Yahudilerin Osmanlı millet sistemi içindeki yeri ve hukukî konumları (aile hukuku özelinde bir değerlendirme)
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İstanbulun fethi ile birlikte Millet Sistemi esasına göre şekillenen Osmanlı toplumunda, bu toplumu oluşturan milletlerin, yani farklı din mensupları ve zümrelerinin din ve düşünce hürriyetleri garanti altına alınmış; buna ilaveten verilen kimi özerklikler doğrultusunda, özel hukuk alanına giren hukûkî işlemler ya da olaylar her milletin kendi hukukuna ve örfüne göre çözümlenmiştir. Rum ve Ermenilerin yanında Yahudiler de Osmanlı millet sistemi içinde önemli bir zümreyi teşkil etmekteydiler. İşte böyle çok milletli ve çok dinli bir toplumsal yapıya sahip olan Osmanlı Devleti, özel hukuk ilişkilerinde bireylerin din ve kültürlerine saygı göstermiştir. Bu saygının en açık görüldüğü alanlardan birisi de aile hukukudur. Kâdılar önlerine gelen davalarda tarafların telakkilerine değer vermişler ve bunlara göre hüküm tesis etmişlerdir. Osmanlı hukuk mevzuatının son örneği olan Hukuk-ı Aile Kararnamesi hazırlanırken de bu duyarlılık aynen sergilenmiş ve Mûsevîlere-Îsevîlere müteallık hükümler ayrıca dermeyân edilmiştir. Bu tebliğde, önce Yahudilerin Osmanlı toplum düzenindeki yerlerine ve hukukî durumlarına değinilecek; ardından 1917 tarihli Hukuk-ı Aile Kararnamesi özelinde Osmanlı Yahudilerine uygulanan aile hukuku kuralları, Yahudi geleneği ile mukayese edilerek bazı değerlendirmeler yapılacaktır.
After the conquest of Istanbul, the Ottoman society was formed on the basis of the “Millet System”, in which freedom of faith and thought was granted for the members of the communities which included various religions and parties of the society. In addition, in the line of given autonomy with regard to certain rights, judicial acts and cases that concerned private law were resolved according to the laws and customs of each community. Along with the Rūms and Armenians, Jews constituted an important branch of the Ottoman Millet System. Due to its multinational and multireligious social structure, the Ottoman Empire respected the religions and cultures of individuals in the sphere of private law. This can be seen clearly in the field of family law. The Qāḍīs, in the cases before them, took the religious identity of the par- ties into consideration and made their decisions in accordance with these provi- sions thereof. This sensitivity was exhibited in the preparation of the last example of Ottoman legislation, the Ḥuqūqi ʿĀʾila Qarār-nāmasi (Hukûk-ı Âile Kararnâme- si [The Decree of the Fam- ily Law]), and “the provisions regarding Jews and Christians” were established separately. This study will examine the place of Jews in the Ottoman social order and their judicial status. The study will be concluded with some evaluations comparing Jewish customs and the rules of family law that were applied to the Ottoman Jews within the framework of Ḥuqūqi ʿĀʾila Qarār-nāmasi, dated 1917.
After the conquest of Istanbul, the Ottoman society was formed on the basis of the “Millet System”, in which freedom of faith and thought was granted for the members of the communities which included various religions and parties of the society. In addition, in the line of given autonomy with regard to certain rights, judicial acts and cases that concerned private law were resolved according to the laws and customs of each community. Along with the Rūms and Armenians, Jews constituted an important branch of the Ottoman Millet System. Due to its multinational and multireligious social structure, the Ottoman Empire respected the religions and cultures of individuals in the sphere of private law. This can be seen clearly in the field of family law. The Qāḍīs, in the cases before them, took the religious identity of the par- ties into consideration and made their decisions in accordance with these provi- sions thereof. This sensitivity was exhibited in the preparation of the last example of Ottoman legislation, the Ḥuqūqi ʿĀʾila Qarār-nāmasi (Hukûk-ı Âile Kararnâme- si [The Decree of the Fam- ily Law]), and “the provisions regarding Jews and Christians” were established separately. This study will examine the place of Jews in the Ottoman social order and their judicial status. The study will be concluded with some evaluations comparing Jewish customs and the rules of family law that were applied to the Ottoman Jews within the framework of Ḥuqūqi ʿĀʾila Qarār-nāmasi, dated 1917.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Jews, Ottoman Legislation of 1917, Family law, Non-Muslims, Dhimmah, Dhimmī, Yahudi, Osmanlı, Hukuk-ı Aile Kararnamesi, Gayrı müslim, Zimmet, Aile hukuku
Diyanet İlmi Dergi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Yaman, A. (2015). Yahudilerin Osmanlı millet sistemi içindeki yeri ve hukukî konumları (aile hukuku özelinde bir değerlendirme). Diyanet İlmi Dergi, 51, 2, 11-35.