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Öğe A Comparative View at Settlement (Compromise) Agreement and Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods in Islamic-Ottoman and Modern Turkish Law(Hitit Univ, 2021) Akman, AhmetSettlement (compromise) agreement expresses a different approach compared to litigation in the resolution of disputes between individuals. The realization of settlement during the litigation process is a matter of procedural law. The parties can make a settlement agreement outside the trial, and in this case, it constitutes a matter of substantive law. It is possible to see the traces of settlement in Islamic law in the texts. From the verse that peace is better, we understand that settlement is prioritized as a solution method for conflicts. Hz. Omar also emphasized the importance of settlement. A settlement agreement is the parties giving up the right and the lawsuit in exchange for a price in order to settle the dispute. It is regulated in Majalla as a contract formed by the will of the parties. The existence of a judiciary and courts in a law-abiding state is a fundamental issue. However, judicial processes sometimes cause a tiring process for the parties. For this reason, throughout the historical process, the judges, the notables of the region, and the relatives of the person invited the parties to the settlement agreement. The prevalence of settlement is understood from the records of the peace in the qadi registers. The prevalence of settlement is understood from the kadi records. Especially in the sales contract, trade, family law disputes, and in criminal cases concerning personal rights, many settlements have been applied. A settlement agreement can be confused with some legal proceedings similar to it. However, they differ from them in many respects. In this context, release agreement, waiver and arbitration can be mentioned. The settlement agreement is subject to the agreement most similar to itself in terms of subject and cost. These are according to the situation; sales, rent, exchange, loan for use, and gift. The price in the sales agreement and the ones that are permissible in the lease agreement can be the settlement price. It can be cash or deferred by the conditions that make it necessary not to fall into interest. The subject matter of settlement may be movable and immovable or a debt. Mostly, disputes in the field of obligations law, real rights, family, and inheritance emerge as matters of settlement. During the trial, it is possible for the judge to refer to the settlement. Many disputes have been resolved through people called muslihun, who direct the parties to a settlement agreement other than the judge. The decision of the judge is not necessarily required for their binding. Muslihun actually acts as an intermediary and makes an important contribution to the negotiations and formation of the consent of the parties. As such, they stand very close to the voluntary mediation system in today's positive law. If the judge sees a situation that is suitable for an amicable settlement or if he thinks that the case will increase the enmity between the parties, directs. Out-ofcourt settlement agreements have their results in terms of substantive law. It is possible to prove the disputes that may arise later with witnesses. There are three basic types of peace in terms of their nature. The first is the settlement agreement made with the acceptance of the debt. This is called a settlement upon admission. On the other, the defendant's denial is in question. This settlement is called the settlement on denial. The last one is the settlement agreement concluded on the silence of the debtor. With the settlement agreement, the existing legal relationship changes its nature. Problems in applying to the court and transportation, as well as local reconciliation interventions can be counted among the general reasons for applying to settlement. It should also be added that a settlement agreement is less costly and flexible. An in-court settlement agreement now has the ability to enforce a court decision. If it is not with the consent of the parties, it is realized by the executive authorities of the state. The defendant has responsibility for the compensation and the defect on the settlement subject. The existence of the option right (al-khiyar) makes it possible to terminate the settlement agreement. The settlement made in this way is actually a non-binding contract. In case the subject of the settlement and the price is real estate, preemption right occurs within the framework of the newly established legal situation together with the settlement agreement. The settlement agreement on the property also binds the heirs. Rental contracts do not have this feature. In Turkish law, besides settlement agreement, mediation and conciliation accepted as alternative dispute resolution and took their place in the legal order. Mediation is a resolution method for disputes concerning private law.Öğe Hekim Uygulamaları ve Hukuki Sorumluluk (İslâm ve Türk Hukuku’nda)(2018) Akman, Ahmetİnsanın Anayasalarda ve uluslararası sözleşmelerde garanti altına alınmış şekliyle enönemli hakkı, hayat hakkıdır. İnsanın maddi ve manevi varlığı, beden ve ruh sağlığı bütünlüğüiçerisinde korunmalı ve sürdürülmelidir. Hastalık ise, hayat hakkını ortadan kaldırabilecek enönemli tehditlerdendir. Bu hak üzerinde en etkili tasarruflarda bulunan hekim ile hasta arasındakiilişki ve bunun sorumluluk boyutu gündeme gelmektedir. Sağlıklı bireylerden oluşan birtoplum meydana getirmek konusunda tıp ilminin gelişmesine paralel olarak, hukukun da bualana müdahil olduğunu görmekteyiz.İnsan hayatı, İslâm’da korunması gereken beş temel esastan birisidir. Bu da ancak insansağlığına verilecek önemle gerçekte korunabilir. Bu noktada insanlık tarihi kadar eski olan hekimve onun sorumluluğu devreye girmektedir. Hekim müdahalesinden zarar görmüş hastanınzararının karşılanması, hasta haklarının gelişimine paralel olarak gündeme gelmiştir. Gereklieğitimleri almış, tedavi kastıyla ve özenle hastaya müdahalede bulunan hekimlerin sorumluolmamaları Türk hukukunda olduğu kadar, İslâm hukukunda da temel hareket noktası olmuş,sorumlu olunması gereken durumlar ise giderek kusur sorumluluğu kavramıyla ilişkilendirilmiştirÖğe İslâm ve Türk borçlar hukukunda ibra(2018) Akman, AhmetKişiler arasında hukukî anlamda kurulan borç ilişkilerinin çeşitlişekillerde sona ereceği de hukuk düzenlerinin öngördüğü hususlardandır.Borcun en doğal sona erme şekli ifa olmakla birlikte, kişiler arası hukukîilişkilerde sözleşmelerin faklı sebeplerle sona ermeleri de pek tabii mümkünolup, bu anlamda ifa dışında borcu sona erdiren hâllerden birisi deibra olmaktadır.İbra sözleşmesi, alacaklının, alacağını tamamen veya kısmen eldeetmeden bundan vazgeçerek borçluyu borcundan kurtarma iradesini ortayakoyması ve borçlunun da bunu kabul etmesi veya en azından ret etmemesiüzerine meydana gelmektedir. Bu anlayışın doğal sonucu borcunsona ermesinde sadece tek tarafın iradesinin yeterli olmayacağıdır. Hukukînitelik yönünden “tasarrufî” işlem niteliğinde olduğu için taraflarınsahip olması gereken ehliyeti de ilgilendiren ve özellikle alacaklının fiil ehliyeti ile birlikte tasarruf yetkisine de sahip olmasının arandığı bir sözleşmedir.İbra ile alakalı olarak belirttiğimiz bu hususlar genel olarak İslâmHukukunda ve Roma Hukukundan başlayarak günümüz modern hukuksistemleri ve Türk borçlar hukukunda müşterek addedilebilir.İslâm Hukukunda ibra konusu olan alacak/borç ve hakların ıskât(alacaklı tarafından düşürülebilen) niteliğini haiz olması öne çıkmıştır.Tarafların iradelerini ortaya koydukları ifade biçimlerinin hukukî işleminkurulması ve sonuçları üzerinde etkisi bulunmaktadır. Hakkın ve borcungeri dönülmez bir şekilde sözleşmenin yapılmasıyla birlikte düşürülmesinisağlayan bir hukukî işlem olan ibrada, mülkiyetin intikalini sağlayan(temlik) ve hakkı düşüren (ıskât) vasıflardan hangisinin ön plânda olduğuhususunda farklı görüşler vardır. Bunun sonucuna göre ibra sözleşmesindekabul gerekliliği, bunun açık veya zımnî olması ile tek/iki taraflılıkproblemleri çözülmeye çalışılmıştır.Öğe A Review on the Reasons for Legal Compliance Under the Legality Prevents Compensation Rule(Ataturk Univ, 2022) Akman, AhmetThe resolution of similar cases according to the same or similar general rules is very important in terms of stability in legal understanding and practice. In this respect, universal rules (basic rules) contribute to the development of legal logic. As of the history of Islamic law, practices and legal works that are the product of this logic have been encountered since the early periods. An important part of these rules are either taken directly from the Kuran and Hadith or they have emerged as the common meaning of the texts. However, these basic rules were subject to a legalization for the first time and comprehensively through Medjelle-yi Ahkam-i Adliyye. These were arranged within the framework of the first hundred articles of the Medjelle, which can be accepted as the most important national code of the Ottomans. Among these, one of the important components of the compensation law in Article 91;legal permissibility (cevaz-i seri) does not create liability. is included. After emphasizing the importance of remedying the damage and the consequences of the tortious act in different articles, it concisely regulates the relationship between the legal permissibility and the compensate of the damage, which is among the reasons for legality. Instead of being directly applied in courts, universal rules have a guiding and opinion-forming effect for judges, practitioners and lawyers.