Molla Gürânî ve el-Kevseru'l-Cârî ilâ Riyâdı Ehâdîsi'l-Buhârî
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Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırmada, II. Mehmed'in hocalığından başlayarak Devlet-i Aliyye'de çeşitli görevlerde bulunan ve hayatının son sekiz yılında ilmiye sınıfının en yüksek mevkii olan Meşîhat-i İslâmiyye makamında şeyhülislam olarak görev yapan ve saray çevresinde etkili bir isim Molla Gürânî'nin el-Kevseru'l-Cârî ilâ Riyâdı Ehâdîsi'l-Buhârî isimli eseri konu edilmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı, Osmanlı coğrafyasında yazılan ilk Buhârî şerhi olma özelliğini taşıyan Molla Gürânî'nin şerhinin metod ve muhtevâ açısından şerh edebiyatının genel prensibleri çerçevesinde değerlendirilmesi ve genelde Buhârî şerhleri özelde Osmanlı hadis çalışmaları arasındaki yerinin tesbit edilmesidir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda birinci bölümde Molla Gürânî'nin hayatı ve Anadolu'ya geldiği XV. yüzyıl öncesi ve sonrasındaki hadis çalışmaları ve medrese programlarındaki hadis dersleri incelenmiştir. İkinci bölümde el-Kevseru'l-Cârî'nin şerh metodu; metin tahlîli ve hadislerin anlaşılması ve yorumlanması çerçevesinde tetkik edilmiştir. Metin tahlîli cihetinden kelime ve cümle yapısının izahında şerhin çeşitli yerlerinden seçilen örnekler müvâcehesinde şerh metodu tanıtılmış, bu arada müellifin kaynaklarına dair bilgi verilmiştir. Ayrıca muhtevânın yorumlanmasında müellifin öncelik atfettiği belli başlı hususlar tesbit edilerek hadislerin yorumlanmasında öne çıkan argümanlar değerlendirilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde şerhin muhtevâsı; Hadis usûlü, Muhtelifü'l-hadis ve Nâsih-Mensûh konuları zâviyesinden incelenmiştir. Özellikle usûl ve furû konularında müellifin müntesibi bulunduğu Şafiî mezhebinin görüşlerine dâir ortaya koyduğu savunular ve Hanefî mezhebine yönelik bir takım tenkidleri incelenmiştir. Bu arada el-Câmiu's-Sahîh'in Edeb, İsti'zân ve Rikâk bölümlerinin şerhinde kullanılan hadislerin sıhhati araştırılmış ve mezkûr bölümlerdeki rivayet malzemesinin sıhhat değerine yönelik tesbitler şemalarla beraber sunulmuştur. Ayrıca şerhin çeşitli yerlerinden seçilen bazı örneklerde Gürânî'nin sened ve metin tenkidindeki metodu tanıtılmıştır.
In this study, It is studied that who was a valuable person, much beloved and respected by palace and the public of Ottoman and teacher's II Mehmed and served in a variety of tasks one of them is located in the last eight years of his life in the science field highest positions Shaykh al-Islam, as Mashikhat-i-Islamiyya, religious scholar, Mufti /Shaykh-al-islam of the Ottoman Empire Mullah Kurani and his Hadith commentary book called Kawthar al-Jari ilá Riya? A?adith al-Bukhari and his hadith thought. The aim of this study is identifiying Mullah Kurani and his book in terms of hadith science which is the first written Bukhari commentary, and identifiying Mullah Kurani's commentary methods in terms of the sanad and textual criticism in the Ottoman hadith thought and determining content of this book in terms of literature principles within the framework of the Bukhari's evaluation in Ottoman hadith studies. For this purpose, in the first chapter it is examined that Mullah Kurani's life and his arrival to Anatolia, and after that his influences and contributions to the science of Hadith in terms of his understanding of hadith. In the second part of al-Kawsar al'-Jârî's annotation method, text analysis, understanding and interpretation methods of hadiths in al-Bukhari's book is examined. This book, text Analysis in terms of the structure of words and sentences from which selected various parts of his annotation in the framework of his hadith undrstanding methods is also examined. In addition to that, the content of this book is evaluated and detected that the author's priority issues are identified by certain prominent arguments in terms of his hadith interpretation methods. In the third part, it is examined that hadith methods, Nasih-Mensûh issues. especially in the field of the majorities and minorities with the Shafi'i school and against the Hanafi sect. Meanwhile, the soundness of some hadiths in the book's chapter Edeb, Isti'zân and Rikâk is researched and the findings are presented in diagrams. In addition some selected examples from various parts of commentaries about Kurani's sanad and textual criticism methods are introduced.
In this study, It is studied that who was a valuable person, much beloved and respected by palace and the public of Ottoman and teacher's II Mehmed and served in a variety of tasks one of them is located in the last eight years of his life in the science field highest positions Shaykh al-Islam, as Mashikhat-i-Islamiyya, religious scholar, Mufti /Shaykh-al-islam of the Ottoman Empire Mullah Kurani and his Hadith commentary book called Kawthar al-Jari ilá Riya? A?adith al-Bukhari and his hadith thought. The aim of this study is identifiying Mullah Kurani and his book in terms of hadith science which is the first written Bukhari commentary, and identifiying Mullah Kurani's commentary methods in terms of the sanad and textual criticism in the Ottoman hadith thought and determining content of this book in terms of literature principles within the framework of the Bukhari's evaluation in Ottoman hadith studies. For this purpose, in the first chapter it is examined that Mullah Kurani's life and his arrival to Anatolia, and after that his influences and contributions to the science of Hadith in terms of his understanding of hadith. In the second part of al-Kawsar al'-Jârî's annotation method, text analysis, understanding and interpretation methods of hadiths in al-Bukhari's book is examined. This book, text Analysis in terms of the structure of words and sentences from which selected various parts of his annotation in the framework of his hadith undrstanding methods is also examined. In addition to that, the content of this book is evaluated and detected that the author's priority issues are identified by certain prominent arguments in terms of his hadith interpretation methods. In the third part, it is examined that hadith methods, Nasih-Mensûh issues. especially in the field of the majorities and minorities with the Shafi'i school and against the Hanafi sect. Meanwhile, the soundness of some hadiths in the book's chapter Edeb, Isti'zân and Rikâk is researched and the findings are presented in diagrams. In addition some selected examples from various parts of commentaries about Kurani's sanad and textual criticism methods are introduced.
Doktora Tezi. YÖK Tez Merkezi No: 383584
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Ayaz, K. (2014). Molla Gürânî ve el-Kevseru'l-Cârî ilâ Riyâdı Ehâdîsi'l-Buhârî. (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Temel İslam Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı, Konya.