FDG-PET/BT ile tespit edilen küçük hücreli akciğer kanserinin kemik iliği metastazı
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Öksürük, hemoptizi, kilo kaybı, yaygın kemik ağrısı şikayetleri ile başvuran elli dokuz yaşında erkek hastanın kontrastlı toraks BT'sin- de sağ akciğerde kitle tespit edildi. Kitlenin biopsi sonucu küçük hücreli akciğer kanseri (KHAK) olarak rapor edildi. Yaygın kemik ağrısı şikayeti olan hastanın kemik sintigrafisi normal olarak değerlendirildi. Evreleme amacıyla yapılan FDG-PET/BT'de kemik ili- ğinde heterojen artmış FDG (florodeoksi glukoz) tutulumu saptandı. Kemik iliği biyopsisinin patolojik değerlendirme sonucu KHAK metastazı olarak raporlandı. Klinik olarak kemik metastazı şüphesi bulunan ve kemik sintigrafisi normal olan hastalarda kemik ve kemik iliği metastazlarını göstermek için FDG-PET/BT görüntüleme akılda tutulmalıdır
A mass in the right lung was detected with the contrast enhanced tomography of a fifty-nine year-old male patient presented with cough, hemoptysis, weight loss and common bone pain complaints. The result of the biopsy of the mass was reported as small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Bone scintigraphy of the patient with common bone pain was evaluated as normal. FDG-PET/CT performed for staging revealed heterogeneously increased FDG involvement in the bone marrow. The pathological evaluation result of the bone marrow biopsy was reported as SCLC metastasis. FDG-PET/CT imaging should be kept in mind to show bone and bone marrow metastases in the patients clinically suspected of having bone metastasis and with normal bone scintigraphy
A mass in the right lung was detected with the contrast enhanced tomography of a fifty-nine year-old male patient presented with cough, hemoptysis, weight loss and common bone pain complaints. The result of the biopsy of the mass was reported as small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Bone scintigraphy of the patient with common bone pain was evaluated as normal. FDG-PET/CT performed for staging revealed heterogeneously increased FDG involvement in the bone marrow. The pathological evaluation result of the bone marrow biopsy was reported as SCLC metastasis. FDG-PET/CT imaging should be kept in mind to show bone and bone marrow metastases in the patients clinically suspected of having bone metastasis and with normal bone scintigraphy
Anahtar Kelimeler
FDG, Kemik iliği, Metastaz, Bone marrow, Metastasis
Genel Tıp Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Kaya, B., Dostbil, Z., İsmailoğlu, M., Serdengeçti, M. (2015). FDG-PET/BT ile tespit edilen küçük hücreli akciğer kanserinin kemik iliği metastazı. Genel Tıp Dergisi, 25, 3, 98-100.