Association between Hemispheric Asymmetry and Horizontal Rapid Eye Movements during Rapid Eye Movement Sleep
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Amaç: İnsanlarda REM uykusunda oluşan hızlı göz hareketlerinin (HGH) fonksiyonel önemi ve orijini tam anlaşılamamıştır. HGH'nin, REM uykusunda rüya görme ve merkezi sinir sistemi aktivasyonuyla eşzamanlı görülmesi ilginçtir. Bu çalışma; REM uykusunda oluşan horizontal hızlı göz hareketlerinin (HHGH) yöneliş-amplitüt-açısal değerlerini ölçmeyi, yaşla ilişkilerini, hızlı göz hareketlerinin temelindeki anatomik, fizyolojik mekanizmaları açıklamayı ve hemisferik asimetri kavramına katkı sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Yöntem: Yaşları 19-70 arasında değişen 25 denek bir gecelik spontan uyku esnasında standart prosedürler uygulanarak kayıtlandı. Bir gecelik REM periyodunda sağa ve sola HHGH dağılım analizi, HHGH açısal değerleri ve HHGH amplitüt ortalamaları karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Yapılan istatistiki değerlendirmeyle hemisferik bir asimetriyi gösterecek anlamlı bir sonuç elde edilmedi. Sonuç: REM uykusu, HGH ve rüya için dominant bir hemisfer göstermek mümkün gözükmemektedir. Çalışmaların bir kısmı sağ hemisfer bir kısmı sol hemisfer üstünlüğünü ortaya koymaya çalışırken diğer kısım ki (bizim çalışmamızda bunu desteklemekte) iki hemisferin koordineli çalıştığını savunmaktadır.
Objective: The origin and functional importance of rapid eye movements (REMs) during REM sleep in humans has not been completely understood. It is interesting that REMs occur simultaneously with dreaming during REM sleep and central nervous system activation. In the present study, we aimed to measure the directional properties (amplitude and angular values) of horizontal REMs (hREMs), determine their relationship with age, explain the anatomical and physiological basis of REMs, and contribute to the concept of hemispheric asymmetry. Method: Using standard procedures, 25 subjects (age range, 19-70 years) were recorded during one night of spontaneous sleep. hREM distribution analysis to the right and left, hREM angular values, and hREM amplitude means were compared during an REM period of one night. Result: Statistical analysis revealed no significant results that would indicate a hemispheric asymmetry. Conclusion: The findings suggested that no hemispheric dominance can be demonstrated for REM sleep, REMs, or dream. Although some studies have demonstrated the dominance of one hemisphere over the other, others have advocated (also supported by our study) that both hemispheres function in coordination.
Objective: The origin and functional importance of rapid eye movements (REMs) during REM sleep in humans has not been completely understood. It is interesting that REMs occur simultaneously with dreaming during REM sleep and central nervous system activation. In the present study, we aimed to measure the directional properties (amplitude and angular values) of horizontal REMs (hREMs), determine their relationship with age, explain the anatomical and physiological basis of REMs, and contribute to the concept of hemispheric asymmetry. Method: Using standard procedures, 25 subjects (age range, 19-70 years) were recorded during one night of spontaneous sleep. hREM distribution analysis to the right and left, hREM angular values, and hREM amplitude means were compared during an REM period of one night. Result: Statistical analysis revealed no significant results that would indicate a hemispheric asymmetry. Conclusion: The findings suggested that no hemispheric dominance can be demonstrated for REM sleep, REMs, or dream. Although some studies have demonstrated the dominance of one hemisphere over the other, others have advocated (also supported by our study) that both hemispheres function in coordination.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Rem sleep, Horizontal rapid eye movement, Hemispheric asymmetry, Rem Uykusu, Horizontal hızlı göz hareketleri, Hemisferik asimetri
Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Uca, A. U., Genç, B. O., İlhan, S. (2017). Association between hemispheric asymmetry and horizontal rapid eye movements during rapid eye movement sleep. Journal of Neurological Sciences, 34, 3, 265-276.