Sebepleri, Oluşumu ve Etkileri Açısından Mercirahit Savaşı (64/684)
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Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Câbiye toplantısında Emevîlerin yeni halifesi olarak seçilen Mervân b.
Hakem, arkasına çoğunluğu Kelbîlerden oluşan ordusunu da alarak Abdullah
b. Zübeyr destekçisi Dahhâk b. Kays’ın ordusu ile Mercirâhit ovasında karşı
karşıya gelmiş ve iki taraf arasında şiddetli bir savaş meydana gelmiştir. 64/684
yılı içinde gerçekleşen en önemli hadiselerden biri olan Mercirahit Savaşı’ndan
sonra Emevîler yeniden üstünlük sağlamış ve halifelik Süfyânîlerden
Mervânîlerin eline geçmiştir. Mercirâhit Savaşı, Kaysî ve Kelbî kabileler
arasındaki düşmanlığın artarak devam etmesine yol açmıştır. Bu çalışmada
Mercirâhit Savaşı, savaşın oluşumu, sonuçları ve etkileri ile beraber ele alınmış
ve çağdaş araştırmacıların yorumlarıyla birlikte incelenmiştir.
Marwan b. Hakam, who was elected as the new caliph of the Umayyads at the Jabiyah meeting took his army, who were mostly from Kelbis, behind him and faced the army of Dahhak ibn Qays, who was the suppoter of Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr at the plain of Marj Rahit, and a fierce battle took place between two sides. After the battle of Marj Rahit, which was one of the most important events that took place in 64/684, The Umayyads prevailed again and the caliphate passed into the hands of the Marwanids from Süfyanids. The battle of Marj Rahit lead to an increasing enmity between Qays and Kelbi tribes. In this study, the battle of Marj Rahit, was discussed together with the formation of the battle, with its results and effects of the battle and were examined with the interpretations of contemporary researchers.
Marwan b. Hakam, who was elected as the new caliph of the Umayyads at the Jabiyah meeting took his army, who were mostly from Kelbis, behind him and faced the army of Dahhak ibn Qays, who was the suppoter of Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr at the plain of Marj Rahit, and a fierce battle took place between two sides. After the battle of Marj Rahit, which was one of the most important events that took place in 64/684, The Umayyads prevailed again and the caliphate passed into the hands of the Marwanids from Süfyanids. The battle of Marj Rahit lead to an increasing enmity between Qays and Kelbi tribes. In this study, the battle of Marj Rahit, was discussed together with the formation of the battle, with its results and effects of the battle and were examined with the interpretations of contemporary researchers.
Yüksek Lisans Tezi
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mercirâhit Savaşı, Câbiye, Mervân, Emevîler, Dahhâk, Battle of Marj Rahit, Jabiyah, Marwan, Umayyads, Dahhak
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Çavuşoğlu, Z. (2022). Sebepleri, oluşumu ve etkileri açısından Mercirahit Savaşı (64/684). (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İslam Tarihi ve Sanatları Anabilim Dalı, Konya.