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Öğe Chylothorax due to tuberculosis lymphadenitis(2016) Demirbaş, Soner; Kutlu, Orkide; Sakin, AbdullahChylothorax is a rare clinical condition characterized by high triglyceride and low cholesterol levels in milky pleural aspirate. Generally, it occurs through leakage of chyle as result of trauma or malignancy. Chylothorax due to tuberculous lymphadenitis is very rare clinical condition that has only been documented in a few cases. Although precise pathogenesis is not known, enlarged mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes are thought to be associated with opening of collateral anastomosis between thoracic duct and the azygos and intercostal veins by creating pressure on thoracic duct and cisterna chyli. Presently described is case of chylothorax thought to be due to compression from mediastinal tuberculous lymphadenitis, and which had complete remission after antituberculosis treatment.Öğe A rare cause of pleural effusion: adult onset Still's disease(2015) Demirbaş, Soner; Kutlu, Orkide; Kandemir, Bahar; Sakin, AbdullahAdult onset Stills disease is a rare systemic inflammatory disorder. At the onset of the disease sore throat, pharyngitis; which does not respond to antibiotics, one or two times peaking febrile episodes, marked salmoncolored rash on the trunk and extremities, arthralgia, arthritis, myalgia, fatigue, loss of appetite with nausea and weight loss; hepatosplenomegaly and lymphadenopathy can be seen. Among laboratory examinations levels of ferritin and other acute phase reactants distinctly rise, and neutrophilic leukocytosis; ANA and RF negativity are detected. Pleural and pericardial effusions, transient pulmonary infiltration, and rarely myocarditis can be seen during the course of the disease. Here we report a patient who was examined for fever of unknown origin and diagnosed with adult onset Stills disease which is a rare etiology of pleural effusion.Öğe Tracheobronchial Amiloidosis(Aves, 2015) Demirbas, Soner; Kutlu, Orkide; Sakin, AbdullahLocalized pulmonary amyloidosis without systemic involvement differentiates as nodular parenchymal opacities, diffuse parenchymal opacities, or tracheobronchial amyloidosis (TBA). TBA is a condition mostly seen in males aged up to 50-60 years, accounting for approximately 1% of benign lesions in the tracheobronchial tree. TBA is characterized by the accumulation of the amyloid material comprising immunoglobulin light chain (AL), which are observed as submucosal plaques and/or polypoid tumors; progressive form of tracheobronchial amyloidosis can lead to airway obstruction. Repeated excisional treatments, mainly laser treatment is preferable to open surgery. Here, we have presented the case of a patient diagnosed with the rarely occurring localized TBA.Öğe Trakeobronşial amiloidoz(2015) Demirbaş, Soner; Kutlu, Orkide; Abdullah , SakinSistemik tutulum olmadan lokalize pulmoner amiloidozis; nodüler parankimal opasiteler, diffüz parankimal opasiteler veya trakeobronşial amiloidozis (TBA) şeklinde görülebilmektedir. TBA daha ziyade erkeklerde, 5 veya 6. dekatta görülen bir durum olup, trakeobronşial ağaçtaki bening lezyonların %1 kadarıdır. TBA, immun globulin hafif zincirden oluşan amiloid materyelin submukozal plaklar ve/veya polipoid tümorler şeklinde birikimi ile karakterizedir ve ilerleyici hastalık sonucu hava yolu obstrüksiyonuna yol açabilir. Tedavide başlıca lazer eksiyonu olmak üzere tekrarlayan eksizyonel tedaviler açık cerrahiye tercih edilmektedir. Bu yazımızda lokalize TBA tanısı alan bir erkek olgu nadir görülmesi sebebi ile sunuldu.