Psychiatric symptoms in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
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Amaç: Yayınların çoğunda polikistik over sendromuna (PKOS) psikiyatrik hastalıkların eşlik ettiği, özellikle depresyon ve kaygı bozukluklarının daha yüksek düzeyde görüldüğü bildirilmiştir. PKOS’da artan testosteron miktarı sebebiyle kıllanmada artış, adet düzensizlikleri, sivilcelenme, kısırlık, obezite gibi semptomlar görülmektedir. Bu şikayetler, çoğunlukla olumsuz duygulanıma sebep olurlar. Bunlarla birlikte, psikiyatrik belirtilerin görülme riski artar. Biz, çalışmamızda PKOS tanısı alan hastalarda, diğer kadınlara oranla psikiyatrik belirtilerin görülme düzeyini ve bunun cinsiyet yönelimiyle ilişkisini araştırdık. Yöntem: Çalışmaya, Meram Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Kadın Doğum Hastalıkları Polikliniği’ne gelen 42 PKOS tanısı almış hasta ve kıyaslama yapabilmek için, 42 sağlıklı veya adet düzensizliği, sivilcelenme veya kıllanma artışı olmayan gönüllü kadın alındı. Kontrol grubu ve çalışma grubunun sosyodemografik özellikleri birbirine benzemekteydi. Her iki gruba da araştırmacıların hazırladığı sosyodemografik form, Kısa Semptom Envanteri ve Bem Cinsiyet Rolü Envanteri uygulandı. Bulgular: PKOS tanılı hastalarda, kontrol grubuna kıyasla depresyon, kaygı bozukluğu, somatizasyon, kişilerarası ilişkilerde duyarlılık artışı, obsesif kompulsif bozukluk, fobik anksiyete, paranoid düşünce düzeyi daha yüksek bulunurken, hostilite ve psikotik bulguların düzeyleri arasında fark bulunamamıştır. Psikiyatrik belirtilerin görülmesinde cinsiyet yöneliminin etkisi olmadığı görülmüştür. Sonuç: PKOS tanılı hasta grubunda, literatür bilgilerini destekler biçimde, kontrol grubuna göre daha fazla düzeyde psikiyatrik belirtiler görülmektedir. Kadın hastalıkları ve doğum polikliniklerinde bu hastaların daha dikkatli incelenerek psikiyatri polikliniklerine yönlendirilmeleri hastaların yaşam kalitelerini olumlu yönde etkileyecektir.
Psychiatric symptoms in women with polycystic ovary syndrome Objective: Most of the articles in the literature state that polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is mostly accompanied by psychiatric diseases, and especially, depression and anxiety disorder are seen more frequently in cases of PCOS. With the increase in the level of testosterone in PCOS, many symptoms, such as hirsutism, menstrual irregularity, acne formation, infertility, and obesity appear. These complaints mostly cause negative affect, and the risk for psychiatric symptoms increases. In this study, we compared the level of psychiatric symptoms in women diagnosed with PCOS and healthy women, and investigated its relationship with gender orientation. Methods: The study included 42 PCOS patients from Meram Medical School, and a group of 42 healthy women, without menstrual irregularity, acne formation and hirsutism who volunteered to participate in the study. Both groups were similar according to sociodemographic features. Both groups were administered a sociodemographic form prepared by the researchers as well as the Short Symptom Inventory and Bem Sex Role Inventory. Results: Depression, anxiety disorder, somatization, increased susceptibility in interpersonal relations, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobic anxiety, paranoid thoughts were more frequent in the PCOS group. On the other hand, the level of hostility and psychotic symptoms were similar in both groups. Conclusion: Psychiatric symptoms were more frequent in the PCOS group, which is consistent with the literature. It is expected that the life quality of PCOS patients will change positively if they are investigated more carefully in the obstetrics and gynecology outpatient clinics and directed to psychiatry outpatient clinics.
Psychiatric symptoms in women with polycystic ovary syndrome Objective: Most of the articles in the literature state that polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is mostly accompanied by psychiatric diseases, and especially, depression and anxiety disorder are seen more frequently in cases of PCOS. With the increase in the level of testosterone in PCOS, many symptoms, such as hirsutism, menstrual irregularity, acne formation, infertility, and obesity appear. These complaints mostly cause negative affect, and the risk for psychiatric symptoms increases. In this study, we compared the level of psychiatric symptoms in women diagnosed with PCOS and healthy women, and investigated its relationship with gender orientation. Methods: The study included 42 PCOS patients from Meram Medical School, and a group of 42 healthy women, without menstrual irregularity, acne formation and hirsutism who volunteered to participate in the study. Both groups were similar according to sociodemographic features. Both groups were administered a sociodemographic form prepared by the researchers as well as the Short Symptom Inventory and Bem Sex Role Inventory. Results: Depression, anxiety disorder, somatization, increased susceptibility in interpersonal relations, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobic anxiety, paranoid thoughts were more frequent in the PCOS group. On the other hand, the level of hostility and psychotic symptoms were similar in both groups. Conclusion: Psychiatric symptoms were more frequent in the PCOS group, which is consistent with the literature. It is expected that the life quality of PCOS patients will change positively if they are investigated more carefully in the obstetrics and gynecology outpatient clinics and directed to psychiatry outpatient clinics.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Polikistik Over Sendromu, Androjen, Psikiyatrik Belirtiler, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Androgen, Psychiatric Symptoms
Düşünen Adam - Psikiyatri ve Nörolojik Bilimler Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Harmanci, H., Herguner, S., Toy, H. (2013). Psychiatric symptoms in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Dusunen Adam, 26, 2, 157-163.