Kapasitif rotary enkoderler için analog anahtarlama tabanlı okuma devresi
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Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Açısal konum ve hızı ölçmeye yarayan rotary enkoderler kapasitif, manyetik ve optik türleri olan analog veya dijital çıkış verebilen elektromekanik cihazlardır. Bu sensörlerin sağladığı bilgiler endüstride, robotlarda, otomativde, insansız hava araçlarında, radarlarda, biyonik sistemlerde ve daha birçok alanda ölçüm ve kontrol sistemleri için çok önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Zamanla, gelişen sensör teknolojilerinde kullanılan yöntemlerin avantaj ve dezavantajları ortaya çıkmaktadır. Optik enkoderlerin küçük boyutta üretim zorlukları, manyetik enkoderlerin hantal yapıları ve daha birçok sebep bir arayış başlatmıştır. Temel bir kapasitörün iki iletken ve aralarında bir yalıtkan mantığıyla oluşturulan kapasitif sensörler ise bu basit yapıları sebebiyle bu alanda kendine önemli bir yer edinmişlerdir. Kapasitif enkoderler diğer enkoder tipleri içinde ciddi alternatifler olmalarına rağmen uygulamadaki kullanımları düşüktür. Diğer tekniklerle kıyaslandığında nispeten daha az çalışılmış olan kapasitif enkoderlerin bu alanda yapılan çalışmalar incelendiğinde genel anlamıyla fazla akademik kaldıkları görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada kapasitif rotary enkoderler için ucuz ve efektif bir çözüm olan analog anahtar tabanlı bir okuma devresi tasarımı ile kapasitif enkoderlerin endüstriye uyumunun arttırılması hedeflenmiştir.Tasarlanan devrede sayısal ve analog devre elemanları kullanılmış olup devrenin her aşaması simülasyon ortamlarında test edilmiştir. Elde edilen bu simülasyon sonuçları ile bu konudaki diğer akademik çalışmalarda göz ardı edilen bir optimizasyon problemi keşfedilmiştir. Önyüz devresinin giriş değişkenleri olan taşıyıcı frekansı, transempedans yükselteç direnci ve kapasitörü optimizasyon algoritmaları ile optimize edilip yeniden simüle edilmiştir. Tasarlanan devre PCB (Printed Circuit Board)'ye dönüştürülüp bir kapasitif rotary enkodere bağlanmıştır. Elde edilen çıkış sinyalleri bir mikrodenetleyici ile okunup offset alma ve genlik eşitleme işlemlerinden geçirilmiştir. Daha sonra enkoderin açı bilgisini elde etmek için CORDIC (Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer) algoritması kullanılmıştır. Ulaşılan bu açı bilgisiyle kapasitif enkoder ölçülebilecek minimum kapasitans, sabit durum açı gürültüsü (hassasiyeti), nonlineerite testlerine tabi tutulmuştur. Test sonuçlarında her birinden sırasıyla 3.44 aF/√Hz, 0.0063 derece, ve maksimum 1.07 derece (20 devir/dakika, 360 derece için) sonuçları elde edilmiştir. Bu değerler endüstrideki bir çok uygulama için oldukça yeterlidir. Ayrıca seri üretime geçildiği takdirde yapılacak toptan entegre alımlarıyla zaten gayet düşük maliyetli olan bu çalışma tam bir fiyat-performans ürününe dönüştürülebilir. Böylece kapasitif enkoderlerin diğer tip enkoderlere muadil hatta daha gelişmiş olabileceği ve yerli olarak üretetilebileceği deneysel olarak gösterilmiştir. Sonuç olarak kapasitif enkoderler için yenilikçi, düşük maliyetli ve etkili bir okuma devresi optimize ederek tasarlanmış ve test edilmiştir.
Rotary encoders, which has capacitive, magnetic and optical types are used to measure angular position and speed, are electromechanical devices that can output analog or digital signals. The information provided by these sensors plays a crucial role for measurement and control systems in industry, robots, automotive, unmanned aerial vehicles, radars, bionic systems and many more. Over time, advantages and disadvantages of the methods used in developing sensor technologies emerge. The small size production difficulties of optical encoders, bulky structure of magnetic encoders and many other reasons have started a research. Capacitive sensors, which are formed by the mentality of a basic capacitor with two conductors and an insulator between them, have gained an important place in this field due to their simple structure. Although capacitive encoders are critical alternatives among other encoder types, their use in practice is low. It is seen that capacitive encoders, which have been studied relatively less when compared to other techniques, are generally over academic. In this study, it is aimed to increase the adaptation of capacitive encoders to the industry with an analog switch based frontend circuit design, which is an inexpensive and effective solution for capacitive rotary encoders. Digital and analog circuit elements were used in the designed circuit and every stage of the circuit was tested in simulation environments. With these simulation results, an optimization problem that was ignored in other academic studies on this subject was discovered. The input variables of the frontend circuit, carrier frequency, transimpedance amplifier resistance and capacitor, have been optimized and re-simulated by optimization algorithms. The designed circuit was transformed into PCB (Printed Circuit Board) and connected to a capacitive rotary encoder. The output signals obtained were read with a microcontroller and passed through the offset and amplitude equalization processes. Then, the CORDIC (Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer) algorithm was used to obtain the angle information of the encoder. With this angle information reached, the capacitive encoder was subjected to measurable minimum capacitance, steady-state angle noise (sensitivity) and nonlinearity tests. In the test results, 3.44 aF/√Hz, 0.0063 degree and 1.07 degree at maximum (for 20 revolution/minute, 360 degree) were obtained from each, respectively. These values are sufficient for most applications in industry. In addition, this work, which is already very low-cost, can be turned into a full price-performance product with wholesale integrated purchases in case of mass production. Thus, it has been experimentally shown that capacitive encoders can be equivalent to other types of encoders or even more advanced and can be produced domestically. As a result, it has been designed and tested by optimizing an innovative, cost-effective and efficient reading circuit for capacitive encoders.
Rotary encoders, which has capacitive, magnetic and optical types are used to measure angular position and speed, are electromechanical devices that can output analog or digital signals. The information provided by these sensors plays a crucial role for measurement and control systems in industry, robots, automotive, unmanned aerial vehicles, radars, bionic systems and many more. Over time, advantages and disadvantages of the methods used in developing sensor technologies emerge. The small size production difficulties of optical encoders, bulky structure of magnetic encoders and many other reasons have started a research. Capacitive sensors, which are formed by the mentality of a basic capacitor with two conductors and an insulator between them, have gained an important place in this field due to their simple structure. Although capacitive encoders are critical alternatives among other encoder types, their use in practice is low. It is seen that capacitive encoders, which have been studied relatively less when compared to other techniques, are generally over academic. In this study, it is aimed to increase the adaptation of capacitive encoders to the industry with an analog switch based frontend circuit design, which is an inexpensive and effective solution for capacitive rotary encoders. Digital and analog circuit elements were used in the designed circuit and every stage of the circuit was tested in simulation environments. With these simulation results, an optimization problem that was ignored in other academic studies on this subject was discovered. The input variables of the frontend circuit, carrier frequency, transimpedance amplifier resistance and capacitor, have been optimized and re-simulated by optimization algorithms. The designed circuit was transformed into PCB (Printed Circuit Board) and connected to a capacitive rotary encoder. The output signals obtained were read with a microcontroller and passed through the offset and amplitude equalization processes. Then, the CORDIC (Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer) algorithm was used to obtain the angle information of the encoder. With this angle information reached, the capacitive encoder was subjected to measurable minimum capacitance, steady-state angle noise (sensitivity) and nonlinearity tests. In the test results, 3.44 aF/√Hz, 0.0063 degree and 1.07 degree at maximum (for 20 revolution/minute, 360 degree) were obtained from each, respectively. These values are sufficient for most applications in industry. In addition, this work, which is already very low-cost, can be turned into a full price-performance product with wholesale integrated purchases in case of mass production. Thus, it has been experimentally shown that capacitive encoders can be equivalent to other types of encoders or even more advanced and can be produced domestically. As a result, it has been designed and tested by optimizing an innovative, cost-effective and efficient reading circuit for capacitive encoders.
Yüksek Lisans Tezi
Anahtar Kelimeler
Analog anahtarlama, Kapasitif Sensör, Ön yüz devre, rotary enkoder, Analog Switching, Capacitive sensor, Frontend Circuit, rotary encoder
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kara, M. R. (2020).Kapasitif rotary enkoderler için analog anahtarlama tabanlı okuma devresi. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Konya.