Arteriyovenöz Fistül Anevrizmalarının Tedavisi ve Tan-Gör Cilt Flebi Tekniğinin Tanımlanması
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Amaç: Bu çalışmada, arteriyovenöz fistül (AVF) anevrizma tedavisine ilişkin deneyimlerimiz sunuldu ve dev AVF anevrizmalarının rezeksiyonlarında yeni bir teknik olan Tan-Gör tekniği tanıtıldı.Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Ocak 2011 - Aralık 2015 tarihleri arasında AVF anevrizması veya yüksek debili AVF nedeniyle ameliyat edilen toplam 48 hasta (26 kadın, 22 erkek; ort. yaş 51.5 yıl; dağılım 16-85 yıl) retrospektif olarak incelendi. Kırkı (%80) sol üst ekstremite, dokuzu (%18) sağ üst ekstremite ve biri (%2) sol alt ekstremite olmak üzere, toplamda 50 cerrahi işlem uygulandı.Bulgular: Tüm ameliyatların %64'ü (n32) sefalik venlere uygulandı. Bu hastaların 22'sine anevrizmektomi ve eksizyon, altısına plikasyon, dördüne banding ve ikisine banding ile birlikte plikasyon işlemi uygulandı. On dört ameliyat bazilik venlere uygulandı; altı hastaya yalnızca anevrizmektomi, dördüne anevrizmektomi ile birlikte greft interpozisyonu, ikisine plikasyon, birine banding ve birine de banding ile birlikte plikasyon uygulandı.Sonuç: Arteriyovenöz fistüllerin anerizmal dilatasyonlarında ilk seçenek AVF'nin korunması olmalıdır. Arteriyovenöz fistüllerin rekonstrüksiyonunun mümkün olmadığı ve anevrizmektominin zorunlu olduğu durumlarda, komplikasyonların azaltılması, ameliyat süresinin kısaltılması, yara iyileşmesi ve kozmetik sonuçların iyileştirilmesi için, bu yeni teknik, venin üzerindeki deri ile birlikte eksizyonuyla güvenli bir şekilde gerçekleştirilebilir
Objectives: In this study, we present our experience with arteriovenous fistula (AVF) aneurysm treatment and introduce a new technique, Tan-Gor technique, for the resection of giant AVF aneurysms.Patients and methods: Between January 2011 and December 2015, a total of 48 patients (26 females, 22 males; mean age 51.5 years; range, 16 to 85 years) who were operated for either AVF aneurysms or high-flux AVFs were retrospectively analyzed. Fifty surgical procedures were performed including 40 (80%) in the left upper extremity, nine (18%) in the right upper extremity, and one (2%) in the left lower extremity.Results: Of all operations, 64% (n32) were performed over the cephalic veins. Of these patients, 22 had aneurysmectomy and excision, six had plication, four had banding, and two had both banding and plication. Fourteen operations were performed on the basilic vein: six patients had aneurysmectomy alone, four had aneurysmectomy and graft interposition, two had plication, one had banding, and one had both banding and plication.Conclusion: Preservation of the AVFs should be the first choice in aneurysmal dilatation of AVFs. When reconstruction of the AVF is not possible and surgical aneurysmectomy is a must, this novel technique can be safely performed via excision of the vein with overlying skin to decrease complications, to reduce operational time, and to improve wound healing and cosmetic results
Objectives: In this study, we present our experience with arteriovenous fistula (AVF) aneurysm treatment and introduce a new technique, Tan-Gor technique, for the resection of giant AVF aneurysms.Patients and methods: Between January 2011 and December 2015, a total of 48 patients (26 females, 22 males; mean age 51.5 years; range, 16 to 85 years) who were operated for either AVF aneurysms or high-flux AVFs were retrospectively analyzed. Fifty surgical procedures were performed including 40 (80%) in the left upper extremity, nine (18%) in the right upper extremity, and one (2%) in the left lower extremity.Results: Of all operations, 64% (n32) were performed over the cephalic veins. Of these patients, 22 had aneurysmectomy and excision, six had plication, four had banding, and two had both banding and plication. Fourteen operations were performed on the basilic vein: six patients had aneurysmectomy alone, four had aneurysmectomy and graft interposition, two had plication, one had banding, and one had both banding and plication.Conclusion: Preservation of the AVFs should be the first choice in aneurysmal dilatation of AVFs. When reconstruction of the AVF is not possible and surgical aneurysmectomy is a must, this novel technique can be safely performed via excision of the vein with overlying skin to decrease complications, to reduce operational time, and to improve wound healing and cosmetic results
Anahtar Kelimeler
Cerrahi, Aneurysm, Arteriovenous Fistula, Chronic Renal Failure, Hemodialysis, Anevrizma, Arteriyovenöz Fistül, Kronik Böbrek Yetmezliği, Hemodiyaliz
Damar Cerrahi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Tanyeli, M., Görmüş, N. (2018). Arteriyovenöz Fistül Anevrizmalarının Tedavisi ve Tan-Gör Cilt Flebi Tekniğinin Tanımlanması. Damar Cerrahi Dergisi. 27, 1, 8-16.