Üst vücut hareketlerinin algılanması için yapay zekâ destekli kapasitif tabanlı giyilebilir sensör sistemi geliştirilmesi
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Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Uyku apnesi uyku durumundaki bir kişinin en az 10 saniye boyunca nefes alışverişinin durmasına, hipopne ise hava akışının en az %30 oranında 10 saniye veya daha fazla süre azalmasına bağlı olarak hastayı uyandırması şeklinde tanımlanan bir solunum olayıdır. Obezite, alkol ve sigara kullanımı ve yaş gibi risk faktörleri uyku apnesi ile yüksek korelasyon içerisindedir. Özellikle artan obezite ile birlikte uyku apnesi sendromunun ileride giderek yaygınlaşabileceği araştırmacılar tarafından önlem alınması gereken ciddi bir husus olarak belirtilmektedir. Erkeklerde kadınlara göre yaklaşık 3 kat daha fazla görülen uyku apnesinin dünyada yaklaşık 936 milyon kişide var olduğu tahmin edilmektedir. Uyku apnesi kişilerin günlük hayatında yorgunluk ve dikkat eksiliği oluşturmasıyla trafik kazalarına ve iş yeri verimsizliklerine sebep olmasının yanında kalp yetmezliği, tip-2 diyabet, hipertansiyon, atriyal fibrilasyon ve hatta ölüme yol açabilmektedir. Amerikan Uyku Tıbbı Akademisi 2015 raporuna göre Amerika'da teşhis edilmemiş yetişkin uyku apnesi hastalarının sayısı teşhis edilenlerin yaklaşık 4 katı olduğu tahmin edilmektedir. Ayrıca aynı raporda teşhis edilememiş hastaların direkt ve dolaylı sebeplerle ülkeye senelik maliyeti yaklaşık 150 milyar dolarken teşhis edilen hastaların maliyeti ise yaklaşık 12,5 milyar dolar olarak hesaplanmıştır. Uyku apnesi teşhisinde günümüzde kullanılan polisomnografi cihazları altın standart (golden standart) değerlendirme aracı olarak kabul edilmektedir. Rutin bir polisomnografi testinde hastadan 12 kanal Elektroensefalografi, Elektromiyografi (çene ve bacaklara), 4 kanal Elektrookülografi, Elektrokardiyografi, göğüs hareketi sensörü, karın hareketi sensörü, horlama sensörü, vücut pozisyon sensörü, nasal transdüser, termistör, pulse oksimetre bulunmaktadır. Rutin testlerle ilgili en büyük iki problem, polisomnografi sırasının gelmesinin aylar hatta seneyi bulması, sensör sayısının çok fazla ve rahatsız edici olmasından dolayı hastaların uykuya dalmakta zorlanması şeklinde sıralanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada belirtilen problemlere çözüm sunabilmek adına hastaların evde kendilerinin de kullanabileceği sensör sayısının standart ölçümlerden çok daha az olduğu kapasitif ölçüme dayalı yapay zekâ destekli bir sistem oluşturulmuştur. LC rezonatör metodu temel alınan bu çalışmada vücuttaki 4 anahtar bölgeden veriler toplanmıştır. Bunlar ağız/burun bölgesinden nefes alışverişi, göğüsten solunum hareketi, gırtlaktan (larinks) apne anı hareketleri ve parmaktan nabız sinyalleridir. Ağız ve burun bölgesinden yapılan solunumun neme bağlı olarak ölçülmesi adına sığır bağırsağı kullanılmış ve literatüre biyo-uyumlu bir sensör kazandırılmıştır. Polisomnografide bir parametre olarak bulunmayan larinks bölgesinin obstrüktif apne teşhisinde önemli bir nokta olabileceği tezde özgün bir nokta olarak sunulmuştur. Literatürde gırtlak bölgesinin obstrüktif apne teşhisinde kullanımı yapılan araştırma çerçevesince bulunamamış olup bu noktanın kapasitif olarak ölçülmesi yeniliği için patent başvurusunda bulunulmuştur. Konu uzmanı tarafından sağlanan, apne anında gerçekleşen fizyolojik durumlarla ilgili bilgiler ışığında yapılan apne mimiklerini içeren sensör sinyalleri, sistem denek üzerine bağlı iken toplanmıştır. Elde edilen mimik veri seti ön işlemelerden geçirildikten sonra 232 adet özellik çıkarılmıştır. Minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance algoritmasıyla en önemli 20 özellik seçilmiştir. En önemli 20 özellik arasından 5 adet özellik ayırt edici karakteristik yapısıyla gırtlak bölgesinden seçilmiştir. Böylece tezde özgün olarak kullanılan gırtlak sensörünün gerçekten fayda sağladığı gösterilmiştir. Bu yirmi özellikle Yapay Sinir Ağları algoritması kullanarak yapılan eğitim sonucu elde edilen apne veya sağlıklı sınıflaması, %96,3 oranında doğruluk ve %86,2 oranında özgüllük değerlerini vermiştir. Aynı veri setinde yapılan test sonuçları ise %96,3 doğruluk ve %82,4 özgüllük şeklindedir. Hasta üzerinde referans sensörlerle birlikte yapılan 4 saatin üzerinde ölçüm sonucunda Karar Ağaçları algoritması kullanarak 20 özellikle yapılan sınıflamada eğitim sonucu %99,6 doğruluk ve %90 özgüllük değerlerini verirken test sonuçları ise %99,2 doğruluk ve %87,5 özgüllük değerlerini vermiştir. Daha çeşitli bir veri seti oluşturmak amacıyla mimik veri seti ve hasta veri setinin birleştirilmesiyle karma veri seti elde edilmiştir. Bu veri seti üzerinde Adaboost algoritması kullanılarak yapılan sınıflamada eğitim sonucu doğruluk %99.7 ve özgüllük %77 iken test sonucu doğruluk %99.7 ve özgüllük %80.6'dir. Böylece yapay zekâ destekli kapasitif bir sensör sistemi geliştirilmiş ve özgün bir ölçüm noktasıyla uyku apnesi teşhisi için gerçek bir hasta üzerinde denenmiştir.
Sleep apnea is a respiratory condition defined by the cessation of breathing for at least 10 seconds during sleep, whereas hypopnea is characterized by a decrease in airflow by at least 30% for 10 seconds or more, both of which result in the awakening of the patient. Risk factors such as obesity, alcohol and cigarette use, and age are highly correlated with sleep apnea. Researchers state that sleep apnea syndrome may become increasingly common in the future, especially with increasing obesity, as a serious issue that needs to be taken precautions. Sleep apnea, which is approximately 3 times more common in men than women, is estimated to be present in approximately 936 million people in the world. Sleep apnea leads to fatigue and lack of attention in people's daily lives, causing traffic accidents and workplace inefficiencies, as well as heart failure, type-2 diabetes, hypertension, atrial fibrillation and even death. According to a 2015 report from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the number of undiagnosed adult sleep apnea patients in America is estimated to be approximately 4 times that of diagnosed ones. In addition, in the same report, the annual cost of undiagnosed patients to the country due to direct and indirect reasons was approximately 150 billion dollars, while the cost of diagnosed patients was calculated to be approximately 12.5 billion dollars. Polysomnography devices are considered the gold standard evaluation tool for diagnosing sleep apnea. A routine polysomnography test involves the patient using 12 channels of Electroencephalography, Electromyography (for the chin and legs), 4 channels of Electrooculography, Electrocardiography, chest movement sensors, abdominal movement sensors, a snoring sensor, a body position sensor, a nasal transducer, a thermistor, and a pulse oximeter. The two major problems associated with routine tests are the extended waiting times for polysomnography, which can take months or even up to a year, and the difficulty patients face in falling asleep due to the excessive number of sensors, which are often uncomfortable. To address these issues, this study developed an artificial intelligence-supported system based on capacitive measurement, which patients can use at home and which involves significantly fewer sensors than standard measurements. This system, based on the LC resonator method, collected data from four key regions of the body: breathing signals from the mouth/nose area, breathing movements from the chest, apnea movements from the larynx, and pulse signals from the finger. A biocompatible sensor, introduced to the literature, was used to measure respiration from the mouth and nose based on humidity, using cattle intestine. The thesis introduces a novel point, suggesting that the laryngeal region, which is not typically included as a parameter in polysomnography measurements, may play a significant role in the diagnosis of obstructive apnea. To the best of the researchers' knowledge, the use of the larynx region in the diagnosis of obstructive apnea was not found in the literature, and a patent application was made for the innovation of capacitive measurement of this point. Sensor signals, containing apnea mimics based on information provided by a subject matter expert regarding the physiological conditions occurring during apnea, were collected while the system was connected to the test subject. Following pre-processing of the collected mimicry data set, the Minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance algorithm was applied to extract the 20 most important features. Among these top 20 features, 5 distinctive characteristics were derived from the laryngeal region. This demonstrates that the laryngeal sensor, uniquely utilized in the thesis, indeed provides significant benefits. The classification of "apnea" or "healthy" conditions, resulting from training with the Neural Network algorithm using 20 features extracted from the mimic data set, yielded an accuracy of 96.3\% and a specificity of 86.2\%. The test results on the same data set showed an accuracy of 96.3% and a specificity of 82.4%. When measurements were taken on a patient with reference sensors, the training results achieved 99.6% accuracy and 90% specificity using the Decision Trees algorithm, while the test results showed 99.2% accuracy and 87.5% specificity. In order to create a more diverse data set, a mixed data set was obtained by combining the mimic data set and the patient data set. To develop a more diverse dataset, a mixed dataset was generated by combining the mimic dataset with the patient dataset. The classification performed using the Adaboost algorithm on this combined dataset yielded a training accuracy of 99.7% with a specificity of 77%. Similarly, the test accuracy was 99.7%, and the specificity was 80.6%. Thus, an artificial intelligence-supported capacitive sensor system was developed and tested on a real patient to diagnose sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea is a respiratory condition defined by the cessation of breathing for at least 10 seconds during sleep, whereas hypopnea is characterized by a decrease in airflow by at least 30% for 10 seconds or more, both of which result in the awakening of the patient. Risk factors such as obesity, alcohol and cigarette use, and age are highly correlated with sleep apnea. Researchers state that sleep apnea syndrome may become increasingly common in the future, especially with increasing obesity, as a serious issue that needs to be taken precautions. Sleep apnea, which is approximately 3 times more common in men than women, is estimated to be present in approximately 936 million people in the world. Sleep apnea leads to fatigue and lack of attention in people's daily lives, causing traffic accidents and workplace inefficiencies, as well as heart failure, type-2 diabetes, hypertension, atrial fibrillation and even death. According to a 2015 report from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the number of undiagnosed adult sleep apnea patients in America is estimated to be approximately 4 times that of diagnosed ones. In addition, in the same report, the annual cost of undiagnosed patients to the country due to direct and indirect reasons was approximately 150 billion dollars, while the cost of diagnosed patients was calculated to be approximately 12.5 billion dollars. Polysomnography devices are considered the gold standard evaluation tool for diagnosing sleep apnea. A routine polysomnography test involves the patient using 12 channels of Electroencephalography, Electromyography (for the chin and legs), 4 channels of Electrooculography, Electrocardiography, chest movement sensors, abdominal movement sensors, a snoring sensor, a body position sensor, a nasal transducer, a thermistor, and a pulse oximeter. The two major problems associated with routine tests are the extended waiting times for polysomnography, which can take months or even up to a year, and the difficulty patients face in falling asleep due to the excessive number of sensors, which are often uncomfortable. To address these issues, this study developed an artificial intelligence-supported system based on capacitive measurement, which patients can use at home and which involves significantly fewer sensors than standard measurements. This system, based on the LC resonator method, collected data from four key regions of the body: breathing signals from the mouth/nose area, breathing movements from the chest, apnea movements from the larynx, and pulse signals from the finger. A biocompatible sensor, introduced to the literature, was used to measure respiration from the mouth and nose based on humidity, using cattle intestine. The thesis introduces a novel point, suggesting that the laryngeal region, which is not typically included as a parameter in polysomnography measurements, may play a significant role in the diagnosis of obstructive apnea. To the best of the researchers' knowledge, the use of the larynx region in the diagnosis of obstructive apnea was not found in the literature, and a patent application was made for the innovation of capacitive measurement of this point. Sensor signals, containing apnea mimics based on information provided by a subject matter expert regarding the physiological conditions occurring during apnea, were collected while the system was connected to the test subject. Following pre-processing of the collected mimicry data set, the Minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance algorithm was applied to extract the 20 most important features. Among these top 20 features, 5 distinctive characteristics were derived from the laryngeal region. This demonstrates that the laryngeal sensor, uniquely utilized in the thesis, indeed provides significant benefits. The classification of "apnea" or "healthy" conditions, resulting from training with the Neural Network algorithm using 20 features extracted from the mimic data set, yielded an accuracy of 96.3\% and a specificity of 86.2\%. The test results on the same data set showed an accuracy of 96.3% and a specificity of 82.4%. When measurements were taken on a patient with reference sensors, the training results achieved 99.6% accuracy and 90% specificity using the Decision Trees algorithm, while the test results showed 99.2% accuracy and 87.5% specificity. In order to create a more diverse data set, a mixed data set was obtained by combining the mimic data set and the patient data set. To develop a more diverse dataset, a mixed dataset was generated by combining the mimic dataset with the patient dataset. The classification performed using the Adaboost algorithm on this combined dataset yielded a training accuracy of 99.7% with a specificity of 77%. Similarly, the test accuracy was 99.7%, and the specificity was 80.6%. Thus, an artificial intelligence-supported capacitive sensor system was developed and tested on a real patient to diagnose sleep apnea.
Doktora Tezi
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kapasitif Sensör, Makine Ögrenmesi, Medikal Sensör, Polisonmnografi, Uyku Apnesi, Capacitive Sensor, Machine Learning, Medical Sensor, Polysomnography, Sleep Apnea
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kara, M. R. (2024). Üst vücut hareketlerinin algılanması için yapay zekâ destekli kapasitif tabanlı giyilebilir sensör sistemi geliştirilmesi. (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Konya.