Does the presence of arthroscopically detected stage 1-2 glenohumeral osteoarthritis have any clinical impact on the outcome of arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs? için istatistikler

Toplam ziyaret

Does the presence of arthroscopically detected stage 1-2 glenohumeral osteoarthritis have any clinical impact on the outcome of arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs? 1

Aylık toplam ziyaret

Ocak 2024 0
Şubat 2024 1
Mart 2024 0
Nisan 2024 0
Mayıs 2024 0
Haziran 2024 0
Temmuz 2024 0

Dosya Ziyaretleri

Does the presence of arthroscopically detected stage 1-2 glenohum.pdf 4