Complete right main bronchus rupture in a child: Report of a case
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Ana bronş rüptürü ile sonuçlanan künt göğüs travmaları oldukça nadirdir ve muhtemelen yüksek bir hastane öncesi mortaliteye sahiptir.. Bu yaralanmalar, solunum zorluğu ve eşlik eden yaralanmalardan dolayı yüksek oranda mortaliteye sahiptir. Altı yaşında erkek çocuğu, künt toraks travmasından dolayı kliniğimize kabul edildi. Başka bir merkezde sağ pnömotoraks nedeniyle tüp torakostomi uygulanan hasta yetersiz akciğer ekspansiyonu nedeniyle kliniğimize refere edilmiş. Fizik muayenede orta düzeyde interkostal retraksiyon, taşipne ve siyanoz mevcuttu. Geliş anındaki direkt akciğer grafisinde sağda total pnömotoraks vardı ve hilus inferiora yer değiştirmişti. Hastaya rijid bronkoskopi yapıldı ve sağ ana bronşta total rüptür görüldü. Hastaya sleeve üst lobektomi yapıldı. Bronş rüptürlerinde erken tanı ve tedavinin önemini vurgulamayı amaçladık.
Blunt chest trauma resulting in rupture of a main bronchus is rare and prob- ably have a high prehospital mortality.These injuries are ofen fatal because of respiratory distress and the high frequency of associated multiple organ injuries. A six-year-old boy was admitted our clinic due to blunt chest trauma. The tube thoracostomy was performed for the right pneumothorax at another surgical cen- ter. He was referred to our clinic due to inadequate expansion of the lung. On the physical examination, there was middle intercostal retraction, cyanosis and tachypnoea. The initial chest x-ray showed total pnemothorax on the right side and the hilum replaced by inferiorly. The rigid bronchoscopy was performed and the the rupture of main bronchus was seen. The sleeve upper lobectomy was per- formed. We aimed to emphasize the important of early diagnosis and treatment in the bronchial ruptures.
Blunt chest trauma resulting in rupture of a main bronchus is rare and prob- ably have a high prehospital mortality.These injuries are ofen fatal because of respiratory distress and the high frequency of associated multiple organ injuries. A six-year-old boy was admitted our clinic due to blunt chest trauma. The tube thoracostomy was performed for the right pneumothorax at another surgical cen- ter. He was referred to our clinic due to inadequate expansion of the lung. On the physical examination, there was middle intercostal retraction, cyanosis and tachypnoea. The initial chest x-ray showed total pnemothorax on the right side and the hilum replaced by inferiorly. The rigid bronchoscopy was performed and the the rupture of main bronchus was seen. The sleeve upper lobectomy was per- formed. We aimed to emphasize the important of early diagnosis and treatment in the bronchial ruptures.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Thorax, Trauma, Bronchus rupture, Toraks, Travma, Bronş rüptürü
Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Altuntaş, B., Ceran, S., Güven, S. S., Cinici, Ö. (2015). Complete right main bronchus rupture in a child: Report of a case. Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 6, 3, 387-388.