Ortaöğretim öğrencilerinin biyoloji laboratuvarı sınıf çevresine ilişkin algılarına öğrenme stillerinin etkisi
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Eğitim-öğretim faaliyetlerinin yapıldığı ortamlar fiziksel /biyolojik/ psikolojik özellikler, ilgiler, beklentiler, istekler, başarı, başarısızlık, yetenekler, zeka türleri, öğrenme stilleri gibi oldukça zengin bireysel nitelikleri içermektedir. Öğrencilerin bireysel özelliklerindeki bu farklılıklar, doğal olarak onların öğrenme sürecinin gerçekleştiği ortamların düzenlenmesinde de etkisini göstermektedir. En önemli bireysel özelliklerden biri öğrenme stilleridir. Dolayısıyla öğrenme stilleri sınıf çevresine yönelik algıları etkilemektedir. Çünkü öğrencilerin hangi öğrenme stilini tercih ettiğinin bilinmesi, bu öğrencilerin nasıl öğrenebileceğine, nasıl bir öğrenme-öğretme süreci uygulanabileceğine, nerede öğrenebileceklerine yönelik soruların cevabını vermektedir. Öğrenme stilleri dikkate alınarak düzenlenen bir sınıf çevresinde, öğrencilerin gerçek olayları daha iyi algılayan, öğrenme-öğretme sürecinden etkili bir şekilde yararlanan ve neyi-nasıl öğreneceklerini bilen bilinçli öğrenciler oldukları belirlenmiştir. yardımıyla betimsel istatistikler yanında, güvenirlik katsayısı analizi, Kay-Kare testi, Tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) ve Eta-Kare etki katsayısı analizi yapılmıştır. Çalışma sonunda öğrencilerin biyoloji labaratuvarı sınıf çevresine ilişkin algılarının orta düzeyde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Diğer taraftan araştırmaya katılan öğrencilerin en fazla Özümseyen öğrenme stiline sahip oldukları belirlenirken, bunu Değiştiren öğrenme stiline sahip, Ayrıştıran öğrenme stiline ve Yerleştiren öğrenme stiline sahip öğrencilerin izlediği belirlenmiştir. Öğrencilerin biyoloji laboratuvarı sınıf çevresine yönelik algılarının ölçeğin hem genelinde hem de boyutlarında öğrencilerin öğrenme stillerine göre anlamlı farklılık göstermediği belirlenmiştir. Ancak öğrencilerin biyoloji laboratuvarı sınıf çevresine yönelik algılarının en fazla fiziksel ortam boyutunda öğrenme stillerinin etkisinde olduğu belirlenirken bunu kurallarda netlik boyutu, bütünleşme boyutu, öğrenci bağlılığı boyutu ve açık uçluluk boyutu izlemektedir. Sonuçlar öğrencilerin biyoloji laboratuvarı sınıf çevresine yönelik algılarına öğrenme stillerinin etkisinin, ölçeğin hem geneline hem de boyutlarına büyük düzeyde olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
The environments in which education activities are carried out include quiet rich individual qualities such as physical/ biological/ psychological features, interests, expectations, desires, success, failure, talents, intelligence types, and learning styles. These differences in the individual features of the students naturally affect the arrangement of the environments in which their learning process takes place. One of the most important individual features is learning styles. Therefore, learning styles affect perceptions of classroom environment. Because, knowing students’ preferred learning style would answer questions about what learning-teaching procedure could be implemented, where they could learn easily, and together with whom they could learn more easily. It has been determined that, in a classroom environment which is arranged taking into account the learning styles, the students are conscious students who better perceive true cases, who effectively benefit from learning-teaching procedure, and who know what and how to learn. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of learning styles on secondary school students' perceptions of biology laboratory classroom environment. Scanning model was used in the study. A total of 65 final-year secondary school students participated in the study. In order to collect data for this study biology laboratory classroom environment perception scale (Fraser, Gidding and McRobbie, 1992) and the Kolb Learning Style Inventory (Kolb, 1985) were used. In the analysis of the data, besides descriptive statistics, the reliability coefficient analysis, Chi-square test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Eta-square impact coefficient analysis were conducted with the help of SPSS-20 program package. In result of the study, it was determined that the students' perception of biology laboratory classroom environment was at medium level. On the other hand it was determined that the students participating in the study mostly have Assimilator learning style and that they are followed by the students having Converger learning style, Diverger learning style and Accommodator learning style. It was determined that students' perceptions of biology laboratory classroom environment both throughout the scale and in the dimensions of the scale did not differ significantly. However, while it was determined that students’ perception of biology laboratory classroom environment is influenced at most by in physical environment learning styles (?20.238), it is followed by the dimension of clarity in the rules, dimension of integration, dimension of student’s dedication and dimension of open-endedness. Results determined that learning styles’ influence on students’ perception of biology laboratory classroom environment both throughout the scale and in the dimensions of the scale is large.
The environments in which education activities are carried out include quiet rich individual qualities such as physical/ biological/ psychological features, interests, expectations, desires, success, failure, talents, intelligence types, and learning styles. These differences in the individual features of the students naturally affect the arrangement of the environments in which their learning process takes place. One of the most important individual features is learning styles. Therefore, learning styles affect perceptions of classroom environment. Because, knowing students’ preferred learning style would answer questions about what learning-teaching procedure could be implemented, where they could learn easily, and together with whom they could learn more easily. It has been determined that, in a classroom environment which is arranged taking into account the learning styles, the students are conscious students who better perceive true cases, who effectively benefit from learning-teaching procedure, and who know what and how to learn. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of learning styles on secondary school students' perceptions of biology laboratory classroom environment. Scanning model was used in the study. A total of 65 final-year secondary school students participated in the study. In order to collect data for this study biology laboratory classroom environment perception scale (Fraser, Gidding and McRobbie, 1992) and the Kolb Learning Style Inventory (Kolb, 1985) were used. In the analysis of the data, besides descriptive statistics, the reliability coefficient analysis, Chi-square test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Eta-square impact coefficient analysis were conducted with the help of SPSS-20 program package. In result of the study, it was determined that the students' perception of biology laboratory classroom environment was at medium level. On the other hand it was determined that the students participating in the study mostly have Assimilator learning style and that they are followed by the students having Converger learning style, Diverger learning style and Accommodator learning style. It was determined that students' perceptions of biology laboratory classroom environment both throughout the scale and in the dimensions of the scale did not differ significantly. However, while it was determined that students’ perception of biology laboratory classroom environment is influenced at most by in physical environment learning styles (?20.238), it is followed by the dimension of clarity in the rules, dimension of integration, dimension of student’s dedication and dimension of open-endedness. Results determined that learning styles’ influence on students’ perception of biology laboratory classroom environment both throughout the scale and in the dimensions of the scale is large.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sınıf çevresi, Biyoloji laboratuvarı sınıf çevresine ilişkin algı, Öğrenme stili, Kolb öğrenme stili modeli
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kurt, H., Ekici, G., Gökmen, A., Aktaş, M., Aksu, Ö. (2013). Ortaöğretim öğrencilerinin biyoloji laboratuvarı sınıf çevresine ilişkin algılarına öğrenme stillerinin etkisi. Turkish Studies (Elektronik), 8, 6, 157-177.