Eğitim fakültesi öğrencilerinin etkili olarak kabul ettikleri ödevler
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Ödev, okul saatleri dışında yapılması gereken
öğrenci görevleridir. Bu araştırmada, eğitim fakültesinde
öğrencilerin etkili olarak kabul ettikleri ödevleri
belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma, nitel araştırma
yöntemlerinden fenomenolojik çalışma olarak
desenlenmiştir. Araştırmanın verileri Necmettin Erbakan
Üniversitesi Ahmet Keleşoğlu Eğitim Fakültesinde farklı
anabilim dallarında 4. sınıfta öğrenim gören 310
öğrenciden toplanmıştır. Verilerin toplanması için açık
uçlu anket formu kullanılmıştır. Katılımcılara ‗Üniversite
öğreniminiz sırasında ödev yapma konusunda sizi motive
eden, yaparken en çok öğrendiğiniz, -Hah, ödev dediğin
böyle olur dediğiniz ödev hangisidir? Bu ödev sizi niçin
motive etmiştir? sorusu sorularak, serbestçe
cevaplandırmaları istenmiştir. Bulgular, veriler
tümdengelim ve tümevarım analizi birlikte yapılarak elde
edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak; eğitim fakültesi öğrencilerinin,
gelecekte öğretmen olarak kullanabilecekleri bilgi
becerileri kazandırdığını düşündükleri, öğrendiklerini
sınıfta uygulamalı olarak gösterebildikleri, uygulama
sonucu dönüt alabildikleri, grup olarak -başarı
motivasyonu yüksek öğrencilerin bireysel- yaptıkları,
kendilerini bir parça zorlayan, yaptıklarında başarı
duygusu yaşadıkları ve sınav notu olarak değerlendirilen
ödevleri tercih ettikleri tespit edilmiştir. Bu sonuçlara
dayalı olarak eğitim fakültesinde görevli öğretim
üyelerine, öğrencilerin gelecekte kullanabilecekleri türden
bilgi becerilerini geliştirmeye yönelik, zorlayıcı ve grup
ödevleri vermeleri ve ödevler hakkında mutlaka dönüt
vermeleri önerileri yapılmıştır.
Homework is the student tasks that should be done outside of school hours. In this study, it has been aimed to determine the assignments that are accepted as effective by the students in the faculty of education. The study has been designed as a phenomenological study of qualitative research methods. The data of the study were collected from 310 students, who are studying in the 4th grade in different departments, in Necmettin Erbakan University Ahmet Kelesoglu Faculty of Education. An open-ended questionnaire was used to collect the data. The participants were asked to answer freely the following questions: Describe the homework that has motivated you during your university education, from which you have learned the most and has made you say "Aha, that's what I call homework"? "Why did you find that homework motivating?" The findings were obtained by performing data deduction and induction analysis together. As a result; it has been determined that education faculty students prefer a little challenging homework, which enables the gain of the knowledge skills that they can use in their professional life; which allows them to demonstrate what they have learned in the class; about which they can get feedback after the application; which they can do as a team -the students with high motivation do individually- ; in which they enjoy a sense of accomplishment and which is regarded as the examination grade. Based on these results a recommendation was made to the faculty members to give their students challenging and group homework for developing the kind of knowledge skills students can use in the future and absolutely give feedback about their homework.
Homework is the student tasks that should be done outside of school hours. In this study, it has been aimed to determine the assignments that are accepted as effective by the students in the faculty of education. The study has been designed as a phenomenological study of qualitative research methods. The data of the study were collected from 310 students, who are studying in the 4th grade in different departments, in Necmettin Erbakan University Ahmet Kelesoglu Faculty of Education. An open-ended questionnaire was used to collect the data. The participants were asked to answer freely the following questions: Describe the homework that has motivated you during your university education, from which you have learned the most and has made you say "Aha, that's what I call homework"? "Why did you find that homework motivating?" The findings were obtained by performing data deduction and induction analysis together. As a result; it has been determined that education faculty students prefer a little challenging homework, which enables the gain of the knowledge skills that they can use in their professional life; which allows them to demonstrate what they have learned in the class; about which they can get feedback after the application; which they can do as a team -the students with high motivation do individually- ; in which they enjoy a sense of accomplishment and which is regarded as the examination grade. Based on these results a recommendation was made to the faculty members to give their students challenging and group homework for developing the kind of knowledge skills students can use in the future and absolutely give feedback about their homework.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ödev, Nitelikli ödev, Ödev türü, Homework, Qualified homework, Type of homework
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Ünal, A., Sürücü, A., Yıldırım, A. (2018). Eğitim fakültesi öğrencilerinin etkili olarak kabul ettikleri ödevler. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1, 48, 555-574.