Evaluation of the effectiveness of biodegradable electrospun caprolactoneand poly(lactic acid-?-caprolactone) nerve conduits for peripheral nerveregenerations in a rat sciatic nerve defect model


Background/aim: The aim of this study was to compare electrospun caprolactone (EC) and poly(lactic acid-?-caprolactone) (PLCL) nerve conduits with nerve graft in a rat sciatic nerve defect model. Materials and methods: A total of 32 male Wistar albino rats were divided into 4 groups, with 8 rats in each group. A nerve defect of 1 cm was constructed in the left sciatic nerve of the rats. These defects were left denuded in the sham group, and reconstructed with nerve grafts, PLCL, and EC nerve conduits in the other groups. After 3 months, nerve regenerations were evaluated macroscopically, microscopically, and electrophysiologically. The numbers of myelinated axons in the cross-sections of the nerves were compared between the groups. Results: Macroscopically, all nerve coaptations were intact and biodegradation was detected in nerve conduits. Electromyographic assessment and count of myelinated axons in the cross-sections of the nerves displayed the best regeneration in the nerve graft group (P0.001) and similar results were obtained in the PLCL and EC nerve conduit groups (P0.79). Light and electron microscopy studies demonstrated nerve regeneration in both nerve conduit groups. Conclusion: EC nerve conduits and PLCL nerve conduits yielded similar results and may be alternatives to nerve grafts as they biodegrade.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Nerve regeneration, Nerve graft, Electrospun caprolactone nerve conduits, Poly(DL-lactide-?-caprolactone) nerve conduits


Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences

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Dadacı, M., İnce, B., Karagülle, N., Sönmez, E., Dadacı, Z., İşci, E. T., Vargel, İ., Pişkin, E., Erk, A. Y. (2016). Evaluation of the effectiveness of biodegradable electrospun caprolactoneand poly(lactic acid-?-caprolactone) nerve conduits for peripheral nerveregenerations in a rat sciatic nerve defect model. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 46, 2, 539-548.