İbn Ebi’l-İsba’ıın Bedî’u’l-Kur’ân adlı eseri bağlamında Kur’an’ın Bedî’ ilmine etkisi
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Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi
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Kur’an-ı Kerîm, hitabet ve edebiyatta üstün oldukları iddiasını taşıyan Arap toplumu içerisinden seçilmiş bir peygambere indirilmiştir. Onun edebi inceliklerini en iyi şekilde anlama çabası, zamanla yazılı bir edebiyata dönüşerek Belâgat ilimlerini doğurmuştur. Kur’an, mesajını aktarırken, manevî ve lâfzî birçok sanatı en etkili şekilde kullanmış ve Bedî‘ ilmine büyük katkı sağlamıştır. Kur’an’ın, bir bakıma Arap dilinin süsleyicileri olan bedî‘ sanatlarını yoğun biçimde kullanması, Bedî‘u’l - Kur’ân adında birtakım eserlerin telifine yol açmıştır. Bu eserlerin en meşhuru, bu çalışmanın da konusu olan ve İbn Ebi’l-İṣba‘ (ö. 654/1256) tarafından yazılan Bedî‘u’l-Kur’ân'dır. Müellif, bu eserinde bir diğer kitabıTaḥrîru’t-taḥbîr’in Kur’an’la ilgili edebî sanatlar kısmını yeniden ele almıştır. Yüz dokuz edebî sanatı incelemiş ve bunlara Kur’an’dan örnekler vermiştir. Kur’an’dan örneklerini bulamadığı için zorlama bir yol izlememiş ve Taḥrîru’t-taḥbîr’de geçen yirmi iki sanata bu eserinde değinmemiştir. Eserin önemli özelliklerinden biri de Taḥrîru’t-taḥbîr’de bulunmayan altı sanata yer vermesidir. Ayrıca o, ibdâ‘ sanatını incelerken, sadece on yedi lafızdan oluşan bir âyette yirmi bir sanatın bulunduğunu açıklayarak, sonraki dönemlere önemli ölçüde tesir etmiştir. Bu çalışma, İbn Ebi’l-İṣba‘ ve onun Bedî‘u’l - Kur’ânadlı eserini ele almış; müellifin sadece burada sözünü ettiği altı sanatı ve yirmi bir sanatın bulunduğu âyeti özel olarak inceleyerek, Kur’an’ın bedî‘ ilminin gelişmesine yaptığı katkıyı ortaya koymayı hedeflemiştir.
The Qur'an was sent to a chosen prophet from Arab society who claimed to be superior in oratory and literature. His effort to understand his literary subtleties in the best way turned into written literature and revealedʽilm al-badīʽ (embellishment). While transmitting its message, the Qur'an used many semantic and literary arts in the most effective way and made a great contribution to ʽilm al-badīʽ, the science of embellishments. The Qur’an's intense use of the al-badi's arts, which are the decorators of the Arabic language, has led to the copyright of some works called Badīʽal-Qurʼān. The most famous of these works is the Badīʽal-Qurʼān, written by Ibn Abi'l-Isba (d. 654/1256), which is also the subject of this study.In this work, the author rehashed another part of his book Tahrīr al-Tahbīr’s literary arts related to the Qur'an. He studied one hundred nine literary arts and gave examples from the Qur'an. Since he could not find examples from the Qur'an, he did not follow a forced path and did not mention the twenty-two arts in Tahrīr al-Tahbīrin this work. One of the important features of the work is that it includes six arts that are not found in Tahrīr al-Tahbīr. In addition, while studying the art of the al-ibdāʽ (creation), he influenced the subsequent periods to a great extent by explaining that there were twenty-one arts in a verse consisting of only seventeen words. In this study, Ibn Abī al-Isbaʽ and his work Badīʽal-Qurʼānis discussed; it aims to reveal the contribution of the Qur'an to the development of the ʽilm al-badīʽ (embellishment) by examining the six arts that the author only mentions here and the verse of twenty-one art specifically.
The Qur'an was sent to a chosen prophet from Arab society who claimed to be superior in oratory and literature. His effort to understand his literary subtleties in the best way turned into written literature and revealedʽilm al-badīʽ (embellishment). While transmitting its message, the Qur'an used many semantic and literary arts in the most effective way and made a great contribution to ʽilm al-badīʽ, the science of embellishments. The Qur’an's intense use of the al-badi's arts, which are the decorators of the Arabic language, has led to the copyright of some works called Badīʽal-Qurʼān. The most famous of these works is the Badīʽal-Qurʼān, written by Ibn Abi'l-Isba (d. 654/1256), which is also the subject of this study.In this work, the author rehashed another part of his book Tahrīr al-Tahbīr’s literary arts related to the Qur'an. He studied one hundred nine literary arts and gave examples from the Qur'an. Since he could not find examples from the Qur'an, he did not follow a forced path and did not mention the twenty-two arts in Tahrīr al-Tahbīrin this work. One of the important features of the work is that it includes six arts that are not found in Tahrīr al-Tahbīr. In addition, while studying the art of the al-ibdāʽ (creation), he influenced the subsequent periods to a great extent by explaining that there were twenty-one arts in a verse consisting of only seventeen words. In this study, Ibn Abī al-Isbaʽ and his work Badīʽal-Qurʼānis discussed; it aims to reveal the contribution of the Qur'an to the development of the ʽilm al-badīʽ (embellishment) by examining the six arts that the author only mentions here and the verse of twenty-one art specifically.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kur’an, Bedî‘ İlmi, İbn Ebi’l-İṣba, Bedî‘u’l-Kur’ân, Şiir, Qur'an, Ibn Abī al-Isba, Badīʽal-Qurʼān, ilm al-badīʽ (the science of embellishments), Poet
Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Dereli, M.V. (2019). İbn Ebi’l-İsba’ıın Bedî’u’l-Kur’ân adlı eseri bağlamında Kur’an’ın Bedî’ ilmine etkisi. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 48, 48, 461-494.