Emşal ü Neşayi-i Türkì ve dil özellikleri üzerine
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Milletlerin karakterlerini, hayat karşısındaki tutum ve
zihniyetlerini yansıtan atasözleri; dil, edebiyat, tarih, folklor, sosyoloji,
psikoloji, felsefe gibi çeşitli alanlarla yakından ilgilidir. Bu sözler ayrıca,
güçlü bir anlatıma ve kavram zenginliğine sahip olmaları yönüyle öne
çıkan dil unsurlarındandır. Yerinde kullanıldığı zaman düşünceye
büyük bir zenginlik katan atasözlerinde, dilin bütün imkânlarından
istifade edildiği göze çarpmaktadır. Sözlü kültür ortamının ürünlerinden
olan atasözleri, hayata dair her türlü hadiseyi, durumu birçok yönüyle
ve renkliliğiyle aksettirir. Bundan dolayı atasözlerinde Türk milletinin
ahlâk anlayışı, ortak değerleri, dini, zekâ parıltıları ve hayal gücü yer
alır. Türk atasözleri, coğrafya, lehçe gibi farklılıkların ötesinde
Türklüğün karakterini göstermekle birlikte aynı zamanda bir tarihî
belge niteliğindedir. Türkçede atasözü, tarih boyunca sav, mesel ve
darbımesel gibi kelimelerle karşılanmıştır. Bugün Azerbaycan
Türklerinde atasözü yerine atalar sözü, ata baba sözleri, emsâl, emsâl-i
Türkân gibi terimler kullanılmaktadır.
Emåāl ü Neṣāyiḥ-i Türkì, Mìrzā ‘Elineḳì Merāġì tarafından İran
Azerbaycanı’nın Meraga şehrinde 20. yüzyılın başlarında yazılmıştır.
Müellif yazması olan eser, Talîk-Divanî kırması yazı ile yazılmıştır.
Emåāl ü Neṣāyiḥ-i Türkì, otuz üç sayfadan ibaret olan atasözlerini ihtiva
etmektedir. Atasözleri eserde, ağız özellikleri korunarak kaydedilmiş
olup Arap alfabesinin harf sırasına göre dizilmiştir.
Bu çalışmada, Emåāl ü Neṣāyiḥ-i Türkì’de yer alan atasözlerinin
yazım, ses ve şekil özellikleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Dil özellikleri aynı
zamanda tarihî lehçeler ve Oğuz grubu ağızlarıyla mukayese edilmiştir.
The proverbs that reflect the characters of nations, their manner and mentality against life are connected to lots of fields such as language, literature, history, folklore, sociology, psychology and philosophy. Also these sayings are very important language characteristics in terms of strong expression and conceptual richness. When said in the right time, these sayings give power to the thought and we can see that they are made use of all the opportunity of language. The proverbs which are one of the products of oral culture setting have the power of expressing every kind of events about life with every aspect and colorfulness. So we can see the religious, moral, understanding, common values, mental state, imagination and intelligence glitters of Turkish nation. Turkish proverbs show the character of Turk beyond the differences like geography and dialect and also they have the characteristics of a historical document. Proverb in Turkish language was called as the words like sav, mesel and darbımesel. Today, Azerbaijan Turks use the terms like atalar sözü, ata baba sözleri, emsâl, emsâl-i Türkân instead of proverb. Emåāl ü Neṣāyiḥ-i Türkì was written by Mìrzā ‘Elineḳì Merāġì in Meraga city of Iran Azerbaijan in the early years of 20th century. The handwritten literal work has Talîk-Divanî font style. Emåāl ü Neṣāyiḥ-i Türkì is thirty three pages and includes proverbs. Proverbs were saved according to letters lined up of Arab Alphabet and their dialect characteristics were saved. In this study, spelling, voice and form properties of proverbs in The Emsāl ü Neṣāyiḥ-i Türkì have been examined. In addition to this, language properties have been compared with historical dialects and dialects of Oguz group.
The proverbs that reflect the characters of nations, their manner and mentality against life are connected to lots of fields such as language, literature, history, folklore, sociology, psychology and philosophy. Also these sayings are very important language characteristics in terms of strong expression and conceptual richness. When said in the right time, these sayings give power to the thought and we can see that they are made use of all the opportunity of language. The proverbs which are one of the products of oral culture setting have the power of expressing every kind of events about life with every aspect and colorfulness. So we can see the religious, moral, understanding, common values, mental state, imagination and intelligence glitters of Turkish nation. Turkish proverbs show the character of Turk beyond the differences like geography and dialect and also they have the characteristics of a historical document. Proverb in Turkish language was called as the words like sav, mesel and darbımesel. Today, Azerbaijan Turks use the terms like atalar sözü, ata baba sözleri, emsâl, emsâl-i Türkân instead of proverb. Emåāl ü Neṣāyiḥ-i Türkì was written by Mìrzā ‘Elineḳì Merāġì in Meraga city of Iran Azerbaijan in the early years of 20th century. The handwritten literal work has Talîk-Divanî font style. Emåāl ü Neṣāyiḥ-i Türkì is thirty three pages and includes proverbs. Proverbs were saved according to letters lined up of Arab Alphabet and their dialect characteristics were saved. In this study, spelling, voice and form properties of proverbs in The Emsāl ü Neṣāyiḥ-i Türkì have been examined. In addition to this, language properties have been compared with historical dialects and dialects of Oguz group.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Doğan, T. (2013). Emşal ü Neşayi-i Türkì ve dil özellikleri üzerine. Turkish Studies (Elektronik), 8, 7, 859-886.