Ahmed Davudoğlu’nun (1912-1983) fıkıh literatürüne katkıları
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Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Fikirleriyle, yetiştirdiği ilim adamlarıyla ve yazmış olduğu eserlerle gerek
Bulgaristan’da gerek Türkiye’de İslam kültür ve mirasına sunduğu katkılarla Cumhuriyet
döneminin unutulmaz şahsiyetlerinden biri de Ahmed Davudoğlu’dur. Davudoğlu
Bulgaristan’da doğmuş, ilim tahsilinin bir kısmını doğduğu yerde, bir kısmını Ezher’de
tamamlamış klasik âlim modelinin yirminci yüzyıldaki önde gelen temsilcilerindendir.
İlmî faaliyetlerine Bulgaristan’da başlamış, fakat siyasi sebeplerden dolayı Türkiye’ye göç
etmek zorunda kalarak, hayatının geri kalan bölümünde çalışmalarına Türkiye’de devam
etmiştir. Fıkıh ve hadis başta olmak üzere İslâmî ilimlerin tamamına vukûfiyeti olan
Davudoğlu kaleme aldığı eserlerle ilim dünyasına büyük katkılarda bulunmuştur. Biz bu
yazımızda kendisinin fıkıh alanındaki çalışmalarını ele alacağız. Nitekim kendisi bu alanda
kayda değer çalışmalar ortaya koymuştur. Yaşadığı dönem itibariyle bu çalışmaları
yapması genelde ilim dünyasına, özelde fıkıh ilmine büyük katkı sağlamıştır. Tespit
edilebildiği kadarıyla doğrudan fıkıhla ilgili üç eseri bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan ikisi
tercüme (Mültekâ ve Reddü’l-muhtâr), biri şerhtir (Selâmet Yolları). Bunun yanı sıra
geleneğe sıkıca bağlı muhâfazakar bir yaklaşıma sahip olan Davudoğlu, fıkhî düşüncesiyle
de zihinlerde yer etmiş bir İslam âlimidir. Bu düşüncesini yazdığı eserlere olduğu gibi ve
açıkça yansıtan Davudoğlu bugün Türkiye’de aralarında akademisyenlerin, müftülerin ve
uzmanların bulunduğu yüzlerce öğrenci yetiştirmiştir.
Ahmet Davudoglu is one of the unforgettable personalities of the Turkish Republican era with his ideas, the scholars he has trained and the works he has written and with his contributions to Islamic culture and heritage both in Bulgaria and Turkey. Davudoglu is one of the leading representatives of the classical scholar model in the twentieth century who was born in Bulgaria, started his education there, and completed it in al-Azhar, Egypt. He started his scholarly activities in Bulgaria but continued to work in Turkey for the rest of his life, after choosing to migrate to Turkey because of political reasons. Having mastered Islamic sciences, especially fiqh and hadith, Davudoğlu has made great contributions to Islamic studies with his works. In this article we will examine his contribution to field of fiqh. Thus, he has put forth remarkable works in this area. The fact that these studies were carried out by the time he lived, generally made a great contribution to Islamic studies, especially to Islamic law. Apparently he has three works on fiqh. Two of them are translations (Multaqa and Radd al-Muhtar) and one is a commentary (Selâmet Yolları / Safety Roads). In addition to this, Davudoglu is a muslim scholar who has a conservative approach that is closely tied to tradition. He also pioneered with his fiqh thought among students and scholars. Davudoglu, who clearly expresses his thought in the works he wrote, has raised hundreds of students in Turkey, including academics, muftis and experts.
Ahmet Davudoglu is one of the unforgettable personalities of the Turkish Republican era with his ideas, the scholars he has trained and the works he has written and with his contributions to Islamic culture and heritage both in Bulgaria and Turkey. Davudoglu is one of the leading representatives of the classical scholar model in the twentieth century who was born in Bulgaria, started his education there, and completed it in al-Azhar, Egypt. He started his scholarly activities in Bulgaria but continued to work in Turkey for the rest of his life, after choosing to migrate to Turkey because of political reasons. Having mastered Islamic sciences, especially fiqh and hadith, Davudoğlu has made great contributions to Islamic studies with his works. In this article we will examine his contribution to field of fiqh. Thus, he has put forth remarkable works in this area. The fact that these studies were carried out by the time he lived, generally made a great contribution to Islamic studies, especially to Islamic law. Apparently he has three works on fiqh. Two of them are translations (Multaqa and Radd al-Muhtar) and one is a commentary (Selâmet Yolları / Safety Roads). In addition to this, Davudoglu is a muslim scholar who has a conservative approach that is closely tied to tradition. He also pioneered with his fiqh thought among students and scholars. Davudoglu, who clearly expresses his thought in the works he wrote, has raised hundreds of students in Turkey, including academics, muftis and experts.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İslam, Fıkıh, Gelenek, Islam, Fiqh, Tradition, Ahmet Davudoğlu
Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Samar, M. (2018). Ahmed Davudoğlu’nun (1912-1983) fıkıh literatürüne katkıları. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 46, 46, 163-183.