Sahâbenin fıkhî mezheplere kaynaklığı
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Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
İslâm’ın iki aslî kaynağının içerdiği hukukî normların anlam çerçevesi ve somut uygulama biçimi, sahabe neslinin anlayış ve uygulaması ile sonrakilere aktarıldığı için fıkıh
ilmi açısından bu nesil merkezî bir konuma ve değere sahiptir. Sahâbe nesli sayesindedir ki, temel anlam ve ahkâm çerçevesi itibariyle özgün ve standart bir İslâm anlayışına
sahip olunmuştur. Dolayısıyla amelî mezhepleri kendilerine nisbet ettiğimiz müctehid
imamlar, ilkten bir keşfin sahibi değillerdir. En başta bilinen dört sünnî mezhep olmak
üzere bütün fıkıh mezhepleri bir geleneğin ürünü ve temsilcileridirler. Bu geleneği de,
sahâbeden tevârüs edilen bilgi, görgü ve uygulama belirlemiştir.
Due to the fact that the framework for the meaning of legal norms contained in the two fundamental sources of Islam and the form were applied concretely were transferred to others by the understanding and application of the Ashab generation, from the perspective of the science of Fiqh, the generation of Ashab has a central place and importance. Because of the Ashab generation, a unique and standard Islamic understanding with its basic meaning and provisional outlines has come to life. Thus, the mujtahid Imams to whom we ascribe the practical madhahib do not have totally new discoveries. Starting with the well-known four Orthodox madhahib, all Fiqh madhahib are products and representatives of a tradition. This tradition was established by the knowledge, etiquette and practice inherited from Ashab.
إن الأحكام الشرعية العملية الموجودة في المصدرين الأصليين للإسلام قد انتقلت إلينا بمنطوقها ومفهومها ومغزاهامن قبل الصحابةالكرامالبررة. ولهذا فقد أحرزالصحابة الموقع المركزي لعلم الفقه. وبجهود هذا القرن امتلك المسلمون دينهم الإسلامبمفهومه الأصلي وبنطاقه الأكمل ومن هذا المنطلق لميكن الأئمة المجتهدون الذين نسبت إليهم المذاهب الفقهية أصحاب كشف جديد في هذا ُ المجال. وعليه فإن المذاهب الفقهية كلها وبمقدمتها "الأربعة المشهورة" تعتبر الممثلة للتقاليد الرصينة والوارثة للتركة الوافرة. وكما نر فقد تكونت هذه المذاهب مما تركهالصحابة – رضياالله عنهم – من علم وفهم وعمل ونظر
Due to the fact that the framework for the meaning of legal norms contained in the two fundamental sources of Islam and the form were applied concretely were transferred to others by the understanding and application of the Ashab generation, from the perspective of the science of Fiqh, the generation of Ashab has a central place and importance. Because of the Ashab generation, a unique and standard Islamic understanding with its basic meaning and provisional outlines has come to life. Thus, the mujtahid Imams to whom we ascribe the practical madhahib do not have totally new discoveries. Starting with the well-known four Orthodox madhahib, all Fiqh madhahib are products and representatives of a tradition. This tradition was established by the knowledge, etiquette and practice inherited from Ashab.
إن الأحكام الشرعية العملية الموجودة في المصدرين الأصليين للإسلام قد انتقلت إلينا بمنطوقها ومفهومها ومغزاهامن قبل الصحابةالكرامالبررة. ولهذا فقد أحرزالصحابة الموقع المركزي لعلم الفقه. وبجهود هذا القرن امتلك المسلمون دينهم الإسلامبمفهومه الأصلي وبنطاقه الأكمل ومن هذا المنطلق لميكن الأئمة المجتهدون الذين نسبت إليهم المذاهب الفقهية أصحاب كشف جديد في هذا ُ المجال. وعليه فإن المذاهب الفقهية كلها وبمقدمتها "الأربعة المشهورة" تعتبر الممثلة للتقاليد الرصينة والوارثة للتركة الوافرة. وكما نر فقد تكونت هذه المذاهب مما تركهالصحابة – رضياالله عنهم – من علم وفهم وعمل ونظر
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sahâbe, Ashâb, Sahâbî kavli, Fıkıh, İctihad, Mezhep, Ashab, Companion, View of a companion, Fiqh, Ijtihad, Madhhab
Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Yaman, A. (2014). Sahâbenin fıkhî mezheplere kaynaklığı. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 38, 38, 11-44.