Lomber 3 vertebra yerleşimli agressif osteoblastom
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Osteoblastom, sıklıkla vertebralarda ve uzun kemiklerde bulunur. 20 yaş öncesi yaşlarda nadir görülen iyi huylu kemik tümörüdür. Tüm kemik tümörlerinin % 1'inden daha azını oluşturur. Bu kemik tümörü ileri derecede vaskülerdir. Başlangıç semptomu sırt ağrısıdır. Tanıda direk grafiler ve tomografik görüntülemeler kullanılır. Posterior vertebra proçeslerinde litik görüntüler ile ve biyopsi veya tam cerrahi eksizyonla kesin tanısı konulur. Primer tedavisi tam cerrahi eksizyondur. İnkomplet rezeksiyonlarda, anrezektabıl vakalarda ve rekürren olgularda radyoterapi ve kemoterapi faydalı olabilir. Agressif osteoblastom tanılı bu olgumuza inkomplet rezeksiyon sonrası kliniğimizde adjuvan 3-Boyutlu Konformal Radyoterapi uygulandı. Bu olgumuz, literatür ışığında tedavi yöntemi ve toksisite değerlendirmesi de yapılarak nadir bir olgu olarak sunuldu.
Osteoblastoma is frequently located in spine and long bones. It is a benign bone tumor rarely seen before age of 20 and consists of less than 1% of all bone tumors. This bone tumor is excessively vascular. The initial symptom is dorsalgia. Direct graphics and tomographic imaging are used for diagnosis. Definite diagnosis is made with presence of lytic imaging in spine processes and biopsy or complete surgical excision. Primary treatment is complete surgical excision. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy may be beneficial in incomplete resections, unresectable cases and recurrent cases. The subject who was diagnosed as aggressive osteoblastoma was applied adjuvant 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy in our clinic following incomplete resection. This subject is presented as a rare case in the light of literature and by making a toxicity assessment.
Osteoblastoma is frequently located in spine and long bones. It is a benign bone tumor rarely seen before age of 20 and consists of less than 1% of all bone tumors. This bone tumor is excessively vascular. The initial symptom is dorsalgia. Direct graphics and tomographic imaging are used for diagnosis. Definite diagnosis is made with presence of lytic imaging in spine processes and biopsy or complete surgical excision. Primary treatment is complete surgical excision. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy may be beneficial in incomplete resections, unresectable cases and recurrent cases. The subject who was diagnosed as aggressive osteoblastoma was applied adjuvant 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy in our clinic following incomplete resection. This subject is presented as a rare case in the light of literature and by making a toxicity assessment.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Osteoblastom, Radyoterapi, Lomber vertebra, Osteoblastoma, Radiotherapy, Lumbar vertebrae
Genel Tıp Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Koç, M., Yılmaz, T. (2012). Lomber 3 vertebra yerleşimli agressif osteoblastom. Genel Tıp Dergisi, 22, 3, 109-111.