Effect of whitening mouthrinses on color change, whiteness change, surface roughness, and hardness of stained resin composites

Küçük Resim Yok



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Mosher & Linder, Inc

Erişim Hakkı



Purpose: To evaluate the effect of whitening mouthrinses on the color change, whiteness change, surface roughness, and hardness of stained resin composites after different immersion times. Methods: Three different resin composites (Estelite Sigma Quick, G-Aenial Anterior, Omnichroma) were used to prepare a total of 90 samples (30 samples from each resin composite). The samples were kept in coffee for 12 days, then divided into three subgroups (Control, Crest 3D White, and Listerine Advanced White; n=10 each). Color change (Delta E-00) and whiteness change (Delta WID) were evaluated at time intervals of 0-24 hours (TO-T1), 0-72 hours (TO-T2), and 24-72 hours (T1-T2). Surface roughness and hardness values were evaluated at TO, T1, and T2 after immersion in mouthrinses. Two-way ANOVA (for color and whiteness changes) and generalized linear model (for surface roughness and hardness) were used for data analyses (P< 0.05). Results: Omnichroma had the highest value for color change with Crest 3D White during TO-T1 and TO-T2. Crest 3D White showed better color changes than Listerine Advanced White. In all composites and mouthrinse groups, the highest and lowest values of Delta WID were at TO-T2 and T1-T2, respectively, with the highest value for Omnichroma with Crest 3D White at TO-T2 and the lowest for G-Aenial Anterior with control groups at T1-T2. The highest roughness values were found with the Omnichroma at T2. Whitening mouthrinses significantly increased roughness and decreased hardness compared to baseline.


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[Keyword Not Available]


American Journal Of Dentistry

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