Şizofreni ve Kronik Böbrek Yetersizliği Hastalarına Evde Bakım Veren Aile Üyeleri ve Bakım Rolü Olmayan Bireylerde Suçluluk ve Utanç Düzeylerinin Karşılaştırılması
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Bu çalışma, şizofreni ve kronik böbrek yetersizliği hastalarına evde bakım veren aile üyeleri ile bakım rolü olmayan bireylerde suçluluk ve utanç düzeylerinin karşılaştırılması amacı ile yapıldı.Gereç ve Yöntem: Şizofreni hastalarına evde bakım veren 32, kronik böbrek yetersizliği (KBY) hastalarına evde bakım veren 56 aile üyesi ve hastalarına evde bakım veren aile üyeleriyle yaş açısından homojen, şizofreni ve KBY hastalarına bakım veren aile üyeleriyle aynı çevrede yaşayan 60 bakım rolü olmayan birey kontrol grubu olarak toplam 148 birey çalışmaya alındı. Veri toplama aracı olarak sosyodemografik bilgi formu ve suçluluk-utanç ölçeği (SUTÖ) kullanıldı.Bulgular: Şizofreni hastalarına evde bakım veren aile üyelerindeki suçluluk ve utanç puanı 51.46.79, KBY hastalarına evde bakım veren aile üyelerinde 44.311.13 ve kontrol grubunda 34.90.10 bulundu. Kontrol grubuna göre şizofreni ve KBY hastalarına evde bakım veren aile üyelerinde suçluluk ve utanç puanı anlamlı idi. Bu çalışmada ele alınan sosyo-demografik değişkenler ile suçluluk ve utanç puanı arasında anlamlı ilişki saptanmadı. Şizofreni hastalarına evde bakım veren aile üyelerindeki suçluluk ve utanç düzeyinin sosyo-demografik değişkenlerden bağımsız olarak KBY hastalarına evde bakım veren aile üyelerinden yüksek olduğu bulundu.Sonuç: Şizofreni ve KBY hastalarına evde bakım veren aile üyelerinde suçluluk ve utanç puanı kontrol grubuna göre yüksek bulundu. Ayrıca şizofreni hastalarına evde bakım veren aile üyelerinde suçluluk ve utanç puanı diğerlerine göre daha yüksekti. Kronik hastalığı olan hastalarla çalışan hemşirelerin ve diğer sağlık personelinin, hasta ve ailelerinin yaşadığı sıkıntı ve güçlükleri anlayabilmesi, onlara nasıl yardımcı olabilecekleri konusunda eğitim, bakım, danışmanlık ve rehabilitasyon rollerini geliştirici hizmet içi eğitim programlarının düzenlenmesi, evde bakım programlarının geliştirilmesi ve toplumu bilinçlendirme çalışmaları önerilmektedir.
This work was done in order to compare the levels of feeling guilt and embarrassment in the family members nursing schizoprenia and chronic renal failure patients and in individuals having no nursing role.Methods: 32 family members nursing schizophrenia patients at home, 56 family members nursing real failure-chronic patients,inspection group of 60 healthy individuals who are at the same age and sex with family members, totally 148 individuals have been examined. As data records, demographic information form and guilt-embarrassment scale have been used.Results: Guilt and embarrassment scores of family members offering care to schizophrenia patients at home were 51.4±6.79, whereas the scores were 44.3±11.13 for family members offering care to KBY patients at home and 34.9±0.10 in the control group. The guilt and embarrassment scores of the family members offering care to schizophrenia and KBY patients at home were significant when they were compared with the control group. A significant relationship could not be found between the socio-demographic variables investigated in this study, and the guilt and embarrassment scores. It was found that the level of guilt and embarrassment in family members offering care to schizophrenia patients at home was, independently of demographic variables, higher than that of the family members offering care to KBY patients at home.Conclusion: Guilt and embarrassment scores of family members offering home care to schizophrenia and KBY patients were higher than those of the control group. Moreover, the guilt and embarrassment scores of the family members offering home care to schizophrenia patients were higher than those of the others. It is recommended that nurses and other health personnel working with patients having chronic diseases should be provided with in-service training programs in order to improve their roles as educators, caregivers, counselors and rehabilitation experts and be able to understand the problems and difficulties the patients and their families experience, home care programs should be organized and activities should be held to raise awareness among the public in this regard.
This work was done in order to compare the levels of feeling guilt and embarrassment in the family members nursing schizoprenia and chronic renal failure patients and in individuals having no nursing role.Methods: 32 family members nursing schizophrenia patients at home, 56 family members nursing real failure-chronic patients,inspection group of 60 healthy individuals who are at the same age and sex with family members, totally 148 individuals have been examined. As data records, demographic information form and guilt-embarrassment scale have been used.Results: Guilt and embarrassment scores of family members offering care to schizophrenia patients at home were 51.4±6.79, whereas the scores were 44.3±11.13 for family members offering care to KBY patients at home and 34.9±0.10 in the control group. The guilt and embarrassment scores of the family members offering care to schizophrenia and KBY patients at home were significant when they were compared with the control group. A significant relationship could not be found between the socio-demographic variables investigated in this study, and the guilt and embarrassment scores. It was found that the level of guilt and embarrassment in family members offering care to schizophrenia patients at home was, independently of demographic variables, higher than that of the family members offering care to KBY patients at home.Conclusion: Guilt and embarrassment scores of family members offering home care to schizophrenia and KBY patients were higher than those of the control group. Moreover, the guilt and embarrassment scores of the family members offering home care to schizophrenia patients were higher than those of the others. It is recommended that nurses and other health personnel working with patients having chronic diseases should be provided with in-service training programs in order to improve their roles as educators, caregivers, counselors and rehabilitation experts and be able to understand the problems and difficulties the patients and their families experience, home care programs should be organized and activities should be held to raise awareness among the public in this regard.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Evde bakım veren aile üyeleri, Kronik böbrek yetersizliği, Suçluluk-utanç, Şizofreni, Home care providers family members, Chronic renal failure, Guilt-embarrassment, Schizophrenia
Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Ceylan, B., Çilli, A. S. (2015). Şizofreni ve kronik böbrek yetersizliği hastalarına evde bakım veren aile üyeleri ve bakım rolü olmayan bireylerde suçluluk ve utanç düzeylerinin karşılaştırılması. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi, 6, 2, 85-90.