to his extraordinary method of teaching as an anatomy professor (2). of teaching as an anatomy professor (2). The features that make an academician a successful lecturer can be enumerated as follows: proficiency and competency in the field, team-spirited, sharing his/her knowledge generously with other academics, research fellows, assistants, and especially with students, motivating students and assistants to excel in the field and even become better than him/her, turning no one down from his/her circle, always keeping in mind that the most valuable wealth is to care for people and earn their respect, behaving towards them humbly and not being swayed by the ambition of making more money and without ever forgetting his/her teaching responsibility. After all, the title of teacher is not given by the one who is taught to the one who teaches, but is a type of eminent rank conferred by a third party (3).