Kentsel mekanda açık-yeşil alanların çevre kalitesi açısından değerlendirilmesi
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Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Kentte yaşayan her birey sağlıklı ve kaliteli bir kentsel çevrede yaşama hakkına sahiptir. Kaliteli kentsel çevreler yapıların, ulaşım sistemlerinin ve açık-yeşil alanların birbiriyle uyumlu tasarımları sonucu meydana gelmektedir. Kente ve kentliye yönelik fiziksel, sosyal, ekonomik ve ekolojik perspektifte çok çeşitli olumlu etkilere sahip olan açık-yeşil alanlar yaşam kalitesi yüksek ve yaşanabilir kentleri belirleyen en önemli göstergelerinden biridir. Açık-yeşil alanlar özellikle estetik, ekolojik ve fiziksel işlevleriyle çevre kalitesine doğrudan katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu nedenle kaliteli kentsel mekânların oluşması ve çevresel kaliteyi sağlama bağlamında kent planlamanın önemli bir unsuru konumundaki açık-yeşil alanlara verilen önem her geçen gün artmaktadır. Çevre kalitesine katkıda bulunan açık-yeşil alan uygulamaları ise planlama ve tasarım göstergeleri bağlamında iyi nitelikteki açık-yeşil alanlar olmaktadır. Bu tez kapsamında kentsel mekânda açık-yeşil alanların çevre kalitesine etkileri Malatya kentinde bulunan ve kentsel ölçekli olan Hürriyet Parkı ve Abdullah Gül Parkı örneklem alanlarında araştırılmıştır. Literatür taramasında kentsel mekân ve kalite, yaşam kalitesi, kentsel çevre kalitesi, açık-yeşil alan kavramları ve açık-yeşil alanların çevre kalitesi ile ilişkisi, çevre kalitesine katkıda bulunan açık-yeşil alanların planlama ve tasarım göstergeleri ile açık-yeşil alanlara ilişkin yurt içi ve yurt dışındaki iyi uygulama örnekleri ele alınmıştır. Açıklanan bu kavramlar doğrultusunda örneklem alanlarını oluşturan parkların Malatya kentsel açık-yeşil alan sistemi içerisindeki yeri ve çevresel kaliteye katkıları "sosyal, işlevsel, güvenlik, ekolojik ve kentsel mekân kalitesi" olmak üzere beş gösterge çerçevesinde öznel (kullanıcı anketleri) ve nesnel (teknik bilgiler, gözlemler vb.) biçimde karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Son olarak çevresel kaliteye katkı bağlamında parklarda saptanan planlama ve tasarım sorunlarını bertaraf etmeye, böylece her iki parkın kente ve kentliye daha faydalı hale getirilmesine yönelik önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
Every individual living in the city has the right to live in a healthy and quality urban environment. Quality urban environments are formed as a result of harmonious designs of buildings, transportation systems and open-green areas. Open-green areas, which have a wide variety of positive effects on the city and urban dwellers in physical, social, economic and ecological perspectives, are considered as one of the most important indicators that determine liveable cities with high quality of life. Open-green areas contribute directly to environmental quality, especially with their physical, aesthetic and ecological functions. For this reason, the importance given to open-green areas, which are an important element of urban planning in the context of the formation of quality urban spaces and ensuring environmental quality, is increasing day by day. Open-green areas that contribute to environmental quality are well-designed open-green areas in the context of planning and design indicators. Within the scope of this thesis, the effects of open-green areas in urban space on environmental quality were investigated in the sampling areas of Hürriyet Park and Abdullah Gül Park, which are located in the city of Malatya and have urban scale park statutes. In the literature review, urban space and quality, quality of life, urban environmental quality, open-green space concepts and the relationship of open-green spaces with environmental quality, planning and design indicators of open-green spaces that contribute to environmental quality and also good practice examples related to open-green areas in Turkey and abroad are discussed. In line with these concepts, the place of the analysed parks in Malatya's urban open-green area system and their contribution to environmental quality were evaluated comparatively in terms of five indicators, namely "social, functional, security, ecological and urban space quality" in a subjective (user survey) and objective (technical information, observations, etc.) manner. Finally, in the context of contributing to environmental quality, suggestions have been made to eliminate the planning and design problems detected in the parks, thus making both parks more beneficial to the city and the city.
Every individual living in the city has the right to live in a healthy and quality urban environment. Quality urban environments are formed as a result of harmonious designs of buildings, transportation systems and open-green areas. Open-green areas, which have a wide variety of positive effects on the city and urban dwellers in physical, social, economic and ecological perspectives, are considered as one of the most important indicators that determine liveable cities with high quality of life. Open-green areas contribute directly to environmental quality, especially with their physical, aesthetic and ecological functions. For this reason, the importance given to open-green areas, which are an important element of urban planning in the context of the formation of quality urban spaces and ensuring environmental quality, is increasing day by day. Open-green areas that contribute to environmental quality are well-designed open-green areas in the context of planning and design indicators. Within the scope of this thesis, the effects of open-green areas in urban space on environmental quality were investigated in the sampling areas of Hürriyet Park and Abdullah Gül Park, which are located in the city of Malatya and have urban scale park statutes. In the literature review, urban space and quality, quality of life, urban environmental quality, open-green space concepts and the relationship of open-green spaces with environmental quality, planning and design indicators of open-green spaces that contribute to environmental quality and also good practice examples related to open-green areas in Turkey and abroad are discussed. In line with these concepts, the place of the analysed parks in Malatya's urban open-green area system and their contribution to environmental quality were evaluated comparatively in terms of five indicators, namely "social, functional, security, ecological and urban space quality" in a subjective (user survey) and objective (technical information, observations, etc.) manner. Finally, in the context of contributing to environmental quality, suggestions have been made to eliminate the planning and design problems detected in the parks, thus making both parks more beneficial to the city and the city.
Yüksek Lisans Tezi
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çevre Kalitesi, Kentsel Açık-Yeşil Alanlar, Kentsel Yaşam Kalitesi, Malatya, Environmental Quality, Urban Open-Green Areas, Urban Life Quality
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kısak, E. (2021). Kentsel mekanda açık-yeşil alanların çevre kalitesi açısından değerlendirilmesi. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Anabilim Dalı, Konya.