Isolated Dural and Calvarial Metastasis in a patient with Breast Carcinoma: A Case Report
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Literatürde malign neoplazmların dural metastazları ile ilgili az bilgi bulunmaktadır. Kesin etyopatogenezleri ve tedavi stratejileri tartışmalıdır. Dura matere en sık metastaz meme kanserinden olmaktadır. 41 yaşında bayan hasta kliniğimize baş ağrısı ve sol parietalde şişlik şikayeti ile başvurdu. Hasta 3 yıl önce infiltratif duktal kanser nedeni ile opere edilmişti. Sol kalvaryal ve dura metastazı tespit edildi ve sol pariyetal kraniotomi ile cerrahi rezeksiyon uygulandı. Hasta operasyondan sonra tüm beyin radyoterapi aldı. Bu yazıda kafatası ve duraya metastaz yapan bir kanser vakasını ve bu nadir hastalığın ana özelliklerini tartıştık.
There is little information about the dural metastasis of malign neoplasms in the literature. The exact etiopathogenesis and treatment strategies are controversial. The most common site for breast cancer metastasis is dura matter. Forty one years old female patient admitted to our clinic with headache and left parietal swelling complaints. The patient was operated due to infiltrative ductal cancer three years ago. A left parietal calvarial and dural metastasis determined and surgically resected via left parietal craniotomy. The patient underwent whole brain radiotherapy after this operation. In this report we present an unusual case of cancer metastasis to the skull and dura and discuss the main features of this disease.
There is little information about the dural metastasis of malign neoplasms in the literature. The exact etiopathogenesis and treatment strategies are controversial. The most common site for breast cancer metastasis is dura matter. Forty one years old female patient admitted to our clinic with headache and left parietal swelling complaints. The patient was operated due to infiltrative ductal cancer three years ago. A left parietal calvarial and dural metastasis determined and surgically resected via left parietal craniotomy. The patient underwent whole brain radiotherapy after this operation. In this report we present an unusual case of cancer metastasis to the skull and dura and discuss the main features of this disease.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Dura, Metastaz, Kalvaryum, Meme, Kanser, Metastasis, Calvarium, Breast, Cancer
Acta Oncologica Turcica
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Keskin, F., Erdi, M. F., Kaya, B., Karataş, Y., İzci, E. K., Toğuşlu, G. (2015). Isolated dural and calvarial metastasis in a patient with breast carcinoma: A case report. Acta Oncologica Turcica, 48, 2, 90-92.