Uyku Yoksunluğunun Duygudurum Profili ve Dissosiyasyon Üzerine Etkisi ve Biyokimyasal Değişimlerle İlişkisi
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Amaç: Uyku yoksunluğu hem uykunun fonksiyonlarının anlaşılması için sağ-lıklı bireylerde hem de depresif hastalarda tedavi amacıyla uzun yıllardır uygulanan bir yöntemdir. Çalışmamız, sağlıklı bireylerde bir gecelik uyku yoksunluğunun duygudurum, dissosiyasyon ve düşünce supresyonu üzeri-ne etkisi ile bu değişkenlerle ilişkili olduğu bilinen hormonal değerler ara-sındaki ilişkiyi incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Yöntem: Çalışmaya katılım şartlarını taşıyan 16'sı erkek 16'sı kadın 32 sağ-lıklı bireye bir gecelik total uyku yoksunluğu uygulandı. Bireylerden uyku-suzluk öncesi ve sonrası kortizol, Dihidroepiandosteron-Sülfat (DHEA-S) ve Tiroid Fonksiyon Testleri (TFT) için kan örnekleri alındı. Uyku yoksunlu-ğunun duyguduruma etkisinin değerlendirilmesi için Duygudurumları Pro-fili (DDP), dissosiyatif belirtiler için Dissosiyatif Yaşantılar Ölçeği (DES) ve düşünce supresyonunun değerlendirilmesi amacıyla Beyaz Ayı Supresyon Envanteri (BASE) uygulandı. Bulgular: Uyku yoksunluğu uygulanan bireylerde DDP'nin depresyon ve dinçlik-aktivite alt ölçek puanlarında düşme, yorgunluk puanlarında yük-selme görüldü. DES puanları uyku yoksunluğu sonrası istatistiksel olarak önemli derecede artarken, BASE puanlarında anlamlı bir azalma tespit edildi. Uyku yoksunluğu sonrası kortizol seviyesinde istatistiksel olarak an-lamlı bir değişim elde edilememişse de; Tiroid Stimülan Hormon (TSH), serbest T3 ve T4 (sT3, sT4) ve DHEA-S seviyelerinde anlamlı derecede artış tespit edildi. DDP depresyon alt ölçek puanında azalma ve yorgunluk alt ölçek puanında artma, uyku yoksunluğu sonrası sT4 seviyesi artan bi-reylerde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu. Sonuç: Çalışmamızın sonuçlarına göre bir gecelik uyku yoksunluğu dep-resif duygudurumda azalma, dissosiyatif belirtilerde artış ve istenmeyen düşüncelerin bilinçli olarak bastırılması eğiliminin azalmasına yol açmıştır. Uyku yoksunluğu sonrası DHEA-S seviyeleri artan bireylerde daha düşük depresyon puanlarının elde edilmesi, yüksek DHEA-S seviyelerinin stresin olumsuz etkisine karşı koruyucu etkisi olabileceği bilgisiyle örtüşmektedir.
Introduction: Sleep deprivation is a method, which has being used in order to comprehend the functions of sleep both in healthy individuals and for the patients of depression with in treatment, for a long time. The objective of our present study is to examine the relation between hormonal values, which are known for being related to the effects of these said changes determined in the mood, dissociation and thought suppression in healthy individuals after one night of sleep deprivation implementation. Methods: One night sleep deprivation was performed on a total of thirty-two healthy volunteers (16 males and 16 females) who were included in the study. Blood samples were taken from the individuals before and after sleep deprivation implementation in order to determine cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEA-S) and Thyroid Functions' Levels tests. In order to evaluate the effects of the sleep deprivation on moods, "White Bear Suppression Inventory (WBSI)" has been conducted, with an aim of evaluating thought suppression, "Profile of Mood States (POMS)", "Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES)" with a purpose of realizing any dissociation tendency.Results: On the individuals who have been implemented for sleep deprivation, a decrease on depression and vigor-activity sub-scales values was detected, and an increase was determined on fatigue sub-scales values of "POMS". While the values of DES were found to have been statistically increased after sleep deprivation, also a significant decrease was deter-mined on WBSI values. Even if there hasn't been any significant statistical change determined on cortisol levels after sleep deprivation, yet there had been some significant changes detected on Thyroid Stimulating Hor-mone (TSH), fT3, fT4, and DHEA-S levels. Decrease in "POMS" depres-sion sub-scale values and increase on fatigue sub-scale values were deter-mined on the individuals whose sT4 levels were found to be increased significantly in statistic manner after the sleep deprivation. Conclusion: According to the results of our study, sleep deprivation for one night was determined to cause decrease on depressive mood, in-crease on dissociative symptoms and to lower the tendency of suppress-ing the unwanted thoughts, consciously. The fact of being obtained lower depression values, on the individuals with the increased DHEA-S levels after the sleep deprivation meets with the information claiming that the high DHEA-S levels may be deemed as protectors against the negative effects of the stress.
Introduction: Sleep deprivation is a method, which has being used in order to comprehend the functions of sleep both in healthy individuals and for the patients of depression with in treatment, for a long time. The objective of our present study is to examine the relation between hormonal values, which are known for being related to the effects of these said changes determined in the mood, dissociation and thought suppression in healthy individuals after one night of sleep deprivation implementation. Methods: One night sleep deprivation was performed on a total of thirty-two healthy volunteers (16 males and 16 females) who were included in the study. Blood samples were taken from the individuals before and after sleep deprivation implementation in order to determine cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEA-S) and Thyroid Functions' Levels tests. In order to evaluate the effects of the sleep deprivation on moods, "White Bear Suppression Inventory (WBSI)" has been conducted, with an aim of evaluating thought suppression, "Profile of Mood States (POMS)", "Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES)" with a purpose of realizing any dissociation tendency.Results: On the individuals who have been implemented for sleep deprivation, a decrease on depression and vigor-activity sub-scales values was detected, and an increase was determined on fatigue sub-scales values of "POMS". While the values of DES were found to have been statistically increased after sleep deprivation, also a significant decrease was deter-mined on WBSI values. Even if there hasn't been any significant statistical change determined on cortisol levels after sleep deprivation, yet there had been some significant changes detected on Thyroid Stimulating Hor-mone (TSH), fT3, fT4, and DHEA-S levels. Decrease in "POMS" depres-sion sub-scale values and increase on fatigue sub-scale values were deter-mined on the individuals whose sT4 levels were found to be increased significantly in statistic manner after the sleep deprivation. Conclusion: According to the results of our study, sleep deprivation for one night was determined to cause decrease on depressive mood, in-crease on dissociative symptoms and to lower the tendency of suppress-ing the unwanted thoughts, consciously. The fact of being obtained lower depression values, on the individuals with the increased DHEA-S levels after the sleep deprivation meets with the information claiming that the high DHEA-S levels may be deemed as protectors against the negative effects of the stress.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Uyku yoksunluğu, Dissosiyasyon, Duygudurum, Biyokimyasal değişim, Sleep deprivation, Dissociation, Mood, Biochemical changes
Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Aydın, A., Selvi, Y., Kılıç, S.,Güzel Özdemir, P. (2015). Uyku yoksunluğunun duygudurum profili ve dissosiyasyon üzerine etkisi ve biyokimyasal değişimlerle ilişkisi. Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi, 52, 1, 83-88.