Fasudil' in ekstremite ve böbrek iskemi reperfüzyon hasarını önlemede etkisi
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Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Meram Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
İskelet kasındaki akut ve kronik iskemi, başda alt ekstremitede olmak üzere sıklıkla travma, kanama, damar tıkanıklığı (periferik arter hastalığı, leirch sendromu, buerger has-talığı vs) ve tromboembolik olaylar ile beraber görülür. İskemi ve reperfüzyon döneminde dokulardan vücuda çok miktarda zararlı madde salınımı gerçekleşir. İskemi ve reperfüzyona göre hücrelerden salınan maddelerin yerel ve sistemik sonuçları olur. Sıçanlara orta hat lapa-rotomi yapılarak infrarenal abdominal aortya kross-klemp konuldu.120 dakika iskemi ve 120 dakika reperfüzyon yapıldı. Fasudil intravenöz 30 dk' lık infüzyonu ile 100μg/kg/dk dozdan uygulandı. Biyokimasal olarak inos, no, tos, tas ve rock bakıldı. Patolojik olarak da histopatolojık skorlaması yapıldı ve apopıtoza bakılmak üzere tunnel çalışıldı. Hedef organ kasda ve uzak organ olarak böbrekde oluşan iskemi reperfüzyon hasarına bakıldı. Tüm gruplarda fasudilin reperfüzyon hasarından koruyucu etkilerine rastlanıldı. Bu etkilerini esas olarak ROCK yolu inhibiyonu ile yapar. Toplam antioksidan miktarını ve inos ile indükle-nebilir nos artırdığını, toplam oksidan durum miktarının azaltılmasında ve iskemi reperfüzon hasarının önlenebilmesinde faydalı olduğunu düşünmekteyiz. Kadiyovasküler hastalıkları-nın tedavisinde gelecek vaad ettiği birçok yazar tarafındanda ifade edilen Fasudil' in, de-neysel ve klinik çalışmalarla da desteklenerek ülkemizde de ilaç olarak kullanımı noktasında da olumlu düşünmekteyiz.
Acute and chronic ischemia in the skeletal muscle, especially in the lower extremi-ties frequently including trauma, hemorrhage, atherosclerosis (peripheral artery disease, leirch syndrome, Buerger's disease etc.) be associated with thromboembolic events. Body ischemia and reperfusion period a large amount of harmful substance release from tissues occurs. Ischemia and the results will be local and systemic release of substances from the cells according to reperfusion. Rats made a midline laparotomy was diagnosed with infra-renal abdominal aortic cross-clamping. 120 minutes of ischemia and 120 minutes of reper-fusion was performed. Fasudil intravenously 30 min infusion of 100μg/ kg/ min dose was administered. Biochemical as iNOS, NO, TOS, TAS and ROCK views. Histopathological scoring was pathologically tunnel and tried to look apoptosis. Target organ blood and kid-neys were evaluated in remote organs resulting in ischemia reperfusion injury. Fasudil was observed in all groups of the protective effects of reperfusion injury. This effect is mainly done by inhibition of ROCK way. That the amount of total antioxidant and iNOS, indu-cible NOS increases, reducing the total amount of oxidant status and its ability to be use-ful, we believe that the prevention of ischemia reperfusion damage. Promising in the treat-ment of diseases that have been expressed by many writers that fasudil 's, our country also supported by experimental and clinical studies, we believe the positive point of use as a drug.
Acute and chronic ischemia in the skeletal muscle, especially in the lower extremi-ties frequently including trauma, hemorrhage, atherosclerosis (peripheral artery disease, leirch syndrome, Buerger's disease etc.) be associated with thromboembolic events. Body ischemia and reperfusion period a large amount of harmful substance release from tissues occurs. Ischemia and the results will be local and systemic release of substances from the cells according to reperfusion. Rats made a midline laparotomy was diagnosed with infra-renal abdominal aortic cross-clamping. 120 minutes of ischemia and 120 minutes of reper-fusion was performed. Fasudil intravenously 30 min infusion of 100μg/ kg/ min dose was administered. Biochemical as iNOS, NO, TOS, TAS and ROCK views. Histopathological scoring was pathologically tunnel and tried to look apoptosis. Target organ blood and kid-neys were evaluated in remote organs resulting in ischemia reperfusion injury. Fasudil was observed in all groups of the protective effects of reperfusion injury. This effect is mainly done by inhibition of ROCK way. That the amount of total antioxidant and iNOS, indu-cible NOS increases, reducing the total amount of oxidant status and its ability to be use-ful, we believe that the prevention of ischemia reperfusion damage. Promising in the treat-ment of diseases that have been expressed by many writers that fasudil 's, our country also supported by experimental and clinical studies, we believe the positive point of use as a drug.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Böbrek, Kidney, Böbrek fonksiyon testleri, Kidney function tests, Böbrek hastalıkları, Kidney diseases
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Uğurlu, O. (2016). Fasudil' in ekstremite ve böbrek iskemi reperfüzyon hasarını önlemede etkisi. (Yayınlanmamış tıpta uzmanlık tezi) Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Meram Tıp Fakültesi Cerrahi Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü Göğüs Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı, Konya.