Kriz Yönetimi ve Küreselleşmenin Yeni Toplumsal Hareketler Üzerindeki Rolü: "Gezi Parkı Olayları" Örneği
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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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Bu tez çalışmasında, Türk siyasi ve bürokratik karar alıcıların kriz yönetimi, küresel ve bölgesel "yeni toplumsal hareket" trendi, Gezi Parkı aracılığıyla örgütlü hale gelen STK'lar ve FETÖ/PDY unsurlarının; yeni toplumsal hareket olma özelliği taşıyan Gezi Parkı Olayları'nın ortaya çıkmasında, devam etmesinde ve sonuçlanmasındaki rolü temel araştırma sorusu olarak analiz edilmiştir. İlgili araştırma sorusu; kriz yönetimi, küreselleşme ve yeni toplumsal hareketler ekseninde ele alınmıştır. Bahse konu teorik yaklaşımlar kapsamında Gezi Parkı Olayları'nın başlangıcı, siyasallaşması ve zayıflaması periyotları tartışılmış, bu tartışma, nitel araştırma yöntemleri ve nicel göstergeler ışığında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Karma yöntemin izlendiği bu tezde özellikle anketler, mülakatlar ve saha gözlemlerine değinmek suretiyle Gezi Parkı Olayları'nda Türkiye'nin kriz yönetimini etkileyen; küresel ve bölgesel yeni toplumsal hareketler, Gezi Parkı'ndaki örgütlü STK'lar, Türk karar alıcılarının güvenlikçi ve müzakereci müdahale biçimleri arasında ikilemde kalması ve FETÖ/PDY unsurlarının engelleyici etkisi analiz edilmiştir. Nihayetinde Gezi Parkı Olayları'nın küresel ve bölgesel sivil itaatsizlik girişimlerinden biri olduğu ve ilk günlerinden itibaren kontrolden çıktığı fakat diğer örneklere göre bu olayların Gezi Parkı'nda bulunan grupların hedefine ulaşamadan sonuçlandığı görülmüştür. Gezi Parkı Olayları'nın sivil itaatsizlik temelinde bir yeni toplumsal hareket örneği olarak değerlendirilebileceği, küreselleşme ve sosyal medyanın (yeni) toplumsal hareketleri dönüştürerek farklı bir karaktere büründürmekte olduğu, küresel konjonktür ve sosyal medyanın da etkisiyle Türkiye'de toplumsal hareketlerin gelişme eğiliminde olduğu, dış çevrelerin de etkisinin bulunduğu yeni toplumsal hareketlere karşı Devletin hazırlıksız yakalandığı ayrıca Gezi Parkı Olayları'nın öğretici birçok yönü bulunmakla birlikte Devletin bu olaylardan arzu edilen düzeyde dersler çıkarma konusunda çok da başarılı olamadığı, Gezi sürecinin, toplumsal kesimler arasındaki fay kırıklarını derinleştirdiği ve "Gezi Ruhu" olarak nitelenen, Gezi deneyiminde bir motivasyon kaynağı olan ve süreçten miras kalan "Gezi Ruhu"nun Türkiye'nin sosyo-politik gündemlerinde gelecekte de etkisinin olacağı yönünde bulgu ve sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır.
Within the scope of this study, the role of crisis management of Turkish political and bureaucratic decision-makers, global and regional "new social movement" trend, NGOs organized by Gezi Park's protesters and FETÖ / PDY elements; their role in emerging, continuing and finalizing the Gezi Park incidents, which is the new social movement, have been examined as the main research question. Related research question; crisis management have been addressed in the axis of globalization and new social movements. Within the scope of these theoretical approaches, the beginning, politicization and weakening periods of Gezi Park incidents have been discussed. This discussion's been held in the light of qualitative research methods and quantitative indicators, especially mixed methods questionnaires in this study have been followed, interviews and field observations affecting Turkey's crisis management in Gezi Park Incidents. In this context, global and regional new social movements, organized NGOs in Gezi Park, Turkish decision-makers' dilemma between the forms of security and negotiator intervention and the blocking effect of FETÖ / PDY elements have been analyzed. Eventually it was stated that the Gezi Park Incidents were one of the global and regional civil disobedience attempts and got out of control from the first days, when comparison to other examples, these events resulted before the groups in Gezi Park could not reach their goals. Within the framework of the thesis, it has been determined that the Gezi Park Events can be considered as an example of a new social movement on the basis of civil disobedience; globalization and social media transform (new) social movements and transform them into a different character; social movements in Turkey tends to improve with the effect of global conjuncture and social media; the State was caught unprepared against new social movements, which were also influenced by external circles. In addition, it has concluded that although there are many instructive aspects of the Gezi Park incidents, the State has not been very successful in drawing lessons from these events at the desired level; the Gezi process deepened the faults between the social segments and is described as the "Gezi Spirit", which is a source of motivation in the Gezi experience and inherited "Gezi Spirit" will have an impact on Turkey's socio-political agendas in the future.
Within the scope of this study, the role of crisis management of Turkish political and bureaucratic decision-makers, global and regional "new social movement" trend, NGOs organized by Gezi Park's protesters and FETÖ / PDY elements; their role in emerging, continuing and finalizing the Gezi Park incidents, which is the new social movement, have been examined as the main research question. Related research question; crisis management have been addressed in the axis of globalization and new social movements. Within the scope of these theoretical approaches, the beginning, politicization and weakening periods of Gezi Park incidents have been discussed. This discussion's been held in the light of qualitative research methods and quantitative indicators, especially mixed methods questionnaires in this study have been followed, interviews and field observations affecting Turkey's crisis management in Gezi Park Incidents. In this context, global and regional new social movements, organized NGOs in Gezi Park, Turkish decision-makers' dilemma between the forms of security and negotiator intervention and the blocking effect of FETÖ / PDY elements have been analyzed. Eventually it was stated that the Gezi Park Incidents were one of the global and regional civil disobedience attempts and got out of control from the first days, when comparison to other examples, these events resulted before the groups in Gezi Park could not reach their goals. Within the framework of the thesis, it has been determined that the Gezi Park Events can be considered as an example of a new social movement on the basis of civil disobedience; globalization and social media transform (new) social movements and transform them into a different character; social movements in Turkey tends to improve with the effect of global conjuncture and social media; the State was caught unprepared against new social movements, which were also influenced by external circles. In addition, it has concluded that although there are many instructive aspects of the Gezi Park incidents, the State has not been very successful in drawing lessons from these events at the desired level; the Gezi process deepened the faults between the social segments and is described as the "Gezi Spirit", which is a source of motivation in the Gezi experience and inherited "Gezi Spirit" will have an impact on Turkey's socio-political agendas in the future.
Doktora Tezi
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gezi parkı, Kriz yönetimi, Küreselleşme, Yeni toplumsal hareketler, Sivil itaatsizlik, Sosyal medya, Crisis management, Globalization, New social movements, Civil disobedience, Social media
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Seyrek, N. (2021). Kriz yönetimi ve küreselleşmenin yeni toplumsal hareketler üzerindeki rolü: "Gezi Parkı olayları" örneği. (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Anabilim Dalı, Konya.