Uyum gösteren (adaptif) cepheler: Hareketli güneş kontrol elemanlarının ısıl enerji performansının değerlendirilmesi
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Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Dünya genelinde enerjiye duyulan ihtiyacın ve kontrolsüz kaynak tüketiminin artması iklim değişikliği, küresel ısınma, hava ve su kirliliği, yenilenemeyen enerji kaynaklarının yok olması, doğal çevrenin tahribatı ve ekolojik dengenin bozulması gibi birçok problemi beraberinde getirmektedir. Sürdürülebilirlik, ortaya çıkan olumsuz durumların önlenmesi ve yavaşlatılmasına yönelik çözümleri içeren ve birçok alanda etkili olan bir kavram olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Sürdürülebilirlik kavramının en etkili olduğu alanlardan biri de inşaat sektörüdür. Binalar tasarım sürecinden başlayarak yaşam döngüsü içinde dünyada harcanan enerji ve kaynak tüketiminin büyük bir bölümünden sorumludur. Bu nedenle yapılarda enerji tüketiminin kontrol altına alınması ve enerjinin etkin biçimde kullanılması önemli bir konu haline gelmektedir. Bina kabuğunun en geniş yüzeyini oluşturan cephe sistemleri yapıların çevresel etmenlere karşı dayanımı, iç mekânda kullanıcı konforunun sağlanması ve yapıda enerjinin etkin kullanımı açısından en önemli yapı elemanı olarak yeni arayışların olduğu bir çalışma alanı olmaktadır. Bu arayışların sonucunda ortaya çıkan kavramlardan birisi de son yıllarda yaygınlaşan uyum gösteren (adaptif) cepheler olmuştur. Uyum gösteren cepheler, iç ve dış ortamdan gelen etkilere karşı cevap oluşturarak binanın performansının, kullanıcı konforunun ve enerji tasarrufunun sağlanmasında etkili olmaktadır. Literatürde farklı isim karşımıza çıkan ve üzerinde çalışılan güncel bir konu olması nedeniyle uyum gösteren cephe sistemleri çalışma alanı olarak seçilmiştir. Tez çalışması kapsamında cephe kavramından başlayarak, cephe sistemlerinin tarihsel gelişimi, performans gereksinimleri, sınıflandırmaları ve cephe türleri incelenmiştir. Cephe sistemleri uyum gösteren ve uyum göstermeyen olmak üzere iki ana başlık altında toplanmıştır. Uyum gösteren cephe sistemlerinin tarihsel gelişim süreci, performans gereksinimleri, sınıflandırmaları, türleri ve tanımlamaları üzerine araştırmalar yapılmıştır. Yapılan literatür araştırması ve incelenen örneklerin sonucunda uyum gösteren cephe sistemleri için tez kapsamında öneri bir sınıflandırma tablosu oluşturulmuştur. Ardından literatürde yer alan otuz beş (35) adet uyum gösteren cephe örneği oluşturulan öneri sınıflandırma tablosuna göre değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan literatür araştırması ve örnek incelemesinin sonucunda uyum gösteren cephelerin en çok tercih edildiği yapı türlerinden birinin "ofis" olduğu belirlenmiştir. Özellikle "güneş" etmenine göre tasarımın ön plana çıktığı ve cephe hareketleri incelendiğinde ise "kayma, katlanma" hareketlerinin sıklıkla uygulandığı görülmüştür. Bu nedenle çalışma kapsamında Antalya'da yer alan çok katlı bir ofis yapısının cephesine uygulanan hareketli güneş kontrol elemanlarının yapının enerji performansı üzerindeki etkisinin DesignBuilder programı aracılığıyla değerlendirilmesine karar verilmiştir. On (10) katlı ve giydirme cepheli bir ofis yapısı örneklem bina olarak tasarlanmış olup güney cephesinde dört (4) parçadan oluşan hareketli güneş kontrol elemanı önerilmiştir. Yatayda ve düşeyde konumlanarak manuel olarak 15'er derecelik açılarla kayma ve katlanma hareketi yapabilen bu modülün yapının ısıtma, soğutma ve toplam enerji yükü üzerindeki etkisi yapılan analizler yardımıyla değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda, basit bir hareket prensibine sahip olarak tasarlanan cephe elemanının her ay için farklı konumlarına bakılmış ve en verimli olduğu durumlar değerlendirilmiştir. Cephede güneş kontrol elemanlarının uygulanması durumunda yapıda ihtiyaç duyulan enerji miktarının azaldığı görülmüştür. Antalya'da yer alan ofis yapısının özellikle soğutma için harcadığı enerji miktarının fazla olduğu belirlenmiştir. Haziran, Temmuz, Ağustos ve Eylül gibi Antalya'nın en sıcak olduğu aylarda güneş kontrol elemanlarının ofisin soğutma yükü ihtiyacının azaltılmasında etkili olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler doğrultusunda güneş kontrol elemanının her ay için en yüksek verim sağladığı konumlarda kullanıldığında yıllık enerji tüketimini oldukça etkili bir biçimde azalttığı görülmüştür.
The increase in the need for energy and uncontrolled consumption of resources worldwide brings many problems such as climate change, global warming, air and water pollution, destruction of non-renewable energy resources, destruction of the natural environment and deterioration of the ecological balance. Sustainability is a concept that includes solutions to prevent and slow down emerging negative situations and is effective in many areas. One of the areas where the concept of sustainability is most effective is the construction sector. Buildings are responsible for a large part of the energy and resource consumption in the world during their life cycle, starting from the design process. Therefore, controlling energy consumption in buildings and using energy efficiently has become an important issue. Façade systems, which constitute the largest surface of the building envelope, are an up-to-date study area and are the most important building element in terms of the resistance of buildings against environmental factors, providing user comfort in the interior space and efficient use of energy in the building. One of the concepts that emerged as a result of these searches has been the adaptive façades that have become widespread in recent years. Adaptive façades are effective in ensuring the performance of the building, user comfort and energy saving by responding to the effects from the internal and external environment. Adaptive façade systems have been chosen as the field of study since it is a current subject that is referred to with various names in the literature. Within the scope of the thesis, starting from the concept of façade, the historical development of façade systems, performance requirements, classifications and types of façades are examined. Façade systems are categorized under two main headings: adaptive and non-adaptive. Research has been conducted on the historical development process, performance requirements, classifications, types and definitions of adaptive façade systems. As a result of the literature review and examples examined, a proposed classification table for adaptive façade systems was developed in the scope of the thesis. Then, thirty-five (35) examples of adaptive façade systems in the literature were analyzed according to the proposed classification table. As a result of the literature review and sample analysis, it was determined that "office" is one of the building types where adaptive façades are the most preferred. It has been observed that the design is especially emphasized according to the "sun" factor and when the façade movements are examined, it is seen that "sliding, folding" movements are frequently applied. For this reason, within the scope of the study, it was decided to evaluate the effect of kinetic solar control elements applied on the façade system of a multi-storey office building in Antalya on the energy performance of the building via DesignBuilder program. A ten (10) storey office building with curtain wall was designed as a case building and a kinetic solar control element consisting of four (4) parts was proposed on the south façade. The effect of this module, which can manually slide and fold in horizontal and vertical directions at 15 degrees angles, on the heating, cooling and total energy loads of the building has been evaluated with the help of analysis. As a result of the study, different positions of the kinetik solar control element, which is designed with a simple movement principle, were examined for each month and the most efficient positions were evaluated. It was seen that the amount of energy required in the building decreased in case of the application of solar control elements on the façade. It has been determined that the amount of energy consumed by the office building in Antalya is high, especially for cooling. It has been concluded that solar control elements are effective in reducing the required cooling load of the office during the hottest months of Antalya such as June, July, August and September. In line with the data obtained, it is seen that the solar control element reduces the annual energy consumption quite effectively when it is used at the locations where it provides the highest efficiency for each month.
The increase in the need for energy and uncontrolled consumption of resources worldwide brings many problems such as climate change, global warming, air and water pollution, destruction of non-renewable energy resources, destruction of the natural environment and deterioration of the ecological balance. Sustainability is a concept that includes solutions to prevent and slow down emerging negative situations and is effective in many areas. One of the areas where the concept of sustainability is most effective is the construction sector. Buildings are responsible for a large part of the energy and resource consumption in the world during their life cycle, starting from the design process. Therefore, controlling energy consumption in buildings and using energy efficiently has become an important issue. Façade systems, which constitute the largest surface of the building envelope, are an up-to-date study area and are the most important building element in terms of the resistance of buildings against environmental factors, providing user comfort in the interior space and efficient use of energy in the building. One of the concepts that emerged as a result of these searches has been the adaptive façades that have become widespread in recent years. Adaptive façades are effective in ensuring the performance of the building, user comfort and energy saving by responding to the effects from the internal and external environment. Adaptive façade systems have been chosen as the field of study since it is a current subject that is referred to with various names in the literature. Within the scope of the thesis, starting from the concept of façade, the historical development of façade systems, performance requirements, classifications and types of façades are examined. Façade systems are categorized under two main headings: adaptive and non-adaptive. Research has been conducted on the historical development process, performance requirements, classifications, types and definitions of adaptive façade systems. As a result of the literature review and examples examined, a proposed classification table for adaptive façade systems was developed in the scope of the thesis. Then, thirty-five (35) examples of adaptive façade systems in the literature were analyzed according to the proposed classification table. As a result of the literature review and sample analysis, it was determined that "office" is one of the building types where adaptive façades are the most preferred. It has been observed that the design is especially emphasized according to the "sun" factor and when the façade movements are examined, it is seen that "sliding, folding" movements are frequently applied. For this reason, within the scope of the study, it was decided to evaluate the effect of kinetic solar control elements applied on the façade system of a multi-storey office building in Antalya on the energy performance of the building via DesignBuilder program. A ten (10) storey office building with curtain wall was designed as a case building and a kinetic solar control element consisting of four (4) parts was proposed on the south façade. The effect of this module, which can manually slide and fold in horizontal and vertical directions at 15 degrees angles, on the heating, cooling and total energy loads of the building has been evaluated with the help of analysis. As a result of the study, different positions of the kinetik solar control element, which is designed with a simple movement principle, were examined for each month and the most efficient positions were evaluated. It was seen that the amount of energy required in the building decreased in case of the application of solar control elements on the façade. It has been determined that the amount of energy consumed by the office building in Antalya is high, especially for cooling. It has been concluded that solar control elements are effective in reducing the required cooling load of the office during the hottest months of Antalya such as June, July, August and September. In line with the data obtained, it is seen that the solar control element reduces the annual energy consumption quite effectively when it is used at the locations where it provides the highest efficiency for each month.
Yüksek Lisans Tezi
Anahtar Kelimeler
Cephe, Uyum Gösteren (Adaptif) Cephe, DesignBuilder, Enerji Etkin Cephe Tasarımı, Hareketli Güneş Kontrol Elemanı, Facade, Adaptive Facades, DesignBuilder, Energy Efficient Facade Design, Kinetic Solar Control Element
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Gediri Gökçen, G. Ş. (2023). Uyum gösteren (adaptif) cepheler: Hareketli güneş kontrol elemanlarının ısıl enerji performansının değerlendirilmesi. (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Mimarlık Anabilim Dalı, Konya.