Palmoplantar psöriazis, palmoplantar ekzema ve plak psöriaziste immünohistokimyasal olarak ölçülen IL-17, IL-23, IL-36 ekspresyonlarının ayırıcı tanı ve tedavi seçimine etkisinin belirlenmesi
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Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Psörazs vulgars erteml sedef skuamlı plaklarla seyreden kronk nflamatuar br
hastalıktır ve vücutta klask lokalzasyonları dışında ntertrgnöz bölgeler, saçlı der ve
palmoplantar bölge gb özel bölge tutulumları da olmaktadır. Psörazs patogenezndek
stoknler hedefleyerek etk eden byolojk ajanlar psörazs tedavsnde çığır açmıştır ancak
bu ajanların palmoplantar bölgedek etknlkler vücuda göre daha yavaş ve geç olmaktadır.
Bu sebeple palmoplantar psörazs (PPP) patogeneznn klask psörazsten farklı olableceğ
düşünülmektedr. Palmoplantar bölgede hem psörazs hem de ekzema kronk lkenfye,
hperkeratotk ve fssürlü plaklarla karşımıza çıkmakta ve bu durumda klnk ayırıcı tanı zor
olablmektedr. Hstopatolojk olarak bu k hastalığı ayırt etmek çn yapılan çalışmalarda
küçük nüanslar dışında çoğu hstopatolojk bulgunun k hastalıkta da ortak görüldüğü tespt
edlmştr. Psörazs vulgars patogeneznde çoğunlukla Th17/Th1 hücreler ve lşkl
stoknler aracılık ederken ekzema patogeneznde çoğunlukla Th2 hücreler ve lşkl
stoknler aracılık etmektedr. Palmoplantar psörazs vücuttak psöratk plaklara göre
tedavye daha drençl br bölge olup ayrıca palmoplantar egzema le klnk ve hstopatolojk
olarak çok karışan br anttedr. Çalışmamızda mmünohstokmyasal olarak IL-17, IL-23 ve
IL-36 sevyelern ölçümü le hem palmoplantar psörazstek tedav drencnn sebeb
araştırılmış hem de bu stoknlern palmoplantar ekzema le ayırıcı tanısına katkısının
araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmamız aynı hastanın akral ve non-akral bölgedek
plaklarından aynı anda alınan byops materyalnde mmünohstokmyasal olarak IL-17, IL-
23 ve IL-36 ekspresyonunu değerlendren lk çalışma olacaktır. Böylece palmoplantar
psörazs ve vücuttak plak psörazs lezyonlarının mmünopatogenezndek farklılıkların
tespt edlmes amaçlanmaktadır. Ayrıca palmoplantar psörazs ve palmoplantar egzamanın
(PPE) ayırt ettrc hstopatolojk özellkler ve bu k hastalıktak mmünohstokmyasal IL-
17, IL-23, IL-36 ekspresyonlarında farklılık olup olmadığının tespt edlmes de
Gereç ve yöntem
Çalışmaya Ocak 2020- Şubat 2024 tarhler arasında Necmettn Erbakan Ünverstes Tıp
Fakültes Hastanes Dermatoloj Anablm Dalına başvuran klnk ve hstopatolojk olarak
doğrulanmış 25’ yalnızca PPP, 25’ PPE ve 23’ü palmoplantar psörazs yanında vücutta
eşlk eden plak psörazs olan toplam 73 hasta retrospektf dahl edld. Hasta dosyaları
taranarak ve hastalara telefonla ulaşılarak hastaların demografk ve klnk bulguları elde
edld. Byops sırasında çeklen fotoğraflardan hastalık şddet skoru hesaplandı.
Hstopatolojk değerlendrme çn patoloj arşvndek Hematokslen-Eozn le boyalı
preperatlar kullanıldı. İmmünohstokmyasal nceleme çn parafne gömülü doku
bloklarından üç mkron kalınlığındak doku kestler alındı ve IL-17, IL-23, IL-36α
antkorları le boyandı. İmmünohstokmyasal boyalı preparatlar tek patolog tarafından
Olympus BX46 ışık mkroskobunda ncelend. IL-17, IL-23 ve IL-36α ekspresyonları,
epdermal ve dermal alanlar çn ayrı ayrı mmünohstokmyasal boyanma skoru
hesaplanarak değerlendrld. İmmünohstokmyasal boyanma skoru se mmün boyanmanın
yoğunluğu ve poztf boyanan hücrelern sayısı puanlanıp (keratnostler, lenfostler, endotel
hücreler ve fbroblastlar) çarpılarak elde edld.
Akral bölgedek psöratk plaklarda non-akral bölgelere göre dermal IL-17 ve IL-36
boyanma skorları daha düşüktü ve statksel anlamlılık mevcuttu. IL-23 ekspresyonu da akral
bölgede daha düşüktü ancak statksel anlamlılık saptanmadı. PPE hastalarında PPP
hastalarına göre daha yüksek dermal IL-17 ve IL-23 ekspresyonu saptandı. PPE ve PPP
hastalarında dermal IL-36 ekspresyonu benzer oranlardaydı. Her üç stoknn de epdermal
ekspresyonları her üç grupta da benzer oranlardaydı. PPP ve PPE hstopatolojk ayırıcı
tanısında konfluen parakeratoz, hpogranüloz, regüler psörazform hperplaz, rete
sırtlarında anastomoz, papller dermste dlate ve tortuöz kapllerler gb bulgular PPP’de
daha fazla görülmekteyd.
IL-17, IL-23 ve IL-36 ekspresyonlarının palmoplantar alanda vücuda göre düşük olmasının,
bu bölgelerdek psörazs plaklarının byolojk ajan tedavlerne vücuttak plaklara göre
neden daha az yanıt verdğnn br açıklaması olableceğ düşünüldü. PPE grubunda IL-17
ve IL-23 ekspresyonunun PPP grubuna göre daha yüksek olmasının bu stoknlern
ekspresyonunun hastalık şddet, süres ve maruz kalınan ajan gb sebeplerden
etklenmesne bağlı olableceğ ve ayırıcı tanıda kullanılmalarının uygun olmayacağı
sonucuna varıldı. PPP ve PPE hstopatolojk ayırıcı tanısında konfluen parakeratoz,
hpogranüloz, regüler psörazform hperplaz, rete sırtlarında anastomoz, papller dermste
dlate ve tortuöz kapllerler gb bulgular PPP’de daha fazla görülse de bu k hastalığı ayırt
edecek kesn tanı krterler olarak belrlenemeyeceğ sonucuna ulaşıldı.
Am Psorass vulgars s a chronc nflammatory dsease characterzed by erythematous psoratc squamous plaques. In addton to ts classcal localzatons n the body, psorass vulgars also nvolves specfc areas such as ntertrgnous areas, scalp and palmoplantar regon. Bologcal agents that act by targetng cytoknes n the pathogeness of psorass have revolutonzed the treatment of psorass, but the effcacy of these agents n the palmoplantar regon s slower and later than n the body. For ths reason, t s thought that the pathogeness of palmoplantar psorass (PPP) may be dfferent from classcal psorass. Both psorass and eczema n the palmoplantar regon present wth chronc lchenfed, hyperkeratotc and fssured plaques and clncal dfferental dagnoss can be dffcult. Hstopathologc studes to dfferentate these two dseases have shown that most hstopathologc fndngs, except for mnor nuances, are common to both dseases. The pathogeness of psorass vulgars s mostly medated by Th17/Th1 cells and related cytoknes, whle the pathogeness of eczema s mostly medated by Th2 cells and related cytoknes. Palmoplantar psorass s more resstant to treatment than psoratc plaques n the body and s a clncally and hstopathologcally confused entty wth palmoplantar eczema. In our study, we amed to nvestgate the cause of treatment resstance n palmoplantar psorass by mmunohstochemcal measurement of IL-17, IL-23 and IL-36 levels and to nvestgate the contrbuton of these cytoknes to the dfferental dagnoss of palmoplantar eczema. Our study wll be the frst to evaluate the mmunohstochemcal expresson of IL-17, IL-23 and IL-36 n bopsy materal taken smultaneously from acral and non-acral plaques of the same viii patent. Thus, t s amed to determne the dfferences n the mmunopathogeness of palmoplantar psorass and plaque psorass lesons n the body. It s also amed to determne the dstngushng hstopathologc features of palmoplantar psorass and palmoplantar eczema (PPE) and whether there are dfferences n mmunohstochemcal IL-17, IL-23, IL- 36 expresson n these two dseases. Materals and Methods Between January 2020 and February 2024, a total of 73 patents wth clncally and hstopathologcally confrmed plaque psorass, 25 wth PPP only, 25 wth PPE, and 23 wth palmoplantar psorass wth accompanyng plaque psorass on the body, who were admtted to Necmettn Erbakan Unversty Faculty of Medcne Hosptal, Department of Dermatology, were ncluded n the study. Demographc and clncal fndngs of the patents were obtaned by revewng the patent fles and contactng the patents by telephone. Dsease severty score was calculated from the photographs taken durng bopsy. For hstopathologc evaluaton, Hematoxyln-Eosn staned sldes from the pathology archve were used. For mmunohstochemcal examnaton, three mcron thck tssue sectons were taken from paraffn embedded tssue blocks and staned wth IL-17, IL-23, IL-36α antbodes. Immunohstochemcally staned sldes were examned by a sngle pathologst under an Olympus BX46 lght mcroscope. IL-17, IL-23 and IL-36α expressons were evaluated by calculatng mmunohstochemcal stanng score separately for epdermal and dermal areas. The mmunohstochemcal stanng score was obtaned by multplyng the ntensty of mmunostanng by the number of postvely staned cells (keratnocytes, lymphocytes, endothelal cells and fbroblasts). Results Dermal IL-17 and IL-36 stanng scores were lower n psoratc plaques n the acral regon compared to non-acral regons and statstcal sgnfcance was present. IL-23 expresson was also lower n the acral regon, but statstcal sgnfcance was not found. PPE patents had hgher dermal IL-17 and IL-23 expresson than PPP patents. Dermal IL-36 expresson was smlar n PPE and PPP patents. Epdermal expresson of all three cytoknes was smlar n all three groups. In the hstopathologc dfferental dagnoss of PPP and PPE, fndngs such as confluent parakeratoss, regular psorasform hyperplasa, anastomoss n rete rdges, dlated and tortuous capllares n papllary derms were more common n PPP. Concluson The lower expresson of IL-17, IL-23 and IL-36 n the palmoplantar area compared to the body may explan why psorass plaques n these areas respond less to bologcal agent treatments than plaques n the body. It was concluded that the hgher expresson of IL-17 and IL-23 n the PPE group compared to the PPP group may be due to the fact that the expresson of these cytoknes may be affected by factors such as dsease severty, duraton and exposure to the agent and ther use n dfferental dagnoss would not be approprate. In the hstopathologc dfferental dagnoss of PPP and PPE, although fndngs such as confluent parakeratoss, regular psorasform hyperplasa, anastomoss n the rete rdges, dlated and tortuous capllares n the papllary derms were more common n PPP, t was concluded that they could not be determned as defntve dagnostc crtera to dstngush these two dseases.
Am Psorass vulgars s a chronc nflammatory dsease characterzed by erythematous psoratc squamous plaques. In addton to ts classcal localzatons n the body, psorass vulgars also nvolves specfc areas such as ntertrgnous areas, scalp and palmoplantar regon. Bologcal agents that act by targetng cytoknes n the pathogeness of psorass have revolutonzed the treatment of psorass, but the effcacy of these agents n the palmoplantar regon s slower and later than n the body. For ths reason, t s thought that the pathogeness of palmoplantar psorass (PPP) may be dfferent from classcal psorass. Both psorass and eczema n the palmoplantar regon present wth chronc lchenfed, hyperkeratotc and fssured plaques and clncal dfferental dagnoss can be dffcult. Hstopathologc studes to dfferentate these two dseases have shown that most hstopathologc fndngs, except for mnor nuances, are common to both dseases. The pathogeness of psorass vulgars s mostly medated by Th17/Th1 cells and related cytoknes, whle the pathogeness of eczema s mostly medated by Th2 cells and related cytoknes. Palmoplantar psorass s more resstant to treatment than psoratc plaques n the body and s a clncally and hstopathologcally confused entty wth palmoplantar eczema. In our study, we amed to nvestgate the cause of treatment resstance n palmoplantar psorass by mmunohstochemcal measurement of IL-17, IL-23 and IL-36 levels and to nvestgate the contrbuton of these cytoknes to the dfferental dagnoss of palmoplantar eczema. Our study wll be the frst to evaluate the mmunohstochemcal expresson of IL-17, IL-23 and IL-36 n bopsy materal taken smultaneously from acral and non-acral plaques of the same viii patent. Thus, t s amed to determne the dfferences n the mmunopathogeness of palmoplantar psorass and plaque psorass lesons n the body. It s also amed to determne the dstngushng hstopathologc features of palmoplantar psorass and palmoplantar eczema (PPE) and whether there are dfferences n mmunohstochemcal IL-17, IL-23, IL- 36 expresson n these two dseases. Materals and Methods Between January 2020 and February 2024, a total of 73 patents wth clncally and hstopathologcally confrmed plaque psorass, 25 wth PPP only, 25 wth PPE, and 23 wth palmoplantar psorass wth accompanyng plaque psorass on the body, who were admtted to Necmettn Erbakan Unversty Faculty of Medcne Hosptal, Department of Dermatology, were ncluded n the study. Demographc and clncal fndngs of the patents were obtaned by revewng the patent fles and contactng the patents by telephone. Dsease severty score was calculated from the photographs taken durng bopsy. For hstopathologc evaluaton, Hematoxyln-Eosn staned sldes from the pathology archve were used. For mmunohstochemcal examnaton, three mcron thck tssue sectons were taken from paraffn embedded tssue blocks and staned wth IL-17, IL-23, IL-36α antbodes. Immunohstochemcally staned sldes were examned by a sngle pathologst under an Olympus BX46 lght mcroscope. IL-17, IL-23 and IL-36α expressons were evaluated by calculatng mmunohstochemcal stanng score separately for epdermal and dermal areas. The mmunohstochemcal stanng score was obtaned by multplyng the ntensty of mmunostanng by the number of postvely staned cells (keratnocytes, lymphocytes, endothelal cells and fbroblasts). Results Dermal IL-17 and IL-36 stanng scores were lower n psoratc plaques n the acral regon compared to non-acral regons and statstcal sgnfcance was present. IL-23 expresson was also lower n the acral regon, but statstcal sgnfcance was not found. PPE patents had hgher dermal IL-17 and IL-23 expresson than PPP patents. Dermal IL-36 expresson was smlar n PPE and PPP patents. Epdermal expresson of all three cytoknes was smlar n all three groups. In the hstopathologc dfferental dagnoss of PPP and PPE, fndngs such as confluent parakeratoss, regular psorasform hyperplasa, anastomoss n rete rdges, dlated and tortuous capllares n papllary derms were more common n PPP. Concluson The lower expresson of IL-17, IL-23 and IL-36 n the palmoplantar area compared to the body may explan why psorass plaques n these areas respond less to bologcal agent treatments than plaques n the body. It was concluded that the hgher expresson of IL-17 and IL-23 n the PPE group compared to the PPP group may be due to the fact that the expresson of these cytoknes may be affected by factors such as dsease severty, duraton and exposure to the agent and ther use n dfferental dagnoss would not be approprate. In the hstopathologc dfferental dagnoss of PPP and PPE, although fndngs such as confluent parakeratoss, regular psorasform hyperplasa, anastomoss n the rete rdges, dlated and tortuous capllares n the papllary derms were more common n PPP, t was concluded that they could not be determned as defntve dagnostc crtera to dstngush these two dseases.
Anahtar Kelimeler
psörazs, psorass, palmoplantar, egzama, eczema, moleküler hedefe yönelk tedav, mmünohstokmya, mmunohstochemstry, molecular targeted therapy
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Bulut, Ş. K. (2024). Palmoplantar psöriazis, palmoplantar ekzema ve plak psöriaziste immünohistokimyasal olarak ölçülen IL-17, IL-23, IL-36 ekspresyonlarının ayırıcı tanı ve tedavi seçimine etkisinin belirlenmesi. (Yayınlanmamış tıpta uzmanlık tezi) Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi Dahili Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü Deri ve Zührevi Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Konya.