Bir Üniversite Hastanesinde Araştırma Görevlisi Olarak Çalışan Hekimlerin Mesleki Değer Algısı İle Sağlıkta Şiddete Maruziyet Durumları Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi
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Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç Sağlık ta şiddet giderek artmakta dır. Ş iddet gören sağlık çalışanlarının sürekli bir tetikte
olma durumu, endişe, korku ve moral bozukluğu, iş motivasyon larının azalması ve işine
odaklanama dıkları bilinmektedir. Sunulan çalışmada araştırma görevlisi hekimlerin şiddete
maruziyet durumları, sağlıkta şiddeti etkileyen faktörler hakkındaki görüşleri ve şiddet ile
mesleki değer algılarıı arasındaki ilişkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Gereç ve
yöntem Kesitsel tanımlayıcı nitelikteki bu araştırmanın evreni Necmettin Erbakan
Üniversitesi (NEÜ) Tıp Fakültesi dahili ve cerrahi bölümler in de görev yapan toplam 594
araştırma görevlisi hekim lerden oluşmaktaydı Gönüllük temelinde evrenin %70,3’üne
ulaşılarak 411 araştırma görevlisi hekim çalışmaya dahil edildi. Çalışmada u ygulanan anket
formu nun ilk bölümünde ; sosyodemografik bilgiler ve hekime yönelik şiddet ile ilgili sorula r,
ikinci bölümde ise; Hekimlik Değer Algısı Ölçeği (HDA Ö yer alm aktadır . Elde edilen veriler
SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences for Windows) 20.0 programı kullanılarak analiz
edildi. p<0,05 değeri istatistiksel olarak anlamlı kabul edildi.
Çalışma daki 411 hekimin y aş ortalaması 28,3±3,18 yıl , %52,1’i (n=214) kadın,
meslekte geçirdikleri aktif çalışma sürelerinin ortancası 30 (min 1 maks 268) ay dı.
H ekimlerin %74’ü (n 304) dahili b ö l ü mlerd e iken, %26’sı (n 107) cerrahi b ö l ü mlerd e görev
yapmaktaydı Katılımcıların %96,1’i (n 395) son yıllarda şiddetin arttığını düşünmekte olup
%84,9’u (n 349) sözel şiddete %16,3’ü (n 67) fiziksel şiddete , %28,7’si (n 118) ekonomik
şiddete ve %4,9’u (n 20) cinsel şiddete uğradığını belirtti. Meslekte aktif çalışma süresi 2,5
yıldan fazla olan hekimlerin fiziksel şiddete (%20,6; n=41) ve ekonomik şiddete maruziyetleri
(%35,2; n=70); 2,5 yıl ve altı çalışma süresi olan hekimler in fiziksel şiddete (%12,3; n=26) ve
ekonomik şiddete (%22,6; n=48) maruz iyetinden daha yüksekti (p <0,05 Katılımcılara iddetin nedenleri sorulduğunda; en fazla
şiddetin nedenleri sorulduğunda; en fazla ““beklemeye tahammülsüzlükbeklemeye tahammülsüzlük”” yanıtı verilirkenyanıtı verilirken, , şiddetin oluşturduğu olumsuz duygu ve düşünceler şiddetin oluşturduğu olumsuz duygu ve düşünceler içiniçin en en çokçok ““çalışma motivasyonu azalmasıçalışma motivasyonu azalması”” yanıtı alındı.yanıtı alındı. ErkekErkeklerlerin in %72,1%72,1’i’i ((n=142) n=142) hekimin hasta ile iletişim şeklininhekimin hasta ile iletişim şeklinin, , %43,7%43,7’si (’si (n=86)n=86) empati yeteneğinin azalmasının ve empati yeteneğinin azalmasının ve %35,0%35,0’ı’ı ((n=69)n=69) tıbbi bilgitıbbi bilgi--beceri ve donanımın beceri ve donanımın yetersizliğiyetersizliğinin nin şiddette şiddette etkietkisininsinin olduğunu olduğunu düşünüyordudüşünüyordu.. Kadınların ise Kadınların ise %58,9’u (n=126)%58,9’u (n=126) iletişim şeklinin, iletişim şeklinin, %34,6’sı (n=74) hekimin empati yeteneğinin azalmasının%34,6’sı (n=74) hekimin empati yeteneğinin azalmasının, , %21,5’i (n=46)%21,5’i (n=46) tıbbi bilgitıbbi bilgi--beceri ve donanımın yetersizliğinin şiddette etkibeceri ve donanımın yetersizliğinin şiddette etkisininsinin olduğunu düşünüyordu. olduğunu düşünüyordu. Hekimin hasta ile iHekimin hasta ile iletişiletişimm şekli, empati yeteneğinin azalması ve tıbbi bilgişekli, empati yeteneğinin azalması ve tıbbi bilgi--beceri ve donanım beceri ve donanım yetersizliğinin şiddette etkili olduğyetersizliğinin şiddette etkili olduğunu düşünen erkeklerin oranıunu düşünen erkeklerin oranı,, kadınlara göre daha yüksektikadınlara göre daha yüksekti (p<0,05)(p<0,05).. Hekimin hastasıyla anlaşılır bir dille konuşması, mesleki haklarını bilmesi, hasta Hekimin hastasıyla anlaşılır bir dille konuşması, mesleki haklarını bilmesi, hasta mamahremiyete özen göstermesi, tanı ve tedavi konusunda yeterli bilgilendirmeyi yapması hremiyete özen göstermesi, tanı ve tedavi konusunda yeterli bilgilendirmeyi yapması hekimlerin benimsediği en hekimlerin benimsediği en önemli özelliklerdi.önemli özelliklerdi. Ankete katılan hekimlerin Ankete katılan hekimlerin HDAÖHDAÖ toplam puan toplam puan ortalaması 72,35±7,46 idiortalaması 72,35±7,46 idi.. Sözel şiddeteSözel şiddete maruz kalan hekimlerin HDAÖ toplam maruz kalan hekimlerin HDAÖ toplam puanı puanı (71,75±7,36)(71,75±7,36) veve fiziksel şiddetefiziksel şiddete maruz kalan hekimlerin HDAÖ toplam puanı maruz kalan hekimlerin HDAÖ toplam puanı (70,67±6,64), (70,67±6,64), sözel şiddete sözel şiddete (75,69±7,17) (75,69±7,17) ve fiziksel şiddete maruz kalmayanve fiziksel şiddete maruz kalmayan (72,67±7,57) (72,67±7,57) hekimlere göre hekimlere göre daha düşüktü daha düşüktü (p<0,05)(p<0,05).. Hekimin hasta ile iletişim şeklininHekimin hasta ile iletişim şeklinin şiddette etkili olduğunu düşünenlerin şiddette etkili olduğunu düşünenlerin HDAÖ toplam puanı (HDAÖ toplam puanı (73,26±7,5573,26±7,55), düşünmeyenlere), düşünmeyenlere ((69,43±7,2069,43±7,20) göre daha yüksekti ) göre daha yüksekti (p<0,001).(p<0,001). Hekimin empati yeteneğinin Hekimin empati yeteneğinin azalmasıazalmasınınnın şiddette etkisinin olduğunu düşünenşiddette etkisinin olduğunu düşünenlerinlerin HDAHDAÖÖ toplam puanı (74,10±7,5)toplam puanı (74,10±7,5) dada düşünmeyenlere düşünmeyenlere (69,65±6,76)(69,65±6,76) göre göre daha yüksekti daha yüksekti (p<0,001). (p<0,001).
Sonuç:: Bu çalışmada hekimlerin şiddete maruziyetinin yüksek olduğu, özellikle ekonomik Bu çalışmada hekimlerin şiddete maruziyetinin yüksek olduğu, özellikle ekonomik şiddetin yüksek olduğu görüldü. Dahili ve cerrahi bölümler ve cinsiyetler arasında şiddete şiddetin yüksek olduğu görüldü. Dahili ve cerrahi bölümler ve cinsiyetler arasında şiddete maruziyet açısından fark maruziyet açısından fark olmadığı görüldü.olmadığı görüldü. Her üç hekimden ikisininHer üç hekimden ikisinin şiddette iletişim şeklinin şiddette iletişim şeklinin etkisinin olduğunu etkisinin olduğunu düşündüğünü fakat yarısından fazlasının düşündüğünü fakat yarısından fazlasının tıbbı bilgitıbbı bilgi, , beceri ve donanımbeceri ve donanım yetersizliğininyetersizliğinin şiddette şiddette etkisinin olmadığını etkisinin olmadığını düşündükleri görüldüdüşündükleri görüldü. . Erkek hekimlerin kadın Erkek hekimlerin kadın meslektaşlarına kıyasla şiddetmeslektaşlarına kıyasla şiddettte iletişim e iletişim şeklişekli, empati ye, empati yeteneğiteneğinin azlığınin azlığı ve tıbbi bilgi, beceri ve ve tıbbi bilgi, beceri ve donanım donanım yetersizliğinin yetersizliğinin etkisinietkisininn daha yüksek düzeyde olduğunu düşündükleri görüldü. daha yüksek düzeyde olduğunu düşündükleri görüldü. Hekimlerin şiddete maruz kalmasının, hekimlik değer Hekimlerin şiddete maruz kalmasının, hekimlik değer algılarını olumsuz etkilediği saptandı. algılarını olumsuz etkilediği saptandı. Şiddette hekimin hasta ile olan iletişim şeklinin ve empati yeteneğinin etkisi olduğunu Şiddette hekimin hasta ile olan iletişim şeklinin ve empati yeteneğinin etkisi olduğunu düşünendüşünenlerilerinn hekimlik değer algıları daha yüksekhekimlik değer algıları daha yüksekti.ti.
Aim: Violence in health is increasing. It is known that healthcare workers who are exposed to violence are in a state of constant alertness, anxiety, fear and demoralization, decreased work motivation and inability to focus on their work. In the present study, it was aimed to examine the exposure of research assistant physicians to violence, their views on the factors affecting violence in health, and the relationship between violence and their perceptions of professional values. Materials and Methods: The population of this cross-sectional descriptive study consisted of research assistant physicians working at Necmettin Erbakan University (NEU) Faculty of Medicine. The data of 411 physicians who volunteered for the study were analyzed. The first part of the questionnaire form included questions about sociodemographic information and violence against physicians, and the second part included the Physician Value Perception Scale (PVPS). The data obtained were analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences for Windows) 20.0 program. p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results Of the 411 physicians included in the study, the mean age was 28.3±3.18 years , 52.1% (n=214) were female and t he median active working time of the physicians was 30 (min=1, max=268) months. While 74% (n=304) of the physicians were working in internal departments, 26% (n=107) were working in surgical departments. Of the participants 96.1% (n=395) thought viii that violence had increased in recent years, 84.9% (n=349) reported having experienced verbal that violence had increased in recent years, 84.9% (n=349) reported having experienced verbal violence, 16.3% (n=67) physical violence, 28.7% (n=118) economic violence and 4.9% (n=20) violence, 16.3% (n=67) physical violence, 28.7% (n=118) economic violence and 4.9% (n=20) sexual violence. The exposure to physical violence (20.6%; n=41) and ecosexual violence. The exposure to physical violence (20.6%; n=41) and economic violence nomic violence (35.2%; n=70) among physicians with an active working period of 31 months or more was (35.2%; n=70) among physicians with an active working period of 31 months or more was higher than the exposure to physical violence (12.3%; n=26) and economic violence (22.6%; higher than the exposure to physical violence (12.3%; n=26) and economic violence (22.6%; n=48) among physicians with a working period of 30 months or lessn=48) among physicians with a working period of 30 months or less (p<0.05). When the (p<0.05). When the participants were asked about the causes of violence, the most common response was participants were asked about the causes of violence, the most common response was "intolerance to waiting", and when asked about the negative feelings and thoughts caused by "intolerance to waiting", and when asked about the negative feelings and thoughts caused by violence, the most common response was "decreased motivation violence, the most common response was "decreased motivation to work". Among men 72.1% to work". Among men 72.1% (n=142) thought that the physician's communication style with the patient, 43.7% (n=86) (n=142) thought that the physician's communication style with the patient, 43.7% (n=86) thought that the physician's decreased empathy, and 35.0% (n=69) thought that inadequate thought that the physician's decreased empathy, and 35.0% (n=69) thought that inadequate medical knowledge, skills and equipment had an effectmedical knowledge, skills and equipment had an effect on violence. Among women 58.9% on violence. Among women 58.9% (n=126) thought that communication style, 34.6% (n=74) thought that the physician's decreased (n=126) thought that communication style, 34.6% (n=74) thought that the physician's decreased empathy ability, and 21.5% (n=46) thought that insufficient medical knowledge, skills and empathy ability, and 21.5% (n=46) thought that insufficient medical knowledge, skills and equipment had an effect on violence. Theequipment had an effect on violence. The proportion of men who thought that the physician's proportion of men who thought that the physician's communication style with the patient, decreased empathy ability and insufficient medical communication style with the patient, decreased empathy ability and insufficient medical knowledge, skills and equipment had an effect on violence was higher than that of women knowledge, skills and equipment had an effect on violence was higher than that of women (p<0.05). The most importan(p<0.05). The most important characteristics adopted by physicians were that the physician t characteristics adopted by physicians were that the physician spoke to the patient in an understandable language, knew his/her professional rights, paid spoke to the patient in an understandable language, knew his/her professional rights, paid attention to patient privacy, and provided adequate information about diagnosis and treatment. attention to patient privacy, and provided adequate information about diagnosis and treatment. The meThe mean total score of the physicians who participated in the survey was 72.35±7.46. The an total score of the physicians who participated in the survey was 72.35±7.46. The HDAS total score of physicians exposed to verbal violence (71.75±7.36) and physical violence HDAS total score of physicians exposed to verbal violence (71.75±7.36) and physical violence (70.67±6.64) were lower than those who were not exposed to verbal violence (75.(70.67±6.64) were lower than those who were not exposed to verbal violence (75.69±7.17) and 69±7.17) and physical violence (72.67±7.57) (p<0.05). The HDAS total score of those who thought that the physical violence (72.67±7.57) (p<0.05). The HDAS total score of those who thought that the physician's communication style with the patient was effective in violence (73.26±7.55) was physician's communication style with the patient was effective in violence (73.26±7.55) was higher than those who did not (69.43±7.20) (p<0.001). The Hhigher than those who did not (69.43±7.20) (p<0.001). The HDAS total score (74.10±7.5) of DAS total score (74.10±7.5) of those who thought that the physician's those who thought that the physician's communication style with the patient was effective in communication style with the patient was effective in violence had a higher HDAS total score (73.26±7.55) than those who did not (69.43±7.20) violence had a higher HDAS total score (73.26±7.55) than those who did not (69.43±7.20) (p<0.001). The HDAS total score (74.10±7.5) (p<0.001). The HDAS total score (74.10±7.5) of those who thought that the physician's of those who thought that the physician's decreased empathy ability had an effect on violence was also higher than those who did not decreased empathy ability had an effect on violence was also higher than those who did not (69.65±6.76) (p<0.001).(69.65±6.76) (p<0.001). Conclusion Conclusion: : In this study, it was observed that physicians' exposure to violence was high, In this study, it was observed that physicians' exposure to violence was high, especially economic violence. There was no difference between internal and surgical especially economic violence. There was no difference between internal and surgical departments and genders in terms of exposure to violence. departments and genders in terms of exposure to violence. It was observed that two out of every It was observed that two out of every three physicians thought that communication style had an effect on violence but more than half three physicians thought that communication style had an effect on violence but more than half of them thought that lack of medical knowledge, skills and equipment had no effect on violence.of them thought that lack of medical knowledge, skills and equipment had no effect on violence. Male physicians thought that communication style, lack of empathy and insufficient medical Male physicians thought that communication style, lack of empathy and insufficient medical knowledge, skills and equipment had a higher impact on violence compared to their female knowledge, skills and equipment had a higher impact on violence compared to their female colleagues. It was found that physicians' exposure to violence negatively acolleagues. It was found that physicians' exposure to violence negatively affected their ffected their perception of the value of medicine. Those who thought that the physician's communication perception of the value of medicine. Those who thought that the physician's communication style with the patient and empathy ability had an effect on violence had higher perceptions of style with the patient and empathy ability had an effect on violence had higher perceptions of the value of medicine.the value of medicine.
Aim: Violence in health is increasing. It is known that healthcare workers who are exposed to violence are in a state of constant alertness, anxiety, fear and demoralization, decreased work motivation and inability to focus on their work. In the present study, it was aimed to examine the exposure of research assistant physicians to violence, their views on the factors affecting violence in health, and the relationship between violence and their perceptions of professional values. Materials and Methods: The population of this cross-sectional descriptive study consisted of research assistant physicians working at Necmettin Erbakan University (NEU) Faculty of Medicine. The data of 411 physicians who volunteered for the study were analyzed. The first part of the questionnaire form included questions about sociodemographic information and violence against physicians, and the second part included the Physician Value Perception Scale (PVPS). The data obtained were analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences for Windows) 20.0 program. p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results Of the 411 physicians included in the study, the mean age was 28.3±3.18 years , 52.1% (n=214) were female and t he median active working time of the physicians was 30 (min=1, max=268) months. While 74% (n=304) of the physicians were working in internal departments, 26% (n=107) were working in surgical departments. Of the participants 96.1% (n=395) thought viii that violence had increased in recent years, 84.9% (n=349) reported having experienced verbal that violence had increased in recent years, 84.9% (n=349) reported having experienced verbal violence, 16.3% (n=67) physical violence, 28.7% (n=118) economic violence and 4.9% (n=20) violence, 16.3% (n=67) physical violence, 28.7% (n=118) economic violence and 4.9% (n=20) sexual violence. The exposure to physical violence (20.6%; n=41) and ecosexual violence. The exposure to physical violence (20.6%; n=41) and economic violence nomic violence (35.2%; n=70) among physicians with an active working period of 31 months or more was (35.2%; n=70) among physicians with an active working period of 31 months or more was higher than the exposure to physical violence (12.3%; n=26) and economic violence (22.6%; higher than the exposure to physical violence (12.3%; n=26) and economic violence (22.6%; n=48) among physicians with a working period of 30 months or lessn=48) among physicians with a working period of 30 months or less (p<0.05). When the (p<0.05). When the participants were asked about the causes of violence, the most common response was participants were asked about the causes of violence, the most common response was "intolerance to waiting", and when asked about the negative feelings and thoughts caused by "intolerance to waiting", and when asked about the negative feelings and thoughts caused by violence, the most common response was "decreased motivation violence, the most common response was "decreased motivation to work". Among men 72.1% to work". Among men 72.1% (n=142) thought that the physician's communication style with the patient, 43.7% (n=86) (n=142) thought that the physician's communication style with the patient, 43.7% (n=86) thought that the physician's decreased empathy, and 35.0% (n=69) thought that inadequate thought that the physician's decreased empathy, and 35.0% (n=69) thought that inadequate medical knowledge, skills and equipment had an effectmedical knowledge, skills and equipment had an effect on violence. Among women 58.9% on violence. Among women 58.9% (n=126) thought that communication style, 34.6% (n=74) thought that the physician's decreased (n=126) thought that communication style, 34.6% (n=74) thought that the physician's decreased empathy ability, and 21.5% (n=46) thought that insufficient medical knowledge, skills and empathy ability, and 21.5% (n=46) thought that insufficient medical knowledge, skills and equipment had an effect on violence. Theequipment had an effect on violence. The proportion of men who thought that the physician's proportion of men who thought that the physician's communication style with the patient, decreased empathy ability and insufficient medical communication style with the patient, decreased empathy ability and insufficient medical knowledge, skills and equipment had an effect on violence was higher than that of women knowledge, skills and equipment had an effect on violence was higher than that of women (p<0.05). The most importan(p<0.05). The most important characteristics adopted by physicians were that the physician t characteristics adopted by physicians were that the physician spoke to the patient in an understandable language, knew his/her professional rights, paid spoke to the patient in an understandable language, knew his/her professional rights, paid attention to patient privacy, and provided adequate information about diagnosis and treatment. attention to patient privacy, and provided adequate information about diagnosis and treatment. The meThe mean total score of the physicians who participated in the survey was 72.35±7.46. The an total score of the physicians who participated in the survey was 72.35±7.46. The HDAS total score of physicians exposed to verbal violence (71.75±7.36) and physical violence HDAS total score of physicians exposed to verbal violence (71.75±7.36) and physical violence (70.67±6.64) were lower than those who were not exposed to verbal violence (75.(70.67±6.64) were lower than those who were not exposed to verbal violence (75.69±7.17) and 69±7.17) and physical violence (72.67±7.57) (p<0.05). The HDAS total score of those who thought that the physical violence (72.67±7.57) (p<0.05). The HDAS total score of those who thought that the physician's communication style with the patient was effective in violence (73.26±7.55) was physician's communication style with the patient was effective in violence (73.26±7.55) was higher than those who did not (69.43±7.20) (p<0.001). The Hhigher than those who did not (69.43±7.20) (p<0.001). The HDAS total score (74.10±7.5) of DAS total score (74.10±7.5) of those who thought that the physician's those who thought that the physician's communication style with the patient was effective in communication style with the patient was effective in violence had a higher HDAS total score (73.26±7.55) than those who did not (69.43±7.20) violence had a higher HDAS total score (73.26±7.55) than those who did not (69.43±7.20) (p<0.001). The HDAS total score (74.10±7.5) (p<0.001). The HDAS total score (74.10±7.5) of those who thought that the physician's of those who thought that the physician's decreased empathy ability had an effect on violence was also higher than those who did not decreased empathy ability had an effect on violence was also higher than those who did not (69.65±6.76) (p<0.001).(69.65±6.76) (p<0.001). Conclusion Conclusion: : In this study, it was observed that physicians' exposure to violence was high, In this study, it was observed that physicians' exposure to violence was high, especially economic violence. There was no difference between internal and surgical especially economic violence. There was no difference between internal and surgical departments and genders in terms of exposure to violence. departments and genders in terms of exposure to violence. It was observed that two out of every It was observed that two out of every three physicians thought that communication style had an effect on violence but more than half three physicians thought that communication style had an effect on violence but more than half of them thought that lack of medical knowledge, skills and equipment had no effect on violence.of them thought that lack of medical knowledge, skills and equipment had no effect on violence. Male physicians thought that communication style, lack of empathy and insufficient medical Male physicians thought that communication style, lack of empathy and insufficient medical knowledge, skills and equipment had a higher impact on violence compared to their female knowledge, skills and equipment had a higher impact on violence compared to their female colleagues. It was found that physicians' exposure to violence negatively acolleagues. It was found that physicians' exposure to violence negatively affected their ffected their perception of the value of medicine. Those who thought that the physician's communication perception of the value of medicine. Those who thought that the physician's communication style with the patient and empathy ability had an effect on violence had higher perceptions of style with the patient and empathy ability had an effect on violence had higher perceptions of the value of medicine.the value of medicine.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sağlıkta Şiddet, Violence in Health, Hekimlik D eğer A lgısı, Perception of V alue of M edicine, Tıpta U zmanlık, Medical S pecialty
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Ay, I. (2024). Bir Üniversite Hastanesinde Araştırma Görevlisi Olarak Çalışan Hekimlerin Mesleki Değer Algısı İle Sağlıkta Şiddete Maruziyet Durumları Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi. (Yayınlanmamış tıpta uzmanlık tezi) Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi Dahili Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü Aile Hekimliği Anabilim Dalı, Konya.