Ahmed er-Rifâî’nin el-Burhânü’l-Müeyyed adlı eserinde tevhîd anlayışı
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Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Ahmed er-Rifâî’ye göre, tasavvufta tevhîd Allah’ın zâtında, sıfatlarında ve fiillerinde
bir ve tek olduğunu, O’ndan başka ilah olmadığını, O’nun ortağı, dengi veya zıddının
olmadığını sûfînin idrak etmesidir. Onun el-Burhânü’l-Müeyyed adlı eserine göre sûfînin
üzerine düşen vazife, yaratılmışların tamamının üzerinde ilahlık ve ibadet edilme hakkına
sahip olanın yalnızca Allah olduğunu kabul ve itiraf etmek, ibadetin bütün çeşit ve
şekilleri ile Allah’ı birlemek, dini sadece O’na hâlis kılmaktır. Bunun neticesinde sûfî
yalnız O’na tapmalı, ibadetini ve duasını sadece O’na hasretmelidir. Sadece O’na teslim
olmalı, O’nu sevmeli, vaktini, zikrini, niyetini ve amellerini O’nun rızası doğrultusunda
According to Ahmed al-Rifāī, al-Tawhid in Sufism is that the sufi must perceive Allah as the one and mono in His presence, features and actions, none-existence of god instead of Him, none-existence of His partner, match or negation. According to his book named al-Burhan al-Muayyad, sufi’s incumbency is to accept and confess that only Allah who has the right to divinity and worship over all of the creatures, to make Him one by all kinds and forms of worships, to dedicate the religion to Him. As a result, the sufi must worship only Him, and his pray and prayer must be reserved only for Him. He must submit to only Him, love Him, arrange his time, mentioning, intention and activities according to His sake.
According to Ahmed al-Rifāī, al-Tawhid in Sufism is that the sufi must perceive Allah as the one and mono in His presence, features and actions, none-existence of god instead of Him, none-existence of His partner, match or negation. According to his book named al-Burhan al-Muayyad, sufi’s incumbency is to accept and confess that only Allah who has the right to divinity and worship over all of the creatures, to make Him one by all kinds and forms of worships, to dedicate the religion to Him. As a result, the sufi must worship only Him, and his pray and prayer must be reserved only for Him. He must submit to only Him, love Him, arrange his time, mentioning, intention and activities according to His sake.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tevhîd, Sûfî, Tasavvuf, Ahmed er-Rifâî, el-Burhânü’l-Müeyyed, Al-Tawhid, Sufi, Sufism, Ahmed er-Rifâî, al-Burhan al-Muayyad
Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Öztürk, E. (2018). Ahmed er-Rifâî’nin el-Burhânü’l-Müeyyed adlı eserinde tevhîd anlayışı. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 46, 46, 233-256.