Pregnancy-Onset Panic Disorder: Incidence, Comorbidity and Associated Factors
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Amaç: Çalışmamızda öncelikle gebelik başlangıçlı panik bozukluğun insidans oranının saptanması amaçlanmış olup, ilave olarak bağımsız sosyo-demografik ve klinik risk faktörlerinin panik bozuklukla ilişkisinin olup olmadığı araştırılmıştır. Yöntem: Örneklem araştırma merkezi olan 2 obstetri polikliniğine ard arda gelen 1475 gebeden oluşmuş olup, bu 1475 gebeden gebelik baş- langıçlı panik bozukluk saptananlar (Grup 1, n20, %1,3) 1. grubu oluş- turmuştur. Kontrol grubu ise gebelik başlangıçlı depresyon ya da herhangi bir anksiyete bozukluğu olmayan 250 gebeden (Grup 2) oluşturulmuştur. Eksen I ve II tanıları yapılandırılmış klinik görüşme ölçekleri (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV SCID ve Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R Personality Disorders SCID II) kullanılarak saptanmıştır. Bulgular: Panik bozukluk için insidans %1,3 (n20) saptanmış olup, bu 20 kişiden 11'nin ilave anksiyete ya da duygudurum bozukluğuna sahip olduğu görülmektedir. Herhangi bir c kümesi kişilik bozukluğuna sahip olma oranı grup 1'de kontrollere göre anlamlı ölçüde yüksek saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Gebelik başlangıçlı panik bozukluğa sahip gebelerin kontrollere göre anlamlı derecede yüksek eksen II kişilik bozukluklarına ve gebelik öncesi anksiyete ve duygudurum bozukluklarına sahip olduğu anlaşılmıştır
Introduction: The present study aimed to investigate the incidence rate of pregnancy-onset panic disorder (POPD) among Turkish pregnant women using a diagnostic interview. Additionally, we examined whether the independent socio-demographic or clinical risk factors were associated with the risk of panic disorder in these women.Methods: The study sample comprised 1475 consecutive pregnant women who presented to the obstetric outpatient clinics of two research centers. The rate of POPD in these participants was 1.3% (Group 1, n20). The 20 women with POPD were compared with 250 pregnant women without pregnancy-onset depression or anxiety (Group 2; controls). Panic disorder and other anxiety or mood disorders were determined by means of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV. Comorbid Axis II disorders were diagnosed with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R Personality Disorders. Results: The incidence rate of panic disorder was 1.3% (n20). In group 1, 55% (n11) of the women with POPD had an additional mood or anxiety disorder. In addition, the prevalence rate of any cluster C personality disorder, including avoidant, passive-aggressive and obsessivecompulsive personality disorders, were significantly greater in the group 1 women with POPD than the control pregnant women without a panic disorder (group 2). Conclusion: The women with POPD were more likely than the controls to have a cluster C Axis II disorder and a history of a pre-existing anxiety or mood disorder.
Introduction: The present study aimed to investigate the incidence rate of pregnancy-onset panic disorder (POPD) among Turkish pregnant women using a diagnostic interview. Additionally, we examined whether the independent socio-demographic or clinical risk factors were associated with the risk of panic disorder in these women.Methods: The study sample comprised 1475 consecutive pregnant women who presented to the obstetric outpatient clinics of two research centers. The rate of POPD in these participants was 1.3% (Group 1, n20). The 20 women with POPD were compared with 250 pregnant women without pregnancy-onset depression or anxiety (Group 2; controls). Panic disorder and other anxiety or mood disorders were determined by means of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV. Comorbid Axis II disorders were diagnosed with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R Personality Disorders. Results: The incidence rate of panic disorder was 1.3% (n20). In group 1, 55% (n11) of the women with POPD had an additional mood or anxiety disorder. In addition, the prevalence rate of any cluster C personality disorder, including avoidant, passive-aggressive and obsessivecompulsive personality disorders, were significantly greater in the group 1 women with POPD than the control pregnant women without a panic disorder (group 2). Conclusion: The women with POPD were more likely than the controls to have a cluster C Axis II disorder and a history of a pre-existing anxiety or mood disorder.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Nörolojik Bilimler, Psikiyatri, Pregnancy, Panic, Comorbidity, Personality, Gebelik, Panik, Komorbidite, Kişilik
Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Güler, O., Kaya, V., Gezginç, K., Kayhan, F., Çiçek, E., Sönmez, E. O., Uğuz, F. (2015). Pregnancy-Onset Panic Disorder: Incidence, Comorbidity and Associated Factors. Noro Psikiyatri Arsivi, 52, 3, 216-220.