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    Medical students' knowledge of the disease, frequency of depression, anxiety, stress symptoms, and related factors in the COVID-19 pandemic: A web-based questionnaire
    (Marmara University School of Medicine, 2023) Tanrıverdi, Esra Çınar; Bayraktar, Mustafa; Sincan, Suat; Kasalı, Kamber; Çayır, Yasemin; Şahingöz, Mine; Özkurt, Zülal
    Objective: In this study, it was aimed to determine the level of knowledge of medical students about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), to investigate the frequency of depression, anxiety, stress symptoms and related factors.Materials and Methods: The study is a cross-sectional study conducted with 904 volunteer medical students. Data were collected with an online questionnaire, including sociodemographic characteristics, knowledge about COVID-19, the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale.Results: Mean age was 21.3 +/- 2.2 years, and 54% of them (n=488) were female. Fifty five percent (n=497) thought that their level of knowledge about COVID-19 was sufficient, and 94.6% (n=846) were concerned about the disruption of their education. Their knowledge level was found to be 15.09 +/- 2.43 points out of 23 points. The depression, anxiety and stress symptoms were found in 64.9%, 70.4% and 34.1% of participants, respectively. The risk of anxiety (OR=0.51, 95%CI=0.94, p=0.020) and depression (OR=0.95, 95%CI=1.15, p=0.025) were higher in women. Those with a high fear of transmitting the COVID-19 infection to their relatives had higher symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. (p<0.001).Conclusion: Medical students have a good knowledge level of COVID-19. However, they experience high levels of anxiety, stress and depression symptoms; and concerned about the disruption of their education.
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    How does neurokinin 3 receptor agonism affect pathological and cognitive impairments in an Alzheimer's disease-like rat model?
    (Springer Wien, 2023) Özen Koca, Raviye; Solak Görmüş, Zülfikare Işık; Solak, Hatice; Koç, Aynur; Kılınç, İbrahim; İyisoy, Mehmet Sinan; Kutlu, Selim
    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is accepted as a form of progressive dementia. Cholinergic systems are commonly affected in AD. Neurokinin 3 receptor (NK3R) is involved in learning memory-related processes. It is known that the activation of NK3R affects the release of many neurotransmitters. The aim of this project was to investigate the effects of NK3R agonist senktide administration on neurobehavioral mechanisms in the experimental AD-like rat model. 50 male Wistar albino rats were divided into Control (C), AD, Control + NK3R agonist (CS), AD + NK3R agonist (ADS), AD + NK3Ragonist + antagonist groups (ADSO). We designed AD-like model by intrahippocampal administration of A beta 1-42. After NK3R agonist + antagonist injections, open field (OF), Morris water maze (MWM) tests were applied. Cholinergic mechanism analysis from hippocampus-cortex tissues was performed by ELISA and catecholamine analysis from brain stem tissue were performed by HPLC method. The transitions from edge to center, rearing, grooming parameters were found to be reduced in final values of OF. While the group-time interaction was significant in the OF test findings, there was no significant difference between the groups. In MWM test, ADS group showed a learning level close to control group and animals in AD and ADSO groups could not learn target quadrant in MWM test. The brain stem NA and DA concentrations were not statistically significant. Hippocampal AChE-ChAT levels were supported by positive effects of senktide on learning via the cholinergic mechanisms. As a result, NK3R agonists were found to be effective in improving cognitive functions in rats with AD pathology. In the experimental AD model, positive effects of NK3R on learning memory may be mediated by cholinergic mechanisms.
  • Öğe
    Kutanöz Küçük Damar Vaskülitlerinde Direkt İmmunfloresan (Dif) Mikroskopi Bulguları: Tek Merkeze Ait Deneyimler
    (2018) Oltulu, Pembe; Uğur, Ayşenur; Özer, İlkay; Kılınç, Fahriye; Esen, Hacı Hasan; Fındık, Sıdıka; Ataseven, Arzu; İyisoy, Mehmet Sinan; Avunduk, Mustafa Cihat; Balevi, Şükrü
    Giriş: Küçük damar kutanöz vaskülitlerinde (KKV) direkt immunfloresan mikroskopide (DİF) immun depolanmalar (özellikle IgG, IgM, IgA ve Kompleman C3) gözlenebilir. Dünya literatüründe çeşitli pozitiflik oranları bildiren çalışmalar mevcuttur. Çalışmamızda kliniğimize ait KKV’lerinin DİF mikroskopi sonuçlarını sunmayı amaçladık. Gereç ve yöntem: Vaskülit ön tanısı ile biopsi ve DİF tetkiki yapılan, histopatolojik olarak KKV’i mevcut olan toplam 121olgu retrospektif olarak çalışmaya dahil edildi. Olgular klinik verileri ve Chapel Hill Consensus Conference vaskülit sınıflaması göz önünde bulundurularak toplam 6 gruba ayrıldı. Bazal membran ya da perivasküler (PV) alanda en az bir depolanma ‘DİF pozitif’ olarak kabuledildi. Tüm olgularda DİF IgG, IgM, IgA ve Compleman C3 depolanmalarının dağılımları, oranları ve gruplarda en az bir immun depozitin bulunma durumu belirlendi. Lökositoklazis bulunduran ya da eozinofil bulunduranlar ayrı grup yapılarak diğerleri ile immun depolanmalar açısından istatistiksel olarak karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Tüm olgularda DİF pozitifliği %58.7 (n:71/121) idi. Lökositoklastik vaskülit olgularının %50.9’unda (n:28/55), nonspesifik KV olgularının%67.4’ünde (n:31/46), ürtikeryal vaskülit olgularının %44.4(n:4/9)’ünde, livedoid vaskülit olgularının %75 (n:3/4)’inde, henochschonlein purpurası (HSP) olgularının (n:5/5) %100’ünde DİF pozitifti.2 vaskülopati olgusunda depolanma yoktu. Lökositoklazis ve eozinofil mevcudiyeti ile immun depolanmalar arasında herhangi bir ilişki yoktu. En fazla biriken depozit C3 iken, HSP olgularında IgA depolanma oranı %100’dü. Sonuç: KKV’lerinde gözardı edilemeyecek yüksek DİF pozitiflik oranları (özellikle C3) tespit edildi. HSP olgularında DİF ile IgA depozit tespiti tanı için oldukça önemlidir. KKV’lerde DİF tetkikinin, klinik ve histopatolojik incelemeye ek olarak uygulanması faydalı olabilir.
  • Öğe
    Rektum kanserinde neoadjuvan tedavi alan hastalarda total mezorektal eksizyon sonrası koruyucu ileostomi gerekliliği
    (2014) Kargın, Süleyman; Çakır, Murat; Küçükkartallar, Tevfik; Tekin, Ahmet; Gündeş, Ebubekir; İyisoy, Mehmet Sinan
    Amaç: Rektum kanseri için neoadjuvan kemoradyoterapi kullanımı hızla gelişmektedir. Neoadjuvan tedavilerdeki tüm gelişmelere karşın kemoradyoterapi alan hastalarda cerrahi sonrası komplikasyonlar ise hala tartışmalıdır. Çalışmamızın amacı rektum kanserinde neoadjuvan tedavi sonrası küratif cerrahi uygulanan hastalarda koruyucu ileostomi gerekliliğinin araştırılmasıdır. Gereç ve yöntemler: Kliniğimizde, neoadjuvan tedavi sonrası low anterior rezeksiyon ve total mezorektal eksizyon uygulanan rektum kanserli 19 hastanın verileri retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Ameliyat süresi, peroperatif ve postoperatif komplikasyonları, morbidite, mortalite ve hastade kalış süreleri ileostomi durumuna göre kıyaslandı. İstatistiksel analizde ki kare ve Mann Whitney U testleri kullanıldı. Bulgular: İleostomi açılan grupta anastomoz kaçağı 2 hastada görülürken açılmayan grupta 1 hastada anastomoz kaçağı gözlendi. Gruplar arasında postoperatif morbidite açısından anlamlı fark gözlenmedi. Komplikasyon ve hastanede kalış süreleri benzerdi. İleostomi açılmayan grupta ameliyat süresi daha kısaydı. Sonuç: Rektum kanserinde neoadjuvan tedavi sonrası küratif rezeksiyon yapılan hastalarda koruyucu ileostominin komplikasyonları ve morbiditeyi artırmadığını düşünmekteyiz. Ancak bu konunun daha geniş serilerde irdelenmesi gerekmektedir.
  • Öğe
    Is vitamin D deficiency associated with mortality in intensive care patients? An observational retrospective study
    (2018) Arıcan, Şule; Hacıbeyoğlu, Gülçin; İyisoy, Mehmet Sinan; Çiçekci, Faruk; Topbal, İlkay
    Aim: The objective of this study is to investigate effects of vitamin D levels in intensive care patients on length of stay in intensive care unit and duration of hospitalization, and the need for mechanical ventilation. Material and Methods: This study was conducted as a retrospective study between February 2015 and January 2016. Length of stay in the intensive care unit and duration of hospitalization, and the need for mechanical ventilation were compared among all patients who were admitted to the intensive care unit and whose 25 (OH) D levels were examined. We further investigated whether vitamin D levels have an effect on 30-day mortality. Results: A total of 155 patients were included in the study. Vitamin D deficiency was found in 123 (79%) patients, and vitamin D insufficiency in 21 (13%) patients, while vitamin D levels were evaluated as normal in the remaining 11 (7%) patients. The effects of 25(OH)D levels of the patients on the length of stay in the intensive care unit (P=0.302), duration of hospitalization (P=0.363), and the need for mechanical ventilation (P=0.150) were not statistically significant. No statistically significant difference was observed between the mortality rates according to vitamin D levels (P0.377). Conclusion: We found that 25 (OH) D vitamin levels were significantly low in intensive care patients. Although it is difficult to achieve a clear result because of a wide range of comorbidities in intensive care unit patients, we believe that further prospective randomized studies are warranted to clarify this issue.
  • Öğe
    Course of sepsis in rats with thyroid dysfunction
    (2017) Taşcı, Halil İbrahim; Erikoğlu, Mehmet; Toy, Hatice; Karaibrahimoğlu, Adnan
    Objective: Numerous studies show the relationship between sepsis and thyroid hormones. Virtually all these studies investigate changes in post-sepsis thyroid hormones and the relationship between these changes and the progression of the disease. Our aim in this study was to investigate the progression of sepsis in rats with thyroid dysfunction. Material and Methods: The study involved four groups, each containing seven female Wistar albino rats: Group 1: Sham, Group 2: Control (Sepsis), Group 3: Hyperthyroidism-Sepsis, and Group 4: Hypothyroidism-Sepsis. Group 1 only received laparotomy. Group 2 only had sepsis. Sepsis was induced in Group 3 and Group 4 following formation of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, respectively. After 24 hours, relaparotomy and thoracotomy were performed, and tissue and blood samples were drawn. Results: Dysfunctions seen in the liver, lungs, and kidneys during sepsis and other findings of sepsis were milder in the hyperthyroidism group in comparison to both the control and hypothyroidism groups. Conclusion: The results of Simon’s grade, histopathological organ damage, and laboratory parameters revealed that the progression of sepsis was milder in the hyperthyroid group than in the hypothyroid and euthyroid groups. The progression in the hypothyroid group was the most severe. Therefore, the results of the study raise the question of whether immediate treatment in cases of hypothyroidism and slow return of thyroid function to normal levels in cases of hyperthyroidism are adequate treatment approaches in patients who may develop sepsis or septic shock.” To determine the answer to this question, more detailed studies are required with a higher number of subjects.