Son trimesterdeki gebelerde risk algısının doğum korkusu ile ilişkisi
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Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Doğum korkusu, gebeliğin özellikle son trimesterinde gebelerin yaşadıkları kendisine ve bebeğine zarar geleceği veya doğumun ölümle sonuçlanacağını düşündüğü bir kaygı halidir. Doğum korkusunun anne ve bebek için pek çok olumsuz sonucu olabilmektedir. Ortaya çıkabilecek olumsuz sonuçların önüne geçmek, anne ve bebek sağlığını koruyup iyileştirmek için doğum korkusu ve ilişkili faktörler ele alınmalıdır. Bu çalışma, son trimesterdeki gebelerde risk algısının doğum korkusuyla ilişkisini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Tanımlayıcı ve ilişki arayıcı türde yapılan bu çalışma 284 gebe ile yürütülmüştür. Veriler araştırmacı tarafından 01.10.2023-01.02.2024 tarihleri arasında, Gebelerin tanıtıcı özellikleri ile ilgili anket formu, Gebelikte Risk Algısı Ölçeği ve Wijma Doğum Beklentisi/Deneyimi Ölçeği (A Versiyonu) kullanılarak yüz yüze görüşme yöntemi kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde sayı, yüzde, ortalama ve standart sapma, bağımsız gruplar için t testi, Mann Whitney U testi, Pearson korelasyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonunda, gebelerin Gebelikte Risk Algısı Ölçeğinden aldıkları toplam puan ortalaması 26,64±18,27, bebeğe yönelik risk algısı puan ortalaması 13,57±10,91, kendisine yönelik risk algısı puan ortalaması 13,08±8,26 ve Wijma Doğum Beklentisi/Deneyimi (A Versiyonu) Ölçeğinden aldığı puan ortalaması 59,89±22,82 olduğu bulunmuştur. Gebelerin düşük düzeyde doğum korkusu yaşadıkları ve düşük düzeyde risk algısına sahip oldukları sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Gebelerin Gebelikte Risk Algısı Ölçeği puanları ile Wijma Doğum Beklentisi/Deneyimi Ölçeği puanları arasında pozitif yönde anlamlı düzeyde ilişki olduğu bulunmuştur (p<,001). Sonuç olarak son trimesterdeki gebelerin risk algısı ile doğum korkusu arasında pozitif yönde ve anlamlı düzeyde ilişki bulunmuştur. Sonuçlar doğrultusunda, sağlık profesyonelleri doğum öncesi bakımda gebelerin kendisine ve bebeğine yönelik risk algısını ve doğum korkusunu değerlendirmeli. Girişimleri gebenin psikososyal sağlığını koruyucu ve geliştirici yönde planlayıp, bakımda bütüncül uygulamalara yer vermelidir.
Fear of childbirth is a state of anxiety experienced by pregnant women, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy, in which they think that harm will come to them and their baby, or that birth will result in death. Fear of childbirth can have many negative consequences for mother and baby. Fear of childbirth and related factors should be addressed in order to prevent possible negative consequences and to protect and improve the health of the mother and baby. This study was conducted to examine the relationship between risk perception and fear of childbirth in pregnant women in the last trimester. The descriptive and relationship-seeking study was conducted with 284 pregnant women. The data was collected by the researcher between 01.10.2023 and 01.02.2024 by face-to-face interview technique using the survey form, Pregnancy Risk Perception Scale and Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire Version A. Number, percentage, mean and standard deviation, t test for independent groups, Mann whitney U test and Pearson correlation analysis were used in the analysis of the data. At the end of the study, the mean score of the pregnant women from the Risk Perception Scale during Pregnancy was 26.64±18.27, the mean score of the risk perception towards the baby, which is the sub-dimension of the scale, was 13.57±10.91, the mean score of the risk perception towards herself was 13.08±8.26 and the average score from the Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire Version A Scale was found to be 59.89±22.82. It was concluded that pregnant women experience a low level of fear of childbirth and have a low level of risk perception. It was found that there was a significant positive relationship between the pregnant women's Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire Version A Scale scores and Pregnancy Risk Perception Scale scores (p<.0001). As a result, a positive and significant relationship was found between the risk perception of pregnant women in the last trimester and fear of childbirth. In line with the results, health professionals should evaluate pregnant women's risk perception of themselves and their babies and their fear of childbirth during prenatal care. Interventions should be planned to protect and improve the psychosocial health of the pregnant woman and should include holistic practices in care.
Fear of childbirth is a state of anxiety experienced by pregnant women, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy, in which they think that harm will come to them and their baby, or that birth will result in death. Fear of childbirth can have many negative consequences for mother and baby. Fear of childbirth and related factors should be addressed in order to prevent possible negative consequences and to protect and improve the health of the mother and baby. This study was conducted to examine the relationship between risk perception and fear of childbirth in pregnant women in the last trimester. The descriptive and relationship-seeking study was conducted with 284 pregnant women. The data was collected by the researcher between 01.10.2023 and 01.02.2024 by face-to-face interview technique using the survey form, Pregnancy Risk Perception Scale and Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire Version A. Number, percentage, mean and standard deviation, t test for independent groups, Mann whitney U test and Pearson correlation analysis were used in the analysis of the data. At the end of the study, the mean score of the pregnant women from the Risk Perception Scale during Pregnancy was 26.64±18.27, the mean score of the risk perception towards the baby, which is the sub-dimension of the scale, was 13.57±10.91, the mean score of the risk perception towards herself was 13.08±8.26 and the average score from the Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire Version A Scale was found to be 59.89±22.82. It was concluded that pregnant women experience a low level of fear of childbirth and have a low level of risk perception. It was found that there was a significant positive relationship between the pregnant women's Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire Version A Scale scores and Pregnancy Risk Perception Scale scores (p<.0001). As a result, a positive and significant relationship was found between the risk perception of pregnant women in the last trimester and fear of childbirth. In line with the results, health professionals should evaluate pregnant women's risk perception of themselves and their babies and their fear of childbirth during prenatal care. Interventions should be planned to protect and improve the psychosocial health of the pregnant woman and should include holistic practices in care.
Yüksek Lisans Tezi
Anahtar Kelimeler
Doğum Korkusu, Gebelik, Gebelikte Risk Algısı, Son Trimester, Fear of Childbirth, Last Trimester, Pregnancy, Risk Perception During Pregnancy
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Ersoy, M. (2024). Son trimesterdeki gebelerde risk algısının doğum korkusu ile ilişkisi. (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Hemşirelik Anabilim Dalı, Konya.