Hinduizmdeki günlük ibadetlerden: Sandhyavandanam
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Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Sandhyavandanam Hinduizm’de yüksek kastlara mensup ve iki kere doğanlar olarak adlandırılan kişilerin şafakta, günbatımında ve gün ortasında yapmak zorunda oldukları günlük ibadettir. Vakit, niyet, yön, temizlik gibi şartların yanı sıra belli beden pozisyonları ve el hareketlerinden oluşan sandhyanın en önemli özelliklerinden birisi ibadet esnasında kap kacak yardımı ile su kullanılmasıdır. Su hem yaşam verici hem de arındırıcı özelliği ile ön plandadır. Diğer önemli bir özellik idol kullanılmamasıdır. İbadetin merkezini Gayatri duasının ezberden tekrarlanarak okunduğu Gayatri-japa kısmı oluşturur. İbadetin amacı ise günahlardan arınarak Yüce Varlık ile yakınlaşabilmektir.
Sandhyavandanam is the daily prayer that should be performed three times a day; at dawn, noon and dusk by the people who are members of the high casts in Hinduism, also known as twice borns. In addition to the rules such as time, will, direction and cleanliness, sandhya consists of certain body positions and hand movements. Water is used by means of pots and pans during the prayer. Here, water has an important role both as a life-giver and a purifier. The other exclusive feature of the prayer is that no idol is used. The center of the prayer is made up of Gayatri-japa where Gayatri prayer is recited repeatedly. The aim of the prayer is to purify oneself from sins and get closer to the Holy Being.
Sandhyavandanam is the daily prayer that should be performed three times a day; at dawn, noon and dusk by the people who are members of the high casts in Hinduism, also known as twice borns. In addition to the rules such as time, will, direction and cleanliness, sandhya consists of certain body positions and hand movements. Water is used by means of pots and pans during the prayer. Here, water has an important role both as a life-giver and a purifier. The other exclusive feature of the prayer is that no idol is used. The center of the prayer is made up of Gayatri-japa where Gayatri prayer is recited repeatedly. The aim of the prayer is to purify oneself from sins and get closer to the Holy Being.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hinduizm, İbadet, Sandhya, İki Kere Doğanlar, Gayatri, Hinduism, Prayer, Twice Born
Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Öztürk, N. (2018). Hinduizmdeki günlük ibadetlerden: Sandhyavandanam. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 46, 46, 15-36.