Süryanilerde doğuma ve çocuk yetiştirmeye dair ritüeller, gelenekler (Midyat Örneği).
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Süryanilik, Hıristiyanlar arasında Doğu Roma İmparatorluğu sınırları içinde III. ve IV. yüzyıllarda inanç ihtilaflarından ortaya çıkan ve monofizitizme eğilim gösteren bir kilisedir. Bu kilisenin taraftarlarına Süryani denir. Ortodoks, Katolik ve Protestan olmak üzere üç mezhebe ayrılan Süryanilerden Türkiye'de nüfus bakımından en kalabalık olan grup Ortodoks Süryanilerdir. Merkezi Midyat olan ve Süryanilerce Tur Abdin adı verilen coğrafyada, günümüz itibarıyla yaklaşık olarak üç bin civarında Süryani yaşamaktadır. Midyat'ta yaşayan Kadim Ortodoks Süryani Cemaatinin din hizmetleri Mardin ve burada bulunan ruhaniler tarafından verilmektedir. Midyat'ta ikamet eden Süryaniler, kadim Hıristiyanlığın vecibelerini yerine getirmekte, geleneklerine riayet etmekte ve yeni nesillerinin din ve kültürel hayattan kopmamaları adına çaba sarf etmektedirler. İlk ve Orta öğretim çağındaki Süryani çocukları Milli Eğitime bağlı ilk ve orta dereceli okullarda eğitim öğretim faaliyetlerini sürdürürken, aynı zamanda kiliselere gönderilerek din eğitimiyle birlikte Süryanice de öğrenmektedirler. Bu makalede Midyat'ta yaşayan Süryani kadınlarının hamilelik ve doğuma dair ritüel ve gelenekleri ile Süryani çocuklarının dini ve geleneksel anlayışa uygun yetiştirilme biçimleri konu edilmiştir
Syriac Orthodox Church is a church showing tendency to Monophysitism and having emerged due to the belief disagreements among Christians within the boundaries of East Roman Empire in III and IV centuries. The supporters of this church are called as Syriacs. Of the Syriacs dividing into three sects as Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants, the most crowded group living in Turkey are Orthodox Syriacs. Today, about 3000 Syriacs live in the geography named as Tur Abdin by Syriac Christians and whose centre is Midyat. Religious services of Ancient Orthodox Syriac Community living in Midyat are performed by spiritual ecclesiastics residing in Mardin and Midyat. The Syriacs dwelling in Midyat perform the obligations of ancient Christianity; and obey their traditional rules and put forth efforts for the sake of the new generations not breaking off their ties with religious and cultural life styles. While the Syriac children at the age of primary and secondary education continue their education at primary and secondary schools under the administration of Turkish National Education Ministry, they are also sent to churches so as to have religious education and learn Syriac language. In this manuscript, rituals and traditions associated with pregnancy and parturition of Syrian women living in Midyat, and raising the Syriac children in accordance with religious and traditional understanding will be studied
Syriac Orthodox Church is a church showing tendency to Monophysitism and having emerged due to the belief disagreements among Christians within the boundaries of East Roman Empire in III and IV centuries. The supporters of this church are called as Syriacs. Of the Syriacs dividing into three sects as Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants, the most crowded group living in Turkey are Orthodox Syriacs. Today, about 3000 Syriacs live in the geography named as Tur Abdin by Syriac Christians and whose centre is Midyat. Religious services of Ancient Orthodox Syriac Community living in Midyat are performed by spiritual ecclesiastics residing in Mardin and Midyat. The Syriacs dwelling in Midyat perform the obligations of ancient Christianity; and obey their traditional rules and put forth efforts for the sake of the new generations not breaking off their ties with religious and cultural life styles. While the Syriac children at the age of primary and secondary education continue their education at primary and secondary schools under the administration of Turkish National Education Ministry, they are also sent to churches so as to have religious education and learn Syriac language. In this manuscript, rituals and traditions associated with pregnancy and parturition of Syrian women living in Midyat, and raising the Syriac children in accordance with religious and traditional understanding will be studied
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tarih, Midyat, Süryaniler, Çocuk, Gelenek, Eğitim, Syriacs, Child, Tradition, Education
Tarih Okulu Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Ulutürk, M. (2016). Süryanilerde doğuma ve çocuk yetiştirmeye dair ritüeller, gelenekler (Midyat Örneği). Tarih Okulu Dergisi, 9, 25, 899-915.