Multiple Lumbar Perineural Cysts Presented with Nonspecific Back Pain
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Bu yazıda oldukça nadir görülen çoklu lomber perinöral kist olgusu sunulmuştur. Talov kistleri olarak da bilinen perinöral kistler genellikle sakral bölge yerleşimlidirler. Çoklu lomber perinöral kistler oldukça nadir görülürler. 50 yaşındaki erkek hasta nonspesifik bel ağrısı şikayeti ile kliniğimize başvurdu.Nörolojik muayenesi normal sınırlarda idi. Manyetik rezonans görüntülemede lomber bölgede multipl perinöral kist saptandı. Hastaya herhangi bir cerrahi müdahale olmadan tıbbi tedavi uygulandı. Hasta medikal tedaviden oldukça yarar gördü. Multipl lomber perinöral kistlerin nörolojik bulgu vermeden görülmeleri oldukça nadir olmasına rağmen tedavi stratejileri konusunda tartışmalar devam etmektedir.
In this report we present a case of relatively rare multiple lumbar perineural cysts. Tarlov cysts, also known as perineural cysts are most often found in the sacral region. There are very few cases of multiple lumbar perineural cysts. A-50-year-old male patient admitted to our clinic with nonspecific back pain complaint. The neurological examination was within normal range. Magnetic resonance imaging showed multiple perineural cysts at lumbar region. The patient underwent medical treatment without any surgical intervention. The outcome of the medical treatment was satisfactory. Although it's very rare lumbar multiple perineural cysts can be seen without any neurological symptom and the treatment strategy of these cysts have some controversies.
In this report we present a case of relatively rare multiple lumbar perineural cysts. Tarlov cysts, also known as perineural cysts are most often found in the sacral region. There are very few cases of multiple lumbar perineural cysts. A-50-year-old male patient admitted to our clinic with nonspecific back pain complaint. The neurological examination was within normal range. Magnetic resonance imaging showed multiple perineural cysts at lumbar region. The patient underwent medical treatment without any surgical intervention. The outcome of the medical treatment was satisfactory. Although it's very rare lumbar multiple perineural cysts can be seen without any neurological symptom and the treatment strategy of these cysts have some controversies.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish)
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Scopus Q Değeri
Erdi, M. F., Keskin, F., Kaya, B., Karataş, Y., Kalkan, E. (2013). Multiple lumbar perineural cysts presented with nonspecific back pain. Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish), 30, 2, 418-421.