Yemenli Öykücülerden Hemdân Zeyd Demmâc’ın “Yolcu” Adlı Öyküsü
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Arap dünyasında modern anlamda öykü türü ilk defa Mısırda doğmuş, ardından diğer ülkelere yayılmıştır. Diğer Arap ülkelerinde olduğu gibi kısa öykü ve romanın, daha önceleri baskın olan Yemen şiirinin yanında yaygın okunan edebiyat türleri safına katılması ancak yirminci yüzyılda gerçekleşmiştir. Seksen yıl öncesine kadar öykünün Yemende edebî bir tür olarak kabul edilişi hiç de kolay değildi. Erken dönem Yemen öykücülüğü çoğunlukla belli bir sosyal ya da siyasî mesaj taşımakta olup, İngiliz dış gücüne karşı az ya da çok açık ajitasyon ile ayırt edildi. Son dönemde ise Yemen edebiyatı hızla gelişmekte ve öykü türü gittikçe önemli bir hale gelmektedir. Ancak yine de Yemende ve ülkemizde Yemen öykücülüğüne dair müstakil çalışmalar son derece sınırlıdır. Bu çalışmada Yemenli edebiyatçı Hemdân Zeyd Demmâcın hayatı, eserleri ile el-Musâfir adlı öyküsü, kahramanlar, olaylar, modern anlatım teknikleri, tasvirler ve dil açısından incelenmiştir. Denilebilir ki o, iyi bir betimleme yazarıdır ve okuyucuya karakterlerin duygusunu verir. Öykülerinde edebî sanatları çokça ve büyük bir ustalıkla kullanır.
The ype of modern story first appeared in Egypt in the Arap world and spread to other Arap countries from there. As in other Arabic countries, it was only in the twentieth century that short stories and novels joined the ranks of commonly read literature alongside Yemeni poetry, which had previously been dominant. Eighty years ago, it was not easy for the story to be accepted as a literary genre in Yemen. The majority of early Yemeni storytelling had a particular social or political message and was distinguished by more or less open agitation against the British foreign power. Recently, Yemeni literature has been developing fast, and the genre of storytelling is becoming more and more important. However, in our country and in Yemen, independent studies related to Yemen storytelling are extremely limited. In his study, Yemeni contemporary writer Hamdan Zeyd Dammags life, his works, and especially his short story al-Musafir were dealt with in terms of characters, events, modern narrative techniques, descriptions and language. It can be said that he is a good descriptive writer who gives reader the sense of the characters and uses largely and skillfully literary arts in his stories.
The ype of modern story first appeared in Egypt in the Arap world and spread to other Arap countries from there. As in other Arabic countries, it was only in the twentieth century that short stories and novels joined the ranks of commonly read literature alongside Yemeni poetry, which had previously been dominant. Eighty years ago, it was not easy for the story to be accepted as a literary genre in Yemen. The majority of early Yemeni storytelling had a particular social or political message and was distinguished by more or less open agitation against the British foreign power. Recently, Yemeni literature has been developing fast, and the genre of storytelling is becoming more and more important. However, in our country and in Yemen, independent studies related to Yemen storytelling are extremely limited. In his study, Yemeni contemporary writer Hamdan Zeyd Dammags life, his works, and especially his short story al-Musafir were dealt with in terms of characters, events, modern narrative techniques, descriptions and language. It can be said that he is a good descriptive writer who gives reader the sense of the characters and uses largely and skillfully literary arts in his stories.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemdân Zeyd Demmâc, el-Musâfir, Yemen Edebiyatı, Kısa Öykü, Tasvir, Hamdan Zeyd Dammag, al-Musafir, Short Story, Description
Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Dereli, M. V. (2013). Yemenli Öykücülerden Hemdân Zeyd Demmâc'ın ''Yolcu'' Adlı Öyküsü. Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi, 13, 2, 161-176.