Hemostatic Efficacy and Histopathological Effects of Ankaferd Blood Stopper in an Experimental Rat Model of Cyclophosphamide-induced Hemorrhagic Cystitis

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Elsevier Science Inc

Erişim Hakkı



OBJECTIVE To evaluate the hemostatic efficacy and histopathological effects of Ankaferd Blood Stopper (ABS) in an experimental rat model of cyclophosphamide-induced (CYP) hemorrhagic cystitis (HC). MATERIALS AND METHODS Forty male Sprague-Dawley rats were included in the study. Firstly, 10 rats were divided equally into 2 groups where the first group was administered only an intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of normal saline to constitute the negative control group (CON). The remaining 5 rats were administered only a single i.p. injection of CYP (without any further treatment) for induction of HC to constitute the positive control group (HC). Subsequently, the remaining 30 rats, which also received i.p. CYP for induction of HC, were divided into 3 groups to which intravesical saline (SAL group), epinephrine (EPN group), and ABS (ANK group) were administered for 3 consecutive days. Ten days after the third instillation, cystectomy was performed for histopathological examination. Specimens were evaluated for presence of congestion, edema, necrosis, ulceration, and regenerated epithelium, and scores were given for each parameter according to the severity. RESULTS No statistically significant difference was observed for congestion, edema, necrosis, and ulceration between HC-SAL, and also between CON-ANK groups (all P values > .05). There was a significant difference for total scores between EPN and ANK groups (P = .009). There was statistically significant difference for regenerating epithelium between CON-EPN, CON-ANK, HCANK, and SAL-ANK groups. CONCLUSION Intravesical administration of ABS is at least as efficacious as EPN in terms of congestion, edema, necrosis, and ulceration. Moreover, ABS can be considered as a better option in inducing regenerating epithelium than EPN. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc.


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